To read more about USF's 60th Homecoming Week and
comedian Trevor Wallace's upcoming performance at the Round Up Comedy Show, click here


Have you seen something at the University of South Florida that you think should be a story? Contact a reporter directly on our staff list or reach Oracle Editor in Chief Camila Gomez at

How to write or take photos for us

Interested in contributing to The Oracle? You don’t have to have experience to write or shoot photos for us, but you have to be a student. We accept pitches across all sections and see ourselves as a learning laboratory for those who want hands-on experience. 

Applications for correspondents and internships begin before the start of each semester. The newspaper also offers paid positions. 

Contact or visit us in the Student Services building for more information. 

Corrections and general inquiries 

The Oracle will correct or clarify factual errors. Contact the newspaper’s editor in chief at

The newspaper’s managing editor can be reached at Contact newsroom adviser Timothy Fanning at

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