New material to replace groundwork outside MSC

While the design and material are still undetermined, construction is set to begin over spring break. ORACLE PHOTO/ALEXANDRA URBAN

The groundwork on the east side of the Marshall Student Center is receiving an update as it appeared to be outdated and worn, according to Associate Director of Communications Aaron Nichols.

The former area, featuring the word “USF” in green with a gold background as well as the word “Bulls” in gold with a green background, has now been removed as it awaits a future update.

“The material that was used in that space had deteriorated significantly and needed to be removed before it became a safety hazard,” Nichols said in an email sent to The Oracle.

Nichols said USF Facilities Management is currently working on construction plans and permits to replace it with a different material. One idea in the works is a concrete walkway featuring the USF logo and colors, but Nichols said a final decision has not been made yet as to what material will be utilized.

Construction is currently planned to take place over spring break, which begins March 14, Nichols said.

While the previous material has been removed and replaced by sod, it’s only temporary with the purpose of erosion control to keep the soil from washing away, according to Nichols.