On-campus fall classes to end after Thanksgiving break, remote delivery for rest of semester, final exams

With the plan to resume face-to-face classes in the fall semester, USF made changes to the academic calendar to deliver classes and final exams remotely after Thanksgiving break as a way to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
In a systemwide email Wednesday, USF President Steven Currall announced that after Nov. 25, all classes and exams will be delivered remotely. While the original first day of classes remains the same on Aug. 24, the new last day of classes on campus was adjusted from Dec. 4 to Nov. 25.
“These modifications are intended to avoid potentially thousands of students, faculty and staff from returning to our campuses after traveling for the holiday,” Currall said in the email.
Once classes resume after the Thanksgiving break, students will have to log in from their computers to finish the semester.
While classes will not be held on Labor Day or Veterans Day, Currall encouraged students, faculty and staff to avoid traveling during these holidays to avoid contracting, and potentially spreading, COVID-19.
Although classes won’t be held face-to-face after Thanksgiving, residence and dining halls will still remain open for students who need access until the end of the semester Dec. 10.
With the planned resumption of face-to-face classes in the fall, the university will take precautions as a way to ensure the health and safety of the community, including required use of face coverings, limits on gatherings, enhanced cleaning in facilities and the availability of testing and contact-tracing resources.
In regards to fall commencement ceremonies, Currall said they are still under consideration and the university is waiting on guidance from federal, state and local governments to resume large-scale events.
Stay with The Oracle for updates on the resumption of face-to-face classes in the fall semester.