On-campus stadium meets stage two of feasibility study: Surveying students and fans

Rendering of a potential stadium released by USF on Aug. 8. SPECIAL TO THE ORACLE/USF FEASABILITY STUDY
On Aug. 8, USF presented its early findings in a feasibility study exploring the possibility of building an on-campus football stadium, citing potential stadium designs, locations, funding options and costs.
USF announced Monday that it will enter its next phase of the study, with a broad survey of students, alumni, faculty and staff, Bulls Club members and football ticket buyers beginning this week. The school also said the feasibility study will be complete by the end of summer.
"As we have said from the beginning of this process, the interests of our university community, USF students, alumni and supporters will be an integral part of our decision-making process as we continue to study the potential for an on-campus football stadium," USF Director of Athletics Mark Harlan said. "The next step in our study is to reach out to those constituents and ask for their input and opinions."
USF will send out emails to potential survey-takers later this week. It also said the survey will take no longer than a few minutes to complete.
Specific survey questions have not yet been released. One potential question for USF students, however, would ask if they were willing to pay a semesterly fee to help fund construction of a stadium.
On March 28, Student Body President Moneer Kheireddine said a potential fee could range between $30 and $80 a semester per student.
“Those (fee prices) numbers are still completely hypothetical,” Khereddine said on March 28.
The study estimated the cost of a stadium would be $200 million. That number, like the proposed student fees, is still hypothetical.
In the Aug. 8 presentation of the early feasibility findings, two primary options were identified: the western portion of campus, slightly north of Fowler Avenue and east of Bruce B. Downs, and a second location farther east on campus, near the corner of Fowler Avenue and USF Bull Run Drive on the existing Fowler Fields site.