Classfieds 7/8
Instruction, Schools
CNA Test Prep, $265. Small classes Sat or Tues. Creating caring CNA’s. Holistic Health 748-2519.Service Offered
Resumes, Term Papers, Notary Services by appointment. 813-977-8954Term Paper Help from dedicated writing professionals. ESL, research/writing, editing, entrance letters and thesis help. Toll-Free 1-888-345-8295
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.$7.00-$10.00/hourChoose Your ScheduleBanquets/CateringFree Server TrainingLittle Experience NeededEliteHospitalityProfessionals813-866-3830
ACCOUNTING/BILLING DEPARTMENT POSITIONWill Train. Requires good math, organization, typing and computer skills. Fulltime only. Hours are M to F, 8 to 5. Benefits. Excellent work environment close to USF in Sabal Park. Law office. For ap-pointment call 915-8660, fax re-sume to 915-0559.
Childcare Workers Needed, work in private homes. All areas and hours available. References needed. 672-2232
COMMUNITY SUPPORT CENTERNetwork Area Worker (PT)–Transport clients on recreational outing, part-time, flexible evening hours, ideal for students who would like to get experience in the psychology field (Mental Health). Salary for PT is $7.70 per hour. Please forward resume or apply in person to: Northside Mental Health Center, Human Resources Dept, 12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa FL 33612 Fax (813)972-3886 EOE
COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY POSITIONAssist in the installation and cus-tomization of a database software package. Also assist IT consultant in maintaining network. Prefer second year student or above. Requires good communication, or-ganization, typing and computer skills. Minimum of 30 hours per week, 5 days per week M to F. Excellent work environment close to USF in Sabal Park. Law office. For appointment call 915-8660, fax resume to 915-0559.
Customer Service. We are the nations largest skip trace/locate firm. You will research information to try & locate people. Average employee earns $10/hr w/bonus. Casual attire. Flexible hours. Near USF, Fowler & 56th St. Great communication skills. Reliable transportation & enjoys talking on the phone. Send resumes to: Fax 813-594-0775 or email to:
Data Entry PT pos. avail. $7.00/hr min. Must be fast w/data entry exp. Test given to all applicants. Call 988-8148, ext 210, or fax re-sume to 988-8422.
Dental Assistant, experience preferred; good phone & clerical skills; 4 day week. Leave mes-sage, 813-390-1200.
EDUCATION MAJORSSouth Tampa preschool hiring teachers and assistants. Please call 414-9990.
Employment Opportunity Great Pay, ideal for college stu-dents. Flexible hours. Call today 813-971-1880.
Exciting Opportunity. Earn while you learn the mortgage business. Dynamic supportive team. Call Marlene 941-388-6415.
Great Student Job!! Starting $7/hr + Great Bonuses. Work Part-time: 12-20/hrs a week. Flexible to your schedule. Large independent telephone system company in Carrollwood (Not sales). Generate leads for sales reps by calling FL Businesses. Have fun working in a low pres-sure, casual environment! Looking for great speaking voices! Will train! Leave Msg. (813)349-2110
Guys do great, girls do better! Call 813-980-6631.
Looking for dependable PT sales associate, around 30hrs/wk. Some lifting required. Will train to do outside pool service. Please respond in person to Pinch A Penny, 14923 Bruce B Downs. 972-1619, fax 972-1427.
Multiple paid internship positions available, many diverse skill sets needed, visit for available positions.
Multiple Paid Internships availa-ble: Assistant to President, ASP.Net Web Developer Intern-ship, Marketing Internship (3 avail-able). For details on each position and to apply, go to:
MYSTERY SHOPPERSNEEDED! Get Paid to Shop! Flexible work from home or school. FT/PT Make own hours. (800)830-8066
Now hiring energetic, motivated sales associates to sell cell phone accessories. PT/FT. Flex sched-ules. Hourly + commission. Citrus and Brandon Malls. Contact 813-376-9048.
NURSING STUDENTS. Personal Care Aide needed for Female physically disabled USF student. Call Robyn for more info, 863-409-4253.
Office Assistant/Reader for Sr. Partner at prominent downtown law firm. Unique opportunity, looks great on resume, pre-law student preferred. Ability to multi-task im-perative. 20hrs/wk, $8/hr+parking. 3.3 GPA. 224.9000 x3402.
Out of work, not any more! $200-$2,000/week for clear speaking voices. Call 813-980-6632.
P/T Admin Assistant/Appoint-ment Setter. Good on phone. No cold calls. Hourly + bonus. Call 813-494-1921.
PART-TIME WORKGreat pay. Resume builder. Work around classes.Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call now.
Physical Therapy Technician needed PT. Good experience for anyone interested in health field. Call 813/264-7734.
Political Volunteers needed for U.S. Congressional campaign. Please contact Meghan at or call 813-269-VOTE.
Professional, fun office environ-ment. Friendly, outgoing CSR’s needed. $8.50/hr, 401K, medical benefits. Urgent Office 988-0308.
Residence Inn by Marriott Sabal ParkSales & Service CoordinatorEntry Level Sales Position-PT/FTHotel Experience, Word, Excel, TeleprospectingFront Desk AgentExtremely Friendly, Self-MotivatedDay/Evening Shifts-PT/FT813-627-8855
Serious wealth for serious peo-ple. Summer, Fall and Spring positions available. 866-275-3157
SUMMER JOBS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE!Clean Water Action, one of the largest environmental orgs, has built a successful movement to protect the environment & democ-racy. Learn the basics of grass-roots organizing & fundraising. Work outdoors and believe in what you do! $370/wk, PT/FT. Call: (813)980-1221
TAMPA JCC/FEDERATION seeks BERGER JEWISH COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPALCreative and visionary educator needed to develop, co-ordinate, supervise and expand part-time program serving youth from mul-tiple synagogues and religious streams. Advanced degree pre-ferred. Teaching, educational leadership, and/or Jewish Com-munal experience required. Knowledge of Judaics, excellent communication skills and ability to work with multiple constituen-cies needed. Opportunity to par-ticipate in future growth of com-munity education and/or youth programs. FAX RESUMES to 813.265.8450 or email:
Verizon Wireless Sales Rep needed PT/FT. Outgoing, friendly w/previous sales experience. NewTampa. Great pay+commis-sion. Call 910-1777 or email re-sume:
Child Care
Attention Early Education ma-jors. PT sitter needed for children. Carrollwood area. Call for details 269-2268.Babysitter in my home for 1yo boy. Wed/Thurs 4:30pm-9:30pm. New Tampa. References. Call 994-2602.
Reliable Nanny, South Tampa. 2-3 days/week, 10/mos. Commit until Jan. Heather 220-2165.
Real Estate
1,2 & 3 BR CONDOMINIUMS & Townhomes in the USF, Temple Terrace, New Tampa area from $60,000. Call John V Simone at Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals 813-988-7355.Condos for Sale USF, Temple Terrace from $70,000. Call Paul Noto, Universi-ty Realty, 813-977-0079 x115.
House for Sale Temple Terrace 3/2 w/den, new roof, fenced lot. Move-in ready $167,
Apts. & Houses for Rent
2-Story 4BR/3.5BA House for rent. Close to Super Wal-Mart (New Tampa), $1,800/mo. Call 813-728-8634.2/2 Condo 1-block/USF. Furnish-ed, W/D, pool. $780/mo, water in-cluded. Good credit required. 813-300-0457
2/2.5 townhouse, tampa palms, rent incl w/s/t. Gated, comm. Pool/clubhouse. Very nice unit. 972-3430 MaryAnn.
2BR & 3BR Villas & Condos for rent-New Tampa. Call for our summer special. 813-731-7673
2BR/1BA 1200sf Garage Apt overlooking river in quiet Temple Terrace neigborhood. New carpet/paint. $900-includes elec-tric, water, basic cable. Available 7/10. 813-927-7117
2BR/2BA Condo for rent near USF on shuttle route. W/D+more. From $675. 985-8718
2BR/2BA Condo split-plan, North Oaks. Free water/cable, W/D, microwave, all appliances, ceiling fans. $780/mo+deposit. 813-477-8125
Carrollwood 3/2 Waterfront home, 1200sf. Pool, all applian-ces. $1375/mo includes pool/lawn service. Call Jason 813-843-6996.
Condo 2BR/2BA, 2 blocks from campus on shuttle stop. W/D, ca-ble included, $775/mo. 817-9650
House for Rent. 3BR/2BA/1CG, CH/A, 1-acre fenced, laundry rm. $1200/mo+deposit. No indoor pets/horses welcome. 621-5167
Hunter’s Green condo 2BR/1BA. Gated, W/D, pool/fitness and more. $850/mo. Call Janice 727-638-0984.
Only $342+1/3 utilities. Available now-Sept. Unfurnished 1BR in 3BR in Tampa Palms. Nicole 813-810-3081.
The Oaks Condominiums2BR/2BA, W/D, fireplace. Availa-ble Aug 1st. $650/mo. 973-3771
USF area-4BR house. Very cute, all appliances-includes W/D. Basic monthly cable. Available immedi-ately. $1350+1-month dep. Will check references. 813-300-3300
USF STUDENT SPECIALLarge 2BR/1BA, quiet neighbor-hood, from $525/mo+deposit. Charlott 813-985-3478 for USF students special.
Apts. & Houses to Share
1Br in 4Br/2Ba Home. Nonsmok-er, no pets. Unfurnished. Utilities included. Available Fall. $400/mo. Jerry/727-224-84213BR/2BA House to share in Tem-ple Terrace. Non-smoking, clean graduate student. Furnished, high-spd internet, A/C, W/D. $610/mo-includes utilities(if electric exceeds $200/mo-balance divided). For ap-pointment-(305)793-0190.
4000sf House to share. 10-mins/USF. Furnished, W/D, inter-net, work-out room. $450/mo, all utilities included. 813-493-7800
Female Grad Student seeks roommate to share beautiful 2BR/2BA apt at Hunter’s Green, New Tampa, 15-minutes from campus. $360/mo including utilit-ies. 305-743-5703
Female Roommate Needed to share 4BR/2BA Home. Walk-ing/biking distance to USF. $350/mo. Call 407-370-2171.
Female Roommate Needed2BR/2BA, Tampa Palms gated community. Very clean, pool, $450/mo+1/2 electric, non-smok-ing. 903-0986
Female Roommate Needed 3BR, $250/mo includes cable, W/D, 1/3-utilities. 1-min from USF. Call Penny 989-0068.
Female Roommate Needed to share 2BR/2.5BA Townhome near USF. $400/mo + 1/2 utilities. Call 813-787-8263.
Furnished room for rent with pri-vate bath near USF. $400/mo in-cludes utilities. References and deposit required. 988-1655
Roommates needed to share 4BR/3.5BA 2-story house, New Tampa. Pool in community. $500/mo-utils incl. 813-728-8634
Share 3BR/2.5BA Townhome w/one other person. NewTampa-10mins/USF. Prefer grad/med stu-dent or professional. $600/mo+ 1/2utilities. 903-0699
USF area, roommate needed. Large house, no pets. $309/mo + 1/4 utilities. 382-3732
VERY CLEAN Roommate to share gorgeous, new 4BR/3BA, 5-mins away. HS-Internet, cable. All inclusive-$450. 899-1398
Wanted: Female roommate to share apt in Lakeview Oaks. Available Aug. Furn, 2BR/2BA. Contact Nikki 813-748-6051. Sublease
3BR Sublease in 4B/2B-$380/mo Jefferson Commons. Fully furnish-ed, all utilities. Call (813)731-3295Campus Lodge 12/mo Sublease avail now. Normal price $449, only $350. Includes all utilities, cable/internet. Call 813-841-3747 or 813-979-2868.
Collegiate Hall Sublease$379/mo, 8/04-7/05, 3rd floor. Util-ities included, fully furnished. Call Mandy 814-442-8928.
New Monticello Sublease1BR/1BA(own microwave/refrig) in 4BR/4BA. Available Aug/04. $495/mo-negotiable-includes utilit-ies/fully furn, W/D. (850)651-0911,
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Digital Cameras from $10.00! Police seized property! For info call 1-800-747-9372, ext P217.Furniture
Bed $120, Queen P/top. Brand new in plastic. Can deliver. 813-870-0070Bedroom Set, $499. Brand new, still in box. Sofa & loveseat, $475. Brand new, must sell. Can deliver. 813-870-0070
La-Z-Boy Power Recliner/Rock-er w/remote. Lovely deep maroon cloth. Like new. Retail $1,150, sell $600. 949-4894
Moving Up North. Some furniture must go. Living close by. Please call for appointment. 975-5340
Top Grain Italian Leather sofa & loveseat. New, still in plastic. $950. Can deliver. 813-870-0070