Safety measures needed at Fletcher and 50th
If you were driving on 50th Street on the afternoon of Feb. 7 or trying to exit campus via Holly Drive, you probably sat in...
Fellow smokers: Be respectful of nonsmokers’ rights
Cigarettes: a lethal hobby born from the bastardized version of the plant Europeans pilfered from the American Indians. An endemic across college campuses everywhere, lighting...
ELI scandal tarnishes USF’s national image
Just when things were looking great for USF, it had to happen. The football team had moved closer to success. Well-respected humanitarians were visiting campus...
Don’t blow your leftover financial aid on an iPod
It’s my favorite time of the semester. About this time, USF distributes tuition reimbursements. Whether you have Bright Futures Scholarships, student loans or a branch...
Sharon stroke could inflame Middle East politics
The holiday break is a time for busy students to relax and detach from the chaotic world they face daily, but something very important in...