Classifieds 4/14
$450 Group Fundraiser Scheduling Bonus 4 hours of your group’s time PLUS our free (yes, free) fundraising solutions EQUALS $1,000-$2,000 in earnings for your group. Call TODAY for a $450 bonus when you schedule your non-sales fundraiser with CampusFundraiser. Contact CampusFundraiser, (888)923-3238 or visit: www.campusfundraiser.comHANDBALL – Learn/PlayAll levels. Saturdays 9-11am. USF Rec Center. Info: 813-974-8281
Help reform Social Security! Meet Senator Mel Martinez. or call 689-5659.
Win a Rock Climbing Party for your organization. Profitable & exciting fundraisers by EverClimb USA. 813-254-6226
Women’s Ministry Event Friday April 15 6:30pm Free Food Fellowship Worship BCM Building www.usfbcm.comService Offered
Eye Exams, Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, USF Discounts Walk-ins WelcomeFor Eyes Optical2201-E.Fowler Avenue813-972-1573Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.ATTENTION DANCERS Now Hiring Experienced Hip Hop & Ballet Dance Instructors. Send resume to:
Brandon Children’s Shop seeks energetic experienced sales person for afternoons & weekends. 654-8813
CAN YOU SAFELY PULL A BOAT TRAILER WITH YOUR OWN TRUCK? Our Rock Climbing company needs you! Resume to: 813-254-6226
Certified Scuba Divers wanted, no retail experience necessary. Part-time positions available. Call Divers Supply 813-969-3480.
Crowne Plaza Tampa East is now hiring for the following positions: Excellent benefits. Join our Team! Apply East Tampa or fax 813-246-7126.
* Restaurant Server
* Desk Clerk/Bellman
* Houseman
* Busser
* Housekeeping
* Banquet Servers
* Host
* Kitchen Help
Flexible hours! Employee meals and hotel discounts!! 10221 Princess Palm Avenue
DATABASE/RESEARCH ASSISTANT position for N. Tampa medical research center. F/T with benefits – experience with Access/databases preferred. Email resume: EOE/DFWP.
Direct Care PT $8.00. Flexible hours. Work w/DD adults. Good driving record. Call 872-6250. EOE/DFWP
Dish Network office now hiring for outside FT/PT sales positions. Excellent pay, minutes from campus. Flexible hours, no exp needed. Call Adam @615-2675.
Dish Network. Earn money passing out flyers. Sales reps also wanted. 813-986-1129
DRIVERS NEEDED PT Earn $80-$130/day delivering envelopes and packages in your own vehicle for American Courier Express. Also hiring for the summer. Apply @3202 Henderson Blvd, Suite 202.
Earn extra money selling ads for upcoming touring play. For more details call Nikitia 813-390-6571.
EARN FREE GAS by booking travel for local agency. Email: for more information.
Electrical Engineering Intern. A leading manufacturer of control, protection, metering and monitoring for industrial plants and electric utilities is seeking a part-time Intern. Applicant must be within two semesters of graduating with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. Spanish required. E-mail resume to or fax to 727-934-1907.
For immediate hire P/T. North Tampa new business assist, basic bookkeeping and filing. Call 813-269-5611.
Fortune 500 Company offering FT position up to $1500 weekly. Apply @
FT CADD Positions avail. in Survey Dept. Autocadd Exp. req./LDD Exp.a plus. Exp in survey drafting preferred. 813-621-7841
GET PAID FOR YOUR OPINIONS! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey!
Get Paid to think. Make $75 taking online surveys at
Great Summer Job Work weekdays either 9:00-12:00 or 1:00-5:00. Local Carrollwood telephone company looking for great speaking Voices for inside marketing Department. NO SALES Great pay plus bonuses!!! 813-349-2101
Hard working, responsible, clean cut individuals. Mostly weekend work. Starting pay $9/hr. Call Carol 979-4490.
Hiring Cheerleading/Karate/ Dance Instructors to teach children’s classes near USF! $10-$30/hour guaranteed! Call 813-817-KICK.
Lee Roy Selmon’s New Tampa seeking experienced Servers & experienced Cook. Excellent pay/benefits. Apply in person. 977-3287
Lee Roy Selmon’s Restaurant now hiring Servers, Hostess & Cooks. Located on the corner of BoyScout & Lois.
Lifeguard-Certified; PT Weekends. Apply in person, Temple Terrace Golf & Country Club, 200 Inverness Ave.
Maggie Moo’s has immediate & summer openings for ice cream servers. Nights & weekends. Apply in person, 17016 Palm Point Dr (behind Olive Garden & Red Lobster on Bruce B Downs).
Midnite Productions, Tampa’s Premier Promotion company is looking for outgoing, personable and popular promoters. Flexible hours. Be a part of Tampa’s hottest parties. 954-234-6425
Music/Dance/Theatre Majors- teach/facilitate early childhood music and movement program. Great pay $20/hour. Audition required. 813-789-8153
Needed: Servers, Hosti, Kitchen Staff. Apply in person, Mon-Thurs, 2-4pm, 18+.J. Alexanders Restaurant913 Dale Mabry, 813-354-9006
NOW HIRING CAMPUS MANAGERS Ready for the UReps challenge? UReps is looking for the most outgoing, enthusiastic leaders for our Campus Manager position for the Fall, 2005 semester! Work 10 hours per week, gain valuable business experience and earn while you build your resume. $100 weekly salary plus bonuses. To learn more and apply, visit
Now Hiring PT/FT. Make $600-$1500/week. 980-6631
Office Assistant PT up to 35 hrs/week, $10/hr. Tech savvy and detail oriented. English/Spanish preferred. Resume to: N.M., 1306 W. Sligh Ave, Tampa 33604-5902.
Optometric Assistant-PT for busy office near USF. Exp preferred, willing to train right individual. Available T/Th/Sat. For Eyes Optical, 2201-B E.Fowler Ave.
P.T. WORKGreat pay. Work around classes. Co-ops possible. All majors welcome. Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. 514-1608
PT Help Optometrist’s Office. CitrusPark Mall. Mon/Wed/Fri & weekend availability needed. No exp necessary. 813-679-1092
PT Sales Associate w/good people skills. Fun environment. Mechanical skills a plus. Some lifting required. Please call Pinch A Penny 988-0306, ask for Tracy or Gary.
ROCK WALL STAFFING! Special Events! Our Rock Climbing company needs athletic, energetic, punctual, courteous, campcounselor type people. Resume to Jon@everclimbusa.com813-254-6226
SMOKERS Needed! We are conducting a one-session research study to help us understand how smokers react to health-related information. WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you are a smoker between the ages of 18 and 50, you may be eligible. You will be paid $50 for your time! If your are interested, or want more information, call 745-1751 and ask for Pattie. This research is conducted by the Tobacco Research Program, Moffitt Cancer Center, USF. 8:30- 6, Mon- Fri.
Software Developer Assistant Excellent opportunity to launch your career with a Tampa software company.
South Pole Smoothies, Univ Mall, hiring responsible non-smoker PT/weekends req’d. $7/hr+tips. P/U application @store.
SPRING BROKE?Excellent starting pay. Flexible schedules. Secure summer position. Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call now. 514-JOBS(5627)
Summer Internship- Southwestern. Looking for two driven students for internship in sales. I made $15,000 my first summer. Min. 3.0 GPA. Contact: Manny Vargas (727)385-8957
Swim Instructors. Seal Swim School now hiring energetic, fun, responsible individuals. PT/FT positions avail. Competitive pay. Lutz , Tampa , North Pinellas 813-229-SWIM(7946)
Telemarketers NeededStart preparing for your summer job today! Founders Capital, a mortgage company located in Tampa, FL, is looking for ambitious, motivated individuals to work part-time as telemarketers. Candidates do NOT need sales experience. This job provides the perfect training ground for a future lucrative career. Start immediately. Please call (813)637-9500 or fax resume to (813)637-9502 today.
The Oracle is looking for graphic artists. Knowledge of Photoshop and QuarkXpress necessary. Email your resume to Chantel Buck:
TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE, INC NOW HIRING! Inbound Telephone Customer Service Representatives for our 30th Street office! Represent some of the world’s most popular magazines, including TIME, PEOPLE, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED and many more! Paid training classes beginning in May. Work 20-40+ hours, 4 day work weeks, including Saturday or Sunday. Excellent benefits, competitive salary plus performance and sales bonuses! For immediate consideration, apply Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm, 3000 University Center Drive (off 30th Street near Busch Gardens). For directions, call 979-6833. EOE/AA.
Varsity Cleaners counter help needed afternoon/evening hours, Mon-Fri & Sat hours available. Computer experience helpful, will provide training. Located next to Walgreen’s corner of Busch/56th St. Call Evelyn 988-7885.
Vehicle Service Agent PT. Cleans cars & trucks, weekends. $7/hr. 972-7186
Veterinary Clinic seeks Vet Techs/Assistants & possible Cust Service. Morning hours. Will train. Call 988-8880.
VILLA PIZZA needs FT/PT day or evening help. Apply @Brandon Westfield Mall in Food Court.
Wire Dimensions PT, self-motivated individual. Cell phone accessory sales hourly+ comm. Student hour friendly. 813-368-4718
Working Mother looking for someone to shop and run errands during weekdays. Flexible hours. Ten hrs/week at $15/hr. Email to
Child Care
Nanny, approx 30hrs/wk, 18mos & 4yo, M/W/F & Sat. Must drive & swim. Marla 335-1449
South Tampa family seeks Early Ed major to help out w/3 small children, afternoons. 258-3109
Real Estate
3BR Foreclosure! Only $29,900! For listings 800-749-8168, xF341.Apts. & Houses for Rent
2/2.5 $650/mo; 2/2.5 $1050/mo; 1/1 $1100/mo. 4/2.5 $995/mo 3/2.5/1 $1095/mo; 3/2.5/2 $1350/mo; 4/2/2 $1395/mo. Bay Area Real Estate Rentals 988-RENT(7368).
Townhome for Rent! Brand new 3BR/2.5BA, 1 car garage, New Tampa area. $1,200/mo. Call 813-380-0205.
Townhouse for Rent. 2/1.5, $700/mo. Near USF on shuttle route. Screened porch, W/D+ more. 335-3092
Apts. & Houses to Share
Female Wanted- Serious student to share 2/2.5, W/D, partially furnished, near campus. 977-7266 or 954-647-6651.New House 2-miles from USF! $490-includes all utils. Furnished, 2-rooms available now. Females preferred. 888-898-9002
New house by USF. 2-rooms in 4BR/2.5BA, 3-car garage. $375 +split utilities. No lease. 910-3421
Roommate wanted for 2/2.5 Townhome. Private bath, W/D, pool, tennis, 5-minutes to USF. $500/mo + 1/2 utilities. 813-313-8391/813-629-4663
Rooms for Rent. $400 includes utilities. Close to university. Need references. Call 988-1655. Sublease
3BR/3BA apartment, Avalon. Pool, jacuzzi, fitness center, fully furnished, W/D, kitchenette in bedroom. $525/mo includes utilities. Thru Dec. 941-321-0914Apartment for Rent, Avalon Heights. $450 per month (negotiable). 407-467-9526
Avalon Heights 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA, furnished, utilities included, $520/mo. Available May 7th. 813-340-5668
Jefferson Commons 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Furnished, W/D, Internet, Cable TV, utilities incl. $410/mo. Available now! April free! 813-967-6087
Monticello Sublease 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Furnished, W/D, internet, utilities included. $495/mo. Available May 1st. (321)720-7764
Monticello Sublease!! 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Furnished w/full amenities. $485/mo. Available May 1st-July–Lease renewal optional. (786)261-7586
Monticello Sublease, spacious 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Furnish, W/D, internet, cable, pool, gym, hot tub, patio, utilities included. $485/mo. Available May 1st. (908) 420 – 9594
SUBLEASE- cheap Breckenridge apt 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA; May 1st-Aug 8th-can renew for upcoming year; utilities, internet, w/d included; price $430/negotiable. Contact 941-400-9036-leave message/
For Sale/Miscellaneous
$10.00! Police seized items. TV’s, DVD players from 10.00! For info, 800-769-5889 ext P217.Mackie 1202VLZ 12-channel mixer, perfect for small music studio. $175, call Andy 813-994-5069
Autos for Sale
$500! Police impounds. Hondas, Chevys, Toyotas, etc. from $500! For listings, 800-749-8167 x7910.HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-747-9319 ext. 7453.
Computer Repairs $45 flat rate NOT per hour! Computers 14918 N Florida Ave 813-264-0408New Desktop computers from $299. ISORM computers Monday – Saturday, 10-7 (813)264-0408