Classifieds 4/4
$450 Group Fundraiser Scheduling Bonus 4 hours of your group’s time PLUS our free (yes, free) fundraising solutions EQUALS $1,000-$2,000 in earnings for your group. Call TODAY for a $450 bonus when you schedule your non-sales fundraiser with CampusFundraiser. Contact CampusFundraiser, (888)923-3238 or visit: www.campusfundraiser.comInstruction, Schools
CNA Test Prep $265. Saturdays/evenings, small classes. Creating caring CNA’s. Holistic Health., 813-748-2519.Service Offered
CAR ALARMS $79.99 installed! Lowering Springs $150.00. LCD Monitors $99.99. Rims $399.99. Alarms, ETC… 813-971-5950GUITAR LESSONS by Thomas Coffey. Beginners Welcome. USF student discount. 813-961-9167
RESUMES THAT WORK! AAA Advantage Resume Service for a professional resume at student prices 813-961-2403
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. P/T. Microsoft Office skills a must. Professional environment. Near USF. Call Arik 813-932-2333.
Appointment Setters for Director of Modeling School. Needs friendly, energetic person with excellent telephone skills. Must be confident, like people and be willing to work. 289-8564, leave message.
ASSISTANT PROJECT COORDINATOR Excellent PT to FT position “upon completion of degree”, with a fast growing telecommunication company. Please contact TelSouth Communications @813-749-1479.
BILINGUAL PERSON from Tampa to conduct interviews in Spanish for doctoral dissertation. $20.00/interview. Donna Brown, 352-256-4098,
Call from your home 6-8pm. No selling, No appt setting. $10/hr+ comm. 813.289.4400 #100
CLINICAL RESEARCH/ADMIN and DATABASE ASSISTANT positions for N. Tampa medical research center. FT with benefits- college degree preferred; excellent computer and communication skills required. Email resume: EOE/DFWP
COMPUTER PROGRAMMING PT, web design, html, asp, database. Automotive Shop. Flexible Hours. Great Benefits. 813-971-5950
Curves is accepting applications for both morning and afternoon shifts at our Carrollwood and Safety Harbor locations. If you are energetic, outgoing and love working with people, send resume to or Fax 813-968-1968.
Customer Service. Growing company is seeking great customer service reps. Experience a plus. Hourly + full benefits. Fax resume to 800-610-7931 or call Martha at 800-426-4161. FT/PT available. Nights & weekends also available.
Data Entry Managed Access is seeking experienced individuals for temporary part time data entry assistants. Strong communication and customer service skills, organizational and problem solving skills with strong attention to detail preferred. We offer flexible schedules and a casual work environment. Fax resume to 877-439-7787
Data Entry PT pos. avail. $7.00/hr min. Must be fast w/data entry exp. Test given to all applicants. Call 988-8148, ext 210, or fax resume’ to 988-8422.
Direct Care PT $8.00. Flexible hours. Work w/DD adults. Good driving record. Call 872-6250. EOE/DFWP
Dish Network office now hiring for outside FT/PT sales positions. Excellent pay, minutes from campus. Flexible hours, no exp needed. Call Adam @615-2675.
Door-to-Door, Team Leader/ Sales Reps. Excellent commission, paid daily. Sat/Sun only. 813-969-1900
General Office Candidate: Energetic, outgoing, problem solving skills, answering phones, filing and data entry. South Tampa, part-time, flexible afternoon hours. 878-0068
GET PAID FOR YOUR OPINIONS! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey!
Gymnastics Instructors needed immediately. Great pay. Flexible hours. 949-7875.
Hiring Cheerleading/Karate/ Dance Instructors to teach children’s classes near USF! $10-$30/hour guaranteed! Call 813-817-KICK.
Hiring Servers/Kitchen. Make night time money working days. Apply in person @First Watch, 2726 E. Fowler Ave.
Holiday Inn near Busch Gardens 2701 E. Fowler Ave. Tampa, FL 33612, Fax: 813/971-0216. Job Openings: Room Attendants- $7.00, Lead Shift Front Desk Night Auditor Houseperson- $7.00 No phone calls please. Apply in person Mon-Wed 2:00-4:00 p.m. OR send resume to above ad-dress or fax. EEO/M/F/H/VC
Instructor positions at MOSI for Summer Science Camp. Technology & Early Childhood Instructors, Certified FL Teaching Cred pref; also hiring Teacher Assistants & Lifeguards. Apply now at MOSI, 4801 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, Mon-Fri 9 am-4:30 pm. For more information check out website EOE
Language Speakers: Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Dari, Pashtu. Excellent pay. Call 813-831-9710.
Lee Roy Selmon’s Restaurant now hiring Servers, Hostess & Cooks. Located on the corner of BoyScout & Lois.
Lifeguard-Certified; PT Weekends. Apply in person, Temple Terrace Golf & Country Club, 200 Inverness Ave.
Mail Room PT pos avail. $7.00/hr min. Call 988-8148, ext 310, or fax resume’ to 988-8422.
MARKETING. P/T to assist sales team with customer communications, marketing programs, sales analysis, product and packaging evaluations and product introductions. Fax resume and salary history to 813-383-3011.
Micro. P/T. Analysis of R.M.; Finished products & Environmental samples. Fax resume to: 813-383-3011.
Needed: Servers, Hosti, Kitchen Staff. Apply in person, Mon-Thurs, 2-4pm, 18+.J. Alexanders Restaurant913 Dale Mabry, 813-354-9006
Now Hiring PT/FT. Make $600-$1500/week. 980-6631
P.T. WORKGreat pay. Work around classes. Co-ops possible. All majors welcome. Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. 514-1608
P/T Day & Evening Recruiters needed for W.Shore Market Research Firm. SR.TAMPA@VERIZON.NET or 5401 W. Kennedy #820 813-282-1660
Participantes para investigacion: Espanol como lengua materna (18 anos o mayores). Debe de poder entender un poco de Ingles. $10.00/hora. (813)974-9782; deje mensaje.
PT Nanny, Harbour Island, 12-5 Mon-Fri. English speaking, clean record, references. 269-4954
PT Sales Associate w/good people skills. Fun environment. Mechanical skills a plus. Some lifting required. Please call Pinch A Penny 988-0306, ask for Tracy or Gary.
PT Tutors!-Brandon Area Graduate Math, Education or Engineering students needed to tutor Geometry, Algebra-I/II. No prior teaching exp necessary. Training provided/flex hours. E-mail: or call 813-681-3385 or fax 813-655-3176
PT/FT Help needed. Installing Car stereos, alarms and tint. No experience required. Will Train. 813-971-5950
Receptionist $7-8/hr. Looking for upbeat, positive, outgoing person to take incoming calls & make outgoing calls. Summer availability a must. Call Matt, leave message, 546-4462.
Receptionist PT to work Fri all day, evenings & weekends. Call Donna @977-2777 or fax resume 977-3488.
Software Developer Assistant Excellent opportunity to launch your career with a Tampa software company.
SPRING BROKE?Excellent starting pay. Flexible schedules. Secure summer position. Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call now. 514-JOBS(5627)
Stop Sewage Dumping! Help us expand our team of Activists at Clean Water Action. We have been winning environmental campaigns for 32 years! Fight to protect our waterways. Must have strong communication skills. Leadership opportunities available. FT/PT. $370+/wk. Call today, start tomorrow! 813-980-1221
Store Opener Mon-Fri, 10am-3:30pm, Cold Stone Creamery, 977-0024.
Telemarketing for Mortgage group PT evenings. Up to $2,000/mo. Hourly plus bonus. No sales. Great phone skills needed. Fax resumes to 935-7712 or call Michael 935-7700 x222.
Telemarketing position, flex hrs/pay, call Shelly 813-317-1698, leave message.
Telesales. B-2-B. FT/PT. Mon-Fri. Salary + Fax resume and salary req to 813-383-3011
Writer needed to complete an ebook (50-100 pages.) Book is in early stages with outline & table of contents established. Extensive notes, info & research materials available. Email:
Child Care
After-school Sitter, 13&10yo, starting May-1st, TampaPalms. Reliable transportation, some housekeeping, 2-6pm 4x’s/week, good pay. 979-4343Babysitter Needed, 5yo/boy, 8-12am Mon-Fri, New Tampa area. Call 813-624-2571.
FT Live-in Nanny needed. Room & Board + $200/wk salary. 813-716-1258
Medical Dr. in New Tampa needs female nanny/babysitter for 11yo daughter. Must be responsible, flexible, have reliable car, can work weekends. Good pay. Leave message, 727-418-0037.
Plant City area primarily for triplet boys age 9 & 2yo. Mostly weekends & some during week. Call Mary 813-754-2129 or fax resume to 813-757-6928.
Real Estate
3BR Foreclosure! Only $29,900! For listings 800-749-8168, xF341.New Listing. Beautifully renovated 4/2, corner lot, majestic oaks. Walk to USF. $229,900. Clark&Co 985-4414.
Apts. & Houses for Rent
1B/1B/Livgrm w/pool, yard, W/D and utilities including cable/DSL. 5mins to Florida/Bearss. $750/m. Available May05. 727-656-4448
Carrollwood/Fletcher 3/2, pool, jacuzzi, fenced yard, W/D, contemporary renovated, pool bath. 8 minutes from campus. Lawn/pool service included. $1650. 813-935-8699
Got Friends? Got House. 3/2, Pool, FP, W/D. $1300 includes yard & pool service. 541-8440
Historic Seminole Heights 1BR/1BA. Ceramic tile floors, claw foot tub, fenced back-yard. Central location. $575/mo+ deposit. (813)787-0361
Home for Rent: 2BR/1BA, USF area, large fenced yard, renovated, wood flooring, $790. 417-2139
House for Rent, Lake Magdalene Carrollwood area, wihin 5 mins from campus. 3BR/2BA/2CG with pool. Fenced-in yard. Maintenance included. $1600/month + deposit. Call 813-391-1449.
Lease Take Over, Monticello Apts $485 per month, utilities included. 352-303-6140
New 2-story Townhome for rent in New Tampa. 2BR/2.5BA, gated, W/D. 813-957-1156
Apts. & Houses to Share
1BR in 3BR/2BA 2000sq/ft home at Meadow Point. $450/mo, gated. Call Megan 813-494-8787.
Calm Lutz Environment $450 a month flat. Free utilities! Pool. Broadband. No pets/drugs please. (813)300-4210
Co-ed – two rooms in 3/2 house – all utilities, roadrunner, digital cable, w/d, $450 and $550. Great neighborhood! (813) 817-6916
Housemate wanted 4BR/3BA Carrollwood, pool, laid back roommates, $450 includes all utilities and internet. 389-0058
New Tampa Home, Female roommate needed. 4BR/3BA. Preserve/gated/utils included, $500. 813-615-0906
Serious Female Student. No pets, 2/2.5 furnished New Tampa new townhouse. 321-636-1079 Sublease
1BD/1BA in 4BD/4BA. Female. Available May. $385/mo includes utilities, cable(w/HBO)+internet. Near USF. Call 305-582-8228.Campus Lodge 1Br/1Ba in 3Br/3Ba. For May-Aug. Aug rent paid. Rate/$500, utilities included. (863)557-5027 Shawndra
Collegiate Hall 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, largest BR, starting May 1st. $399/mo, discount 1st month. (786)512-6786
Furnished 2BR/2BA, available May-July. $499 each room, utilities included. Call 912-223-3119.
Jefferson Commons 1Bd/1Ba in 4Bd/4Ba, Male, May-Aug. 1/2-May & full Aug paid for. You pay June, July @$410/mo. 321-276-4311
Jefferson Commons 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA, Female. $435/month, furnished, utilities and carport. Available ASAP. 513-292-1164
Monticello Sublease 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Furnished, W/D, internet, utilities included. $495/mo. Available May 1st. (321)720-7764
SUBLEASE- cheap Breckenridge apt 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA; May 1st-Aug 8th-can renew for upcoming year; utilities, internet, w/d included; price $430/negotiable. Contact 941-400-9036-leave message/
Summer Sublease May-Aug 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA, Campus Lodge, fully furnished, utilities included. $559/mo, negotiable. 813-789-2790
For Sale/Miscellaneous
$10.00! Police seized items. TV’s, DVD players from 10.00! For info, 800-769-5889 ext P217.Goin’ to Europe? First-class Eur-ail Flexipass (15 days/2 months). Retail $918, sale $600 OBO. 385-2338
Sega Genesis System, 16 Games & Extras. $100/OBO. Call (941) 224-8535.
Autos for Sale
$500! Police impounds. Hondas, Chevys, Toyotas, etc. from $500! For listings, 800-749-8167 x7910.HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-747-9319 ext. 7453.