Oracle staff during the newspaper’s spring 2024 senior sendoff celebration. ORACLE PHOTO/JUSTIN SEECHARAN

The Oracle is a student reported, student edited newsroom and needs support from readers like you. Click here to hear from student reporters and editors about how your support will help us pay for needed equipment and technology to publish the newspaper. 

Your tax-deductible donation, through the USF Foundation, supports the future of our learning laboratory and quality journalism at our university. 

How to donate to The Oracle

Contribute any amount by visiting our donation page on the USF Foundation website. 

Support student journalism

If you can’t donate, please help us spread the word. Talk about our impact and campaign anyone who will listen. 

How your donation helps

Your support helps us fund operating expenses as an all-digital newsroom, equipment and technology. Funds will also be used to send Oracle student staff members to journalism conferences and workshops.

The Oracle's donation page banner