Opinion: USF’s ins and outs for 2025

Since December, I have been seeing lists of ins and outs for the upcoming year.
These lists can be about trends, personal resolutions or simply hot takes on popular culture.
Personally, my ins are becoming a better writer and slowing down. Addiction, particularly to technology, and being judgemental of others are my outs.
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Here is what fellow Bulls had to say:
Jasmine Burkeen
Junior English major

“My in is finishing a crocheted blanket I have been working on. I am at 58 squares after four months and need triple that. Another in: Dr. Pepper,” Burkeen said.
“Out is my awful sleep schedule. It’s atrocious.”
Leon Tomlinson
Junior digital communication and multimedia journalism major

“It is in to eat healthier and an out is added sugar.”
Amen to that.
Grace Smith
Mass communications graduate student and assistant

“In is women’s basketball games,” Smith said. “Another in is walking around campus and just enjoying how beautiful it is, because it really is beautiful.”
“My out might be controversial, but generative AI. I learned over the break that it is harmful to the environment. Also, when you ask it to design something, it takes artistic abilities and talents from other people without giving them credit.”
Douglas Jesseph
Professor in the Department of Philosophy

“USF’s in should be that they ought to keep the power on” Jesseph said. “An in I must personally finish is this gigantic project I am working on. I am editing three volumes on Thomas Hobbes for the Oxford University Press.”
‘My number one out is worrying about politics, because it is driving me to distraction. Yeah, I am losing sleep. I should just accept the Spinozistic picture of the world; that it has to be what it is.”
Related: USF, make a social media detox your 2025 resolution
“Tampa is also out; my wife and I are moving this summer. I am done with Tampa. The last two hurricanes really did it for me. I was not a big fan before that.”
Savannah June Alvarez
Senior political science major

“My ins would probably be reading daily, moving my body, meal prepping, trying new things out and socializing.”
“I would say my out is listening to limiting beliefs. It is easy to just get trapped in your head that you cannot do things, whether that is in school or socially. So just not listening to what your head says, realizing who you are and that you are capable of doing things.”
Jackson Craig
Junior finance and accounting major

“Being yourself is definitely in. I mean, it has always been in, but people do not really harp on that and they need to. Being yourself is really important,” Craig said. “Also, geocaching is in this year. Nobody really talks about it, and I think we need to change that.”
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“I have been garnering this opinion since last December: I think performative music listening is out. Spotify Wrapped is completely out. Air buds… we are on the fence about that one.”
Elena Macari
Junior psychology major

“Snapchat is out. It is done, it has been done. I do not know why people still have it. My other out is Vans. I cannot stand those things.”
“Irony is also out. We are in an irony epidemic. We need people to be more sincere. No one knows how to be genuine anymore.”
“Bring reading back because nobody can spell. Intellectualism needs to be in.” Macari said. “We also need to bring movie theaters and arcades back, because I think they are really awesome.”