Lecturer to preach acceptance
Shane Windmeyer began bridging the gap between Greek and gay when he first came out to his fraternity brothers while attending Emporia State University. Now, 13 years later, Windmeyer continues to break ground on the issue of homosexuality in Greek life by touring colleges across America to promote his books about the subject. Windmeyer will visit the Marshall Center Ballroom tonight at 8. Windmeyer, a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, was the founder of the Lambda 10 Project. According to the Lambda 10 Web site, the organization aids lesbian, bisexual and gay individuals in fraternities.
“Students who are affiliated with (Greek life) can get a different perspective,” Michael Crump, Student Affairs graduate assistant, said. “Talking about gay and lesbian issues will be valuable to the Greek community; it’s not something that gets talked about often.”
Crump expects the reaction on campus to be positive and interesting. Windmeyer’s first book, Out on Fraternity Row: Personal Accounts of Being Gay in a College Fraternity, included interviews with more than 30 males, accounting their collegiate experiences within fraternities, according to the Lambda 10 homepage. He has since written two more books documenting lesbians in sororities. His latest book, Inspiration, deals with more stories of lesbians and gays.
“I hope that those who attend will take away a broader perspective when thinking about the diversity on our campus and the different experiences people have,” Crump said.