Classifieds 7/15
Instruction, Schools
CNA Test Prep, $265. Small classes Sat or Tues. Creating caring CNA’s. Holistic Health 748-2519.LEARN OIL PAINTINGClasses for beginners and inter-mediates. Step-by-step instruc-tion. Weekdays, weekend classes at 56th Street, Temple Terrace. Pauline Antony, 813-956-5998
Service Offered
A&R Cleaning AgentHouses, Condos, Apartments, Offices, Business Places & Complexes. Call today: 813-298-9957, 494-8196Resumes, Term Papers, Notary Services by appointment. 813-977-8954
Term Paper Help from dedicated writing professionals. ESL, research/writing, editing, entrance letters and thesis help. Toll-Free 1-888-345-8295
Wicked Stylzz Hair Studio1224 E Fowler Ave 910-260010% Student Discount w/AdWeekly Braid Specials
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.$250-$500/week Will train to work at home Helping the U.S. Government file HUD/FHA mortgage refunds No experience necessary Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2907
ACCOUNTING/BILLING DEPARTMENT POSITIONWill Train. Requires good math, organization, typing and computer skills. Fulltime only. Hours are M to F, 8 to 5. Benefits. Excellent work environment close to USF in Sabal Park. Law office. For ap-pointment call 915-8660, fax re-sume to 915-0559.
Activists Wanted. Want to make a difference? Work with the Sierra Club. FieldWorks is hiring grass-roots organizers to help build envi-ronmental communities. EOE. $8/hr. 727-824-8813, Jamaal.
Childcare Workers Needed, work in private homes. All areas and hours available. References needed. 672-2232
COMMUNITY SUPPORT CENTERNetwork Area Worker (PT)–Transport clients on recreational outing, part-time, flexible evening hours, ideal for students who would like to get experience in the psychology field (Mental Health). Salary for PT is $7.70 per hour. Please forward resume or apply in person to: Northside Mental Health Center, Human Resources Dept, 12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa FL 33612 Fax (813)972-3886 EOE
COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY POSITIONAssist in the installation and cus-tomization of a database software package. Also assist IT consultant in maintaining network. Prefer second year student or above. Requires good communication, or-ganization, typing and computer skills. Minimum of 30 hours per week, 5 days per week M to F. Excellent work environment close to USF in Sabal Park. Law office. For appointment call 915-8660, fax resume to 915-0559.
Customer Service. We are the nations largest skip trace/locate firm. You will research information to try & locate people. Average employee earns $10/hr w/bonus. Casual attire. Flexible hours. Near USF, Fowler & 56th St. Great communication skills. Reliable transportation & enjoys talking on the phone. Send resumes to: Fax 813-594-0775 or email to:
Delivery Driver/Bartender PT. Apply in person, Wings & Italian Things, 2263 E. Bearss or call 971-2400.
Dental Assistant, experience preferred; good phone & clerical skills; 4 day week. Leave mes-sage, 813-390-1200.
Employment Opportunity Great Pay, ideal for college stu-dents. Flexible hours. Call today 813-971-1880.
Exciting Opportunity. Earn while you learn the mortgage business. Dynamic supportive team. Call Marlene 941-388-6415.
Friendly, part-time attendants with strong customer service skills, some point-of-sale experi-ence good. Work around class schedule with flexible day, eve-ning and weekend shifts. Bright new Laundromart near USF. 493-9396
FT/PT Admin Asst. Excellent Computer and Phone Skills for Multi Task Position. RMR Designs is Located in N. Tampa. Looking for The Right Person to Join Hard Working Team. Competitive Pay and Benefits. Send Resume to
Great Student Job!! Starting $7/hr + Great Bonuses. Work Part-time: 12-20/hrs a week. Flexible to your schedule. Large independent telephone system company in Carrollwood (Not sales). Generate leads for sales reps by calling FL Businesses. Have fun working in a low pres-sure, casual environment! Looking for great speaking voices! Will train! Leave Msg. (813)349-2110
Guys do great, girls do better! Call 813-980-6631.
Looking for dependable PT sales associate, around 30hrs/wk. Some lifting required. Will train to do outside pool service. Please respond in person to Pinch A Penny, 14923 Bruce B Downs. 972-1619, fax 972-1427.
Medical Assistant PT for doctor’s office. Will train. Call 932-5389. $8.50/start. 13124 N Florida Ave.
Multiple Paid Internships availa-ble: Assistant to President, ASP.Net Web Developer Intern-ship, Marketing Internship (3 avail-able). For details on each position and to apply, go to:
Now hiring energetic, motivated sales associates to sell cell phone accessories. PT/FT. Flex sched-ules. Hourly + commission. Citrus and Brandon Malls. Contact 813-376-9048.
NURSING STUDENTS. Personal Care Aide needed for Female physically disabled USF student. Call Robyn for more info, 863-409-4253.
Office Assistant/Reader for Sr. Partner at prominent downtown law firm. Unique opportunity, looks great on resume, pre-law student preferred. Ability to multi-task im-perative. 20hrs/wk, $8/hr+parking. 3.3 GPA. 224.9000 x3402.
Out of work, not any more! $200-$2,000/week for clear speaking voices. Call 813-980-6631.
PART TIME RECEPTIONISTEd Morse Cadillac and Saturn of TampaSeeking professional individual for Part-time receptionist opening. Flexible scheduling-evenings and/or weekends. Call Teresa Ulrich @ 769-5880. EOE Drug-free workplace.
PART-TIME WORKGreat pay. Resume builder. Work around classes.Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call now.
Physical Therapy Technician needed PT. Good experience for anyone interested in health field. Call 813/264-7734.
Political Volunteers needed for U.S. Congressional campaign. Please contact Meghan at or call 813-269-VOTE.
Professional, fun office environ-ment. Friendly, outgoing CSR’s needed. $8.50/hr, 401K, medical benefits. Urgent Office 988-0308.
PT assorted manual labor. Flex schedule, good pay. 996-2879
PT Leasing Consultant 1 day a week, Sat, Sun. Good pay. 813-996-2879
PT, Days, Flexible schedule, Mon-Fri. Front desk/typist/clerical assistant w/multi-tasking capabili-ties. Carrollwood. 813-968-8877
Residence Inn by Marriott Sabal ParkSales & Service CoordinatorEntry Level Sales Position-PT/FTHotel Experience, Word, Excel, TeleprospectingFront Desk AgentExtremely Friendly, Self-MotivatedDay/Evening Shifts-PT/FT813-627-8855
Serious wealth for serious peo-ple. Summer, Fall and Spring positions available. 866-275-3157
UPS, the stores in New Tampa need 2 associates with a pleasant and happy demeanor. Approx 20 hrs/week. Apply in person at The UPS Store, 16057 Tampa Palms Blvd W, next to Stein Mart.
Veterinary hospital seeking re-ceptionist and experienced techni-cians. Fax (813)920-0549, 8009 Gunn Hwy, Tampa, FL 33626.
Xenco Labs, PH 813-620-2000, FAX 813-620-2033. Entry level position for courier and various lab duties.
Child Care
Afternoon Child Care position. Exp preferred. Call Kids Stuff in Land O Lakes, 949-7013.Looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated individuals to play fun games with 3-1/2yr autistic child. 813-910-0030
Mom’s Helper/Personal Assis-tant/Office work. 3yo son, flexible 15-20 hrs/week. Carrollwood area. 813-968-8813
Real Estate
1,2 & 3 BR CONDOMINIUMS & Townhomes in the USF, Temple Terrace, New Tampa area from $60,000. Call John V Simone at Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals 813-988-7355.Condos for Sale USF, Temple Terrace from $70,000. Call Paul Noto, Universi-ty Realty, 813-977-0079 x115.
House for Sale Temple Terrace 3/2 w/den, new roof, fenced lot. Move-in ready $167,
Apts. & Houses for Rent
2-Story 4BR/3.5BA House for rent. Close to Super Wal-Mart (New Tampa), $1,800/mo. Call 813-728-8634.2/2 Condo 1-block/USF. Furnish-ed, W/D, pool. $750/mo, water in-cluded. Good credit required. 813-300-0457
2/2.5 townhouse, tampa palms, rent incl w/s/t. Gated, comm. Pool/clubhouse. Very nice unit. 972-3430 MaryAnn.
2BR & 3BR Villas & Condos for rent-New Tampa. Call for our summer special. 813-731-7673
2BR/2BA Condo for rent near USF on shuttle route. W/D+more. From $675. 985-8718
2BR/2BA Condo split-plan, North Oaks. Free water/cable, W/D, microwave, all appliances, ceiling fans. $780/mo+deposit. 813-477-8125
3BR/2BA House. Tile, wood flrs, new A/C, all appliances, fenced-in back yard. Pets OK. $1300/mo+ deposit. Available Sept. 980-1393
ATTENTION: FACULTY 3/2 Tampa Palms home. $1375/mo. Incentives. 941-474-9303 or 941-223-1711
Carrollwood 3/2 Waterfront home, 1200sf. Pool, all applian-ces. $1375/mo includes pool/lawn service. Call Jason 813-843-6996.
Condo 2BR/2BA, 2 blocks from campus on shuttle stop. W/D, ca-ble included, $775/mo. 817-9650
Condo Place One, 1BR/1BA, pool, tennis courts and fitness room. $500/mo, $600/deposit. 813-972-7711 or 352-238-6680.
DISCOUNTED RATE-1 room available NOW in a 3B/3B in Campus Lodge for only $464/mo. Furnished & EVERYTHING in-cluded. Call 813-598-4412.
House for Rent. 3BR/2BA/1CG, CH/A, 1-acre fenced, laundry rm. $1200/mo+deposit. No indoor pets/horses welcome. 621-5167
Hunter’s Green condo 2BR/1BA. Gated, W/D, pool/fitness and more. $850/mo. Call Janice 727-638-0984.
New Tampa, Hunters Green Con-dos. 2BR/2BA & 1BR/1BA. Gated community. $895/$650mo. Jimei 813-994-2525, 817-8882.
The Oaks Condominiums2BR/2BA, W/D, fireplace. Availa-ble Aug 1st. $650/mo. 973-3771
USF area-4BR house. Very cute, all appliances-includes W/D. Basic monthly cable. Available immedi-ately. $1350+1-month dep. Will check references. 813-300-3300
Apts. & Houses to Share
1Br in 4Br/2Ba Home. Nonsmok-er, no pets. Unfurnished. Utilities included. Available Fall. $400/mo. Jerry/727-224-84213BR/2BA House to share in Tem-ple Terrace. Non-smoking, clean graduate student. Furnished, high-spd internet, A/C, W/D. $610/mo-includes utilities(if electric exceeds $200/mo-balance divided). For ap-pointment-(305)793-0190.
4000sf House to share. 10-mins/USF. Furnished, W/D, inter-net, work-out room. $450/mo, all utilities included. 813-493-7800
Female Grad Student seeks roommate to share beautiful 2BR/2BA apt at Hunter’s Green, New Tampa, 15-minutes from campus. $360/mo including utilit-ies. 305-743-5703
Female Roommate for 2BR/2BA Raintree Condo. $450/mo, in-cludes everything. Move-in Aug 1st. Contact Karli 813-892-0180.
Female Roommate Needed to share 4BR/2BA Home. Walk-ing/biking distance to USF. $350/mo. Call 407-370-2171.
Female Roommate Needed2BR/2BA, Tampa Palms gated community. Very clean, pool, $450/mo+1/2 electric, non-smok-ing. 903-0986
Female Roommate Needed 3BR, $250/mo includes cable, W/D, 1/3-utilities. 1-min from USF. Call Penny 989-0068.
Furnished room for rent with pri-vate bath near USF, Female only. $400/mo includes utilities. Refer-ences/deposit required. 988-1655
Needed- Female Roommate. Condo, 5 miles from campus. Must be Neat, non-smoker. Call 727-481-8011. $300/mo, utilities included.
Roommates needed to share 4BR/3.5BA 2-story house, New Tampa. Pool in community. $500/mo-utils incl. 813-728-8634
Share 3BR/2.5BA Townhome w/one other person. NewTampa-10mins/USF. Prefer grad/med stu-dent or professional. $600/mo+ 1/2utilities. 903-0699
USF area, roommate needed. Large house, no pets. $309/mo + 1/4 utilities. 382-3732
VERY CLEAN Roommate to share gorgeous, new 4BR/3BA, 5-mins away. HS-Internet, cable. All inclusive-$450. 843-4444
Wanted: Female roommate to share apt in Lakeview Oaks. Available Aug. Furn, 2BR/2BA. Contact Nikki 813-748-6051. Sublease
3BR Sublease in 4B/2B-$380/mo Jefferson Commons. Fully furnish-ed, all utilities. Call (813)731-3295Campus Lodge 12/mo Sublease avail now. Normal price $449, only $350. Includes all utilities, cable/internet. Call 813-841-3747 or 813-979-2868.
Collegiate Hall Apartments. $399/mo, utilities, cable and inter-net included. 1st month free. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Call Christina 813-244-1293.
Collegiate Hall Sublease$379/mo, 8/04-7/05, 3rd floor. Util-ities included, fully furnished. Call Mandy 814-442-8928.
Monticello Apartments on 42nd Street. $485/mo, $229 deposit. First month (August) FREE. Brand New Apartments! Necessary to sublease ASAP. Please call 941-286-5457.
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Digital Cameras from $10.00! Police seized property! For info call 1-800-747-9372, ext P217.Furniture
Bed $120, Queen P/top. Brand new in plastic. Can deliver. 813-870-0070Bedroom Set, $499. Brand new, still in box. Sofa & loveseat, $475. Brand new, must sell. Can deliver. 813-870-0070
Top Grain Italian Leather sofa & loveseat. New, still in plastic. $950. Can deliver. 813-870-0070