Classifieds 6/7
Instruction, Schools
CNA Test Prep, $265. Small classes Sat or Tues. Creating caring CNA’s. Holistic Health 748-2519.Service Offered
Laser Hair RemovalIntroductory 1st Time SpecialBikini & Underarms $100For appointment call 997-0866Looking to rebuild credit? Financial assistance needed? DFC pre-summer essential finance program. Standard to high-risk loans. Low to high in-come. For credit score: Apply online or call now 1-888-728-3757 ext 1
Term Paper Help from dedicated writing professionals. ESL, research/writing, editing, entrance letters and thesis help. Toll-Free 1-888-345-8295
WWW.ECONWIZ.TKMicro & Macroeconomics tutor For your Principles classes Visit the site for info
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.2 PT Receptionists, Sat & Sun for busy real estate office. Email resume to
Administrative Assistant, 15-20 hours/weekly, $10/hr. Tech savvy & detail oriented. English/Spanish preferred. Resume to NM, 1306 W Sligh Ave, Tampa 33604.
Bookkeeping Assistant FT/PT, data entry & Accounts Payable experience needed. Fax resume to 813-949-6916.
Casting Call June 10th,11th,17th,18thDon Juan Tenorio, Spanish Medi-eval play. Need actors fluent English&Spanish. Extras for non-speaking roles. For appointment 813.892.1774
COMMUNITY SUPPORT CENTERNetwork Area Worker (PT)–Transport clients on recreational outing, part-time, flexible evening hours, ideal for students who would like to get experience in the psychology field (Mental Health). Salary for PT is $7.70 per hour. Please forward resume or apply in person to: Northside Mental Health Center, Human Resources Dept, 12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa FL 33612. Fax (813)972-3886. EOE
Dish Network office now hiring for inside/outside FT/PT sales po-sitions. Excellent pay, minutes from campus. Flexible hours, no exp needed. Call AJ @615-2675.
Energetic, housekeeping, cook-ing, laundry. 1pm-6pm(or compa-rable hours), 5days/wk. Caribbean cooking preferred but not re-quired. 960-1631
Front Porch Restaurant/Bar now hiring all positions. Apply in per-son 5924 N.Florida Ave, Wed-Sat 2-4pm.
FT/PT Curves World’s largest fitness organiza-tion looking for manager trainee. If you are energetic, self-motivated, have personality & love to work with people this could be the place for you. Exp or education in P.E., Nutrition, Health or Business pre-ferred. North Tampa Curves, call 813-964-1833 to apply.
Immediate FT Job Openings. Sales/Telemarketing, $10.00+/hr. Mon-Fri, no weekends or nights. 813-889-0578, ask for Richard.
Lee Roy Selmon’s Restaurant now hiring Servers and Cooks. Located on the corner of BoyScout & Lois.
MEDICAL-FRONT OFFICEFT/PT. Front office/med mgr exp req. Email:
Multiple paid internship positions available, many diverse skill sets needed, visit for available positions.
Musical Theater Coach, Fridays 4:30-6:30 for Plant City dance stu-dio. Working with children. Call 813-759-9446.
Needed: Teachers for Judaic & Hebrew. Reform congregation. North Tampa. Sundays/Wednes-days. Mike 968-8511 or fax re-sume 960-8551.
Now hiring energetic, motivated sales associates to sell cell phone accessories. PT/FT. Flex sched-ules. Hourly + commission. Citrus and Brandon Malls. Contact 813-376-9048.
Now hiring, $800-$1500/week. 813-980-6631
Outbound Sales. $Hourly plus Big Commish$. Great 4 student. Call Todd: 813-991-1544
Paralegal- Spanish Bilingual, M-F, 8:30-5:30. Computer & typ-ing skills. Fax resume 908-0688.
PART-TIME WORKGreat pay. Resume builder. Work around classes.Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call now.
PT office help, Optometrist office. 24+ hrs/week. No exp necessary. Citrus Park Mall. 813-679-1092
PT Property Attendant needed to work Thur/Fri/Sat/Sun from 9pm-5am. Pays $7.50/hr. Apply at Windridge Apts, 14301 Bruce B Downs Blvd.
Receptionist, well-spoken, friend-ly, professional. Busy upscale hair salon in Temple Terrace. Tues-Fri 9-2, alternating Saturdays 9-4. 985-5845
Receptionists needed during Sun Dome Events, weekdays 5p-11p, 2 shifts on weekends. Call 974-3111.
SAT Tutors Needed in St. Pete. Pay $15-$20/hr. Will train. Call 727-381-9722.
SUMMER JOBS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE!Clean Water Action, one of the largest environmental orgs, has built a successful movement to protect the environment & democ-racy. Learn the basics of grass-roots organizing & fundraising. Work outdoors and believe in what you do! $370/wk, PT/FT. Call: (813)980-1221
Swim Instructor to help improve swim skills for 2 girls, ages 6&8, at our home pool. Flexible hours. Please call 494-8272 or email
~$100 per day. Above ground pool installation, FT. Must be hard working. 908-0005
Real Estate
1,2 & 3 BR CONDOMINIUMS & Townhomes in the USF, Temple Terrace, New Tampa area from $60,000. Call John V Simone at Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals 813-988-7355.Condos for Sale USF, Temple Terrace from $70,000. Call Paul Noto, Universi-ty Realty, 813-977-0079 x115.
Apts. & Houses for Rent
2 Bedrooms in a 3/2 House, fur-nished. Pool, maid, everything in-cluded. 5miles/USF. No/deposit, $450/$550/mo. 758-16682/2.5 townhouse, tampa palms, rent incl w/s/t. Gated, comm. Pool/clubhouse. Very nice unit. 972-3430 MaryAnn.
2BR/2BA Condo for rent near USF on shuttle route. W/D+more. From $675. 985-8718
2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA, Boardwalk Apts. Available July. Furnished, includes utilities. $480/mo. Call 691-1232.
2BR/2BA Renovated Condo, The Oaks-across from USF Golf Course, 1050sf. Quiet community. $750/mo-neg. No smokers/pets. Available Now. 239-229-8187
Condo Place One, 1BR/1BA, pool, tennis courts and fitness room. $550/mo, $600/deposit. 813-972-7711 or 352-238-6680.
New Tampa, Hunters Green Con-dos. 2BR/2BA & 1BR/1BA. Gated community. $895/$650mo. Jimei 813-994-2525, 817-8882.
Room available in 3BR/2BA Temple Terrace home. Computer room, game room, quiet neighbor-hood, big screen TV. $350/mo+ 1/3utilities. 813-310-4523
USF STUDENT SPECIALLarge 2BR/1BA, quiet neighbor-hood, from $545/mo+deposit. Charlott 813-985-3478 for USF students special. Sublease
Boardwalk Sublease Female, $100 off June. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, utilities included, cable, internet. Available now, $485/mo. 845-248-1468Campus Lodge Sublease avail now. Normal price $449, only $350. Includes all utilities, cable/internet. Call 813-841-3747 or 813-979-2868.
Campus Lodge Sublease, Aug-Dec, extension possible. $494, 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA-includes all utilities. Don’t sign a new lease-sublet from me! Will take off $20/mo.
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Bridget Jones’ DiaryBritish Romance Novels @ Chick Lit USA www.chicklit.usDigital Cameras from $10.00! Police seized property! For info call 1-800-747-9372, ext P217.
Bed $120, Queen P/top. Brand new in plastic. Can deliver. 813-870-0070Bedroom Set $300, Living Room Set $250. Excellent condition. 813-817-6693
Bedroom Set, $499. Brand new, still in box. Sofa & loveseat, $475. Brand new, must sell. Can deliver. 813-870-0070
Top Grain Italian Leather sofa & loveseat. New, still in plastic. $950. Can deliver. 813-870-0070