Classifieds 11/17
$600 Group Fundraiser Scheduling Bonus 4 hours of your group’s time PLUS our free (yes, free) fundraising sol-utions EQUALS $1,000-$2,000 in earnings for your group. Call TODAY for a $600 bonus when you schedule your non-sales fundraiser with CampusFundrais-er. Contact CampusFundraiser, (888)923-3238 or visit: www.campusfundraiser.comKC2@USF Presents…”Relationships” Got Questions about Dating? Is He Yo’ Man? Is She JUST a Friend?Come Join Us…Monday, Nov 22nd 2004MLK Plaza 7pm-8:30pm
Instruction, Schools
CNA Test Prep $295. Small classes, Saturday or Monday. Creating caring CNA’s., 813-748-2519.Travel Opportunities
!!BAHAMA SPRING BREAK!!$189 5-Days/4-Nights $239 7-Days/6-Nights Prices include: Round-trip luxury cruise with food. Accommodations on the island at your choice of ten resorts. Free V.I.P. party package upgrade.Appalachia Travel1-800-867-5018 WE WILL BEAT ANY PACKAGE PRICE! Must book before Dec. 1 ’04!Spring Break Bahamas Celebrity Party Cruise! 5 Days $299! Includes Meals, Parties! Cancun, Acapulco, Nassau, Jamaica From $459! Panama City & Daytona $159! 1-800-678-6386
Spring Break Brazil. 2005 pack-ages to Rio from $969. Earn a free trip. Call 1-877-456-WILD.
Service Offered
Need a Photographer for wed-ding, event coverage or portrai-ture? Call (813)748-7597. Pose 34 Photography.POKER LOVING STUDENTS Help wanted. Earn big bucks. Email:
WINDOW TINT $49.99 &up. Car Alarms $79.99 installed. Lowering Springs $100.00 set. Alarms, ETC. 813-971-5950
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.$7.00-$10.00/hourStart Holiday Work NowBanquets/Special EventsChoose Your ScheduleFree Server TrainingEliteHospitalityProfessionals813-866-3830
17 People needed to lose 10-30lbs in 30 days. Call Sienna 916-792-5153 or 916-780-4576.
Apartment Manager for quiet NW apt comm. Exp Necessary. Discounted apt offered. Great Sal-ary, Bonus and Commissions. Email resume or Fax 931-1542.
CASTING: TV series seeks peo-ple struggling with painful addic-tions- especially danger, video-games, steroids, promiscuity, plastic surgery. Also seeking trou-bled teens and desperate house-wives.
Dancers Wanted!! Now Hiring Dance Instructors for Hip Hop and Ballet classes. Call (727)724-5999
Dot COM Retailing Company seeking IT talent. For details visit EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY!
EARN AN EXCELLENT income on campus. Do away with part time jobs off
Earn Extra $$. $500-$1500 PT. 916-431-3313
Energetic Dance Teacher need-ed for creative dance classes. $15/hr. Some dance experience preferred. Must enjoy children. 857-1718
Freelance Online Tutors. Instruct 3-12 grd stdnts; Internet connex reqd; tutor/teach, exp prefrd.
GET PAID CASH to Answer Text Messages on Your Cell Phone! It’s FREE. It’s Easy. Opt-In @
Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!
GRADUATE DEBT FREE and With Lots of Money! No Purchas-ing, Selling, Visiting! Free! Easy! $100k+ Annual Residual Income! PreRecMsg 888-746-6785. Visit
Have interest in the medical field? Seeking an energetic team player with excellent communica-tion skills to work as a Reception-ist & Public Relations liaison, flexi-ble hours. Call Maria 636-9400.
International Business Comp Seeking PT/FT Office Help, $8/HR. Bilingual Helpful. Career Advancement Opportunities. E-Mail Resumes: DBIEXPORT@VERIZON.NET
Leasing Agent needed to work at apt community in NW Tampa. Weekends only. $9/hr. Fax re-sume 886-7827.
Movie Extras, Actors! Make $100-$300/day. No experience re-quired. FT/PT. All looks needed! Call 800-773-8223.
Now Hiring PT/FT. Make $600-$1500/week. 980-6631
Online surveys makes you $75. Receive two fully paid airline tickets.
Peer Assistant (PT)–Person with strong interest in Mental Health; able to drive clients to and from appointments and make a written record. Social outings and home visits are part of the duties. Valid Florida Driver’s License with a good driving record. Flexible schedule, 20 hours a week, Mon-day thru Friday and possibly some weekends. Salary is $7.70 per hour. Please forward resume or apply in person to: Northside Mental Health Center, Human Resources Dept, 12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa, FL 33612. Fax (813)972-3886/ EOE
Property attendant to work at Tampa apt community. 9pm-5am. Exp helpful but will train. Excellent for students. Background check required. $8/hr. 971-0911
PT Advertising and Marketing. DownShift Magazine offers 20% commission & flexible schedules. Email:
PT Evenings. Financial Co. Sales position. USF Area. Call Ryan at 813-977-3249.
PT Weekends. Must be 21, have neat appearance & people skills. Requires excellent driving record & heavy lifting. Free lunch, hourly wage plus tips. Canoe Escape 986-2067
QUALITY ASSURANCE-SOFTWARE TESTINGExp in software testing preferred. FT/Salary $12/hr. Send resume to
Real Estate Apprentice. Make $250-$750/week. No money or experience required. Call David 813-289-4400 ext 321.
Receptionist Position at Vet Hospital. Great starting position for those interested in Animal Medicine. 662-1293
Servers & Dishwasher Wanted! Pizza Suprema II, voted “Best Piz-za” in the Tampa Bay area, is looking for responsible & energet-ic team players for their 5pm-9/10pm shift. Previous server ex-perience is preferred, but not re-quired. Call Willie Lopez at (813)907-2878 to schedule an in-terview.
Voice Talent PositionEarn holiday ca$h. Immediate opening! Read math related scripts into a voice recording program. Must have clear, crisp speaking voice; familiar with ba-sic math language and capable of working with basic computer commands. Flexible day/evening hours, $8.00/hr. Email resume to:
Work at your own pace. Make good money. 2-4 hours/day. Call 800-414-6039.
Child Care
NANNY PT Tue/Wed/Thur mornings, possibly evenings/weekends. $9/hr. Call Heather Ford 870-0055 or email
S.Tpa Childcare/LtHousekeep-ing for 2 girls/20-25 hrs/wk. Must be non-smoking and have reliable car. Call 258-6720.
Apts. & Houses for Rent
1 Bedroom in a 3/2 House, fur-nished. Pool, maid, everything in-cluded. 5miles/USF. No/deposit, $550/mo. 758-16681, 2 and 3 Bedrooms available. $299.00 moves you in. Call (813)632-0677.
1/1 Condo, newly renovated, spacious, W/D, water, all applian-ces included. $550/mo. For more info 813-914-0750.
2 Rooms Available, 3BR/2BA house, Temple Terrace, pool. $300-$375 w/bath & utilities. DSL included. 980-2276
3/2 Remodeled Condo with full-size W/D. 1 block from USF on shuttle route. $900/mo. 972-3916
Bentley Court Apts. 1 & 2 BR available. Across from Univ Mall. 813-866-9168, 813-245-4576
Close to USF, 8BR home, co-ed, furnished, single or shared room. Includes; utilities, cable, phone, maid, supplies. $350-$450/mo. 813-968-3207
Condos for Rent. 1/1 & 2/2 from $600/mo. Near USF on shuttle route. W/D+more. 985-8718
Lake Forest 4/2/2 house – new granite/maple kitchen, no pets/no smoking, $1400/mo. Realtor/own-er 244-4303.
Apts. & Houses to Share
2 Rooms Available in luxury 3BR/3BA Townhouse. Private bath, gated, all utilities included. $500/mo/rm. 786-3660Female Needed. Gorgeous new house 2 miles to USF. Furnished, W/D, utilities included, $480/mo. 770-565-0979
Female roommate needed to share beautiful country house in Lutz. Horses, dogs. Call Monica 294-9797.
Female roommate needed. Neat, non-smoker, NO PETS. $390/mo, includes everything. W/D. 5-miles from campus. 727-481-8011
Female Roommate. 1BR, private bath, balcony. $535/mo. One month Free, W/D, pool, fitness, cable. Walk to USF. Sally (727)544-1593/403-9554.
Female share new 4/2 Deer Park house- W/D, utilities included. $450/mo, no pets/no smoking. 766-3770.
Female-must be neat, non-smok-er/drinker, unfurnished, utilities incl. 4Br/2Ba house w/3 nice roommates. $400/mo. Gerry (727)224-8421
Roommate needed. Spacious condo, 2br/2ba, W/D, free cable, water, $380/mo, near USF. Must see! 813-956-0459 Sublease
1bd, 1br apt at Collegiate Hall, furnished, cable and internet in-cluded. $379. FIRST MONTH FREE! 941-773-3267Boardwalk Sublease available. 1BR/1BA (largest) in 4BR/4BA, $480/mo, includes everything. Will pay security deposit. Fully furnished, great place! ASAP. Call Deborah at 941-468-6448.
Boardwalk-Must move A.S.A.P. M or F, phone & util incl. $480/mo. Call Taylor (954)684-1396.
Breckenridge Female 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $435/mo-includes everything. Mid Dec-Aug. Dec rent paid. Call Liz 813-760-0115.
College Court-1BR/1BA(new) in fully-furnished 4BR/4BA. Take over lease until Aug. $430/mo-in-cludes everything-free month rent. 813-989-2605
Collegiate Hall 1B/1B in 4B/4B. Internet, furnished, cable, every-thing! Jan-July, $379 mo. First month FREE! 941-448-6875
Collegiate Hall 1BR/BA in 2BR/BA. FURNISHED w/util. ASAP. Call Diana 813-732-1604.
Female Roommate Needed at Reflections. $400/mo, utilities in-cluded. 813-545-7080
Lakeview Oaks Master Bedroom/Bathroom in 2B/2B. $437/month + utilities. 1st month FREE! 813-732-5184
Monticello Apartments. Two rooms available in four bedroom/ bathroom. Female only. Call 813-468-0680. Available Dec.
Monticello Sublease available until Aug. 1BR/1BA in new fully furnished 4BR/4BA. $485-includes everything. Call 863-581-6790.
Monticello Sublease. 1BR/1B in newly fully furnished 4BR/4B. Begins Dec 1st. $495/mo. Call 691-7068.
MUST SUBLEASE ASAP! 1BR/BA in 4BR/BA, Jefferson Commons, $390/mo. Fully furnish-ed, W/D, amenities included. 727-515-2894
Reflections Sublease Male. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $350/mo- includes everything. Jan-August. Call Jimmy at (727)244-8795.
Sublease in Jefferson Com-mons! 1BR in a 4BR/2BA. Fur-nished, Utilities, Internet, Cable. Dec-Aug. $375/mo. 401-527-8251
SUBLET – Female Wanted. MONTICELLO, 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Lease only to May! 727-207-3229.
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Digital Cameras, TV’s & more! Police seized property from $10! For info call 1-800-747-9372 ext-P217.Autos for Sale
1992 Honda Prelude. Garaged, white, 5-speed, A/C, PS, PD, 175,000 miles, good condition. 996-6188. $2900.HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-747-9319 ext. 7453.