Panel to discuss building green at USF
Greener buildings can improve student health, preserve the environment and keep budgets in the black, according to members of a new campus club pushing for more eco-friendly architecture on campus.
The Emerging Green Builders (EGB) will hold their first event, “A Conversation on Green Building,” on Thursday at
3:30 p.m. in the Bio-Sciences building. Students who share their perspective or want to know more are invited to attend.
Event organizers said they hope the panel discussion will turn talk of a greener campus into a tangible plan for action while educating students on the benefits and importance of sustainable construction.
“I think for a lot of people, being green is trendy,” Chris Cox, EGB co-chair, said. “But we want to take the idea and apply it in order to find out what being green at USF means. It’s important for students to learn to be good stewards to the land.”
The lineup includes Joshua Bomstein, vice president of Gulf Coast Chapter of U.S. Green Builders Council; John Dingfelder, City of Tampa Councilman and member of Green Building Task Force; Delcie Durham, USF Graduate Dean; Jennifer Isenbeck, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional and mechanical engineer for USF; and Charles Kibert, director of Powell Center for Construction and Environment at the University of Florida.
Shannon Bassett, assistant professor of architecture and urban design, will moderate the panel discussion, comprised of six speakers from USF and the Tampa Bay community.
“Everyone wants green construction,” Bassett said. “It’s a start. We need to find a direction.”
Jaclyn DeVore can be reached at (813) 974-2699 or