The Oracle’s journalists are committed to truthfully reporting on USF and issues impacting our university community. Any student attending USF can write for our newspaper and we have many contributors and interns. Here’s how to get involved. Learn more about our team below.
Camila Gomez
Editor in Chief
Camila Gomez is the editor in chief of The Oracle. She's a political science and mass communications double major. She started at The Oracle in fall 2022 as a correspondent and worked her way up to managing editor. She grew up in Nicaragua and has a strong desire to build community through her reporting. Reach her at oracleeditor@gmail.com.
Lily Belcher
Managing Editor
Lily Belcher is the managing editor for The Oracle. She's a mass communications and professional and technical communications double major. She started at The Oracle in summer 2023 as a correspondent and worked her way up to news editor. She has been freelancing for local newspapers for four years and hopes to write for a major newspaper following her graduation. Reach her at belcher20@usf.edu.
Clara Rokita Garcia
News Editor
Clara Rokita Garcia is the news editor for The Oracle. She's an integrated public relations and advertising student double majoring in English with literary studies concentration. She grew up in Brazil and moved to the U.S in fall 2022. She started at The Oracle in fall 2023 as a news correspondent intern. She is highly motivated to write creative and helpful stories for USF students. Reach her at clararokitagarcia@usf.edu.
Joana Riva
Staff Writer
Joana Riva is the news staff writer for The Oracle. She’s a Mass Communications major with a Broadcast Program and Production concentration. She’s passionate about storytelling in all forms, from journalism to literature and film. She was born and raised in Brazil and moved to the U.S. in fall 2023. She joined The Oracle the same semester as a news correspondent, and became an intern and staff writer in fall 2024. Reach her at joanacastanheira@usf.edu
Jeislian Quiles-Sierra
Multimedia Editor
Jeislian Quiles is the multimedia editor of The Oracle. She is a senior Integrated Public Relations and Advertising major. Jeislian started in Spring 2023 as a correspondent creating graphics and taking pictures. She worked her way up in the multimedia section to now managing it in summer and fall of 2024. Jeislian loves the beauty of storytelling through art and photography and uses her skills here at The Oracle.
Camille Grall
Multimedia Manager
Camille Grall is the multimedia manager of The Oracle. She is an integrated public relations and advertising major. She started at the oracle in fall 2023 as a correspondent. Camille has lived in Tampa her whole life and has always had a passion for sharing her life with others through social media. Reach her at camillegrall@usf.edu.
Noah Vinsky
Sports Editor
Noah Vinsky is the sports editor for The Oracle. He’s a mass communications and psychology dual-major and started writing for The Oracle in the fall of 2022. His focus is on football, men’s basketball and the on-campus stadium development. Reach him at noahjosephvinsky@usf.edu
Joshua Hightower
Staff Writer
Joshua Hightower is a staff writer for The Oracle. He majors in mass communications with a concentration in broadcast news. He started as a correspondent for Oracle in spring of 2024. The Miami native has a strong passion for reporting and aspires to be an investigative journalist in the future. Reach him at hightowerj@usf.edu.
Liv Baker
Opinion Editor
Liv Baker is the editor for the opinion section at The Oracle. She is a senior majoring in English Literature. She has lived in Tampa her whole life and started at The Oracle in the spring of 2024. Liv enjoys writing about issues dealing with progressivism and social justice, as well as the occasional lifestyle piece.
Cailyn Connor
Advertising Sales & Design
Cailyn Connor works in graphic design and advertising sales at The Oracle. She's an Integrated Public Relations and Advertising Major. She has a passion for art, music, and graphic design. She grew up in Bradenton, Florida, and started at the Oracle in the fall of 2024. Reach her at cailynconnor@usf.edu.
Skylar Welchman
Advertising Sales & Design
Skylar Welchman is the graphic designer and executive of ad sales for The Oracle. She's an Integrated Public Relations and Advertising major but has high hopes of not using her degree and instead becoming a world-renowned DJ. Skylar is passionate about graphic design and has worked at The Oracle since fall 2023. Reach her at skylarw@usf.edu