Close scrutiny awaits Alito in coming months
With Supreme Court nominations, it’s out with the old and in with the new. President Bush announced his new nomination on Monday, replacing Harriet Miers...
No singular culprit in global warming trend
This year, for the first time in our history, we have to identify hurricanes using Greek letters. The Western Hemisphere has felt the wrath of...
Willingham on the short end of the South Bend stick
The famous sign lies over the exit of the locker room at Notre Dame: Play like a champion today. Players continue the tradition every week...
ROTC cadets react to death toll
Like most, Mike Pettingill heard the news of America losing its 2,000th soldier in the Iraq war and felt some pain. But the USF Army...
Pick a major or six
College is a time of self-discovery, and with discovery comes change. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why many students end up changing their...