Classifieds 5/24
Instruction, Schools
CNA Test Prep, $265. Small classes Sat or Tues. Creating caring CNA’s. Holistic Health 748-2519.Service Offered
Looking to rebuild credit? Financial assistance needed? DFC pre-summer essential finance program. Standard to high-risk loans. Low to high in-come. For credit score: Apply online or call now 1-888-728-3757 ext 1Term Paper Help from dedicated writing professionals. ESL, research/writing, editing, entrance letters and thesis help. Toll-Free 1-888-345-8295
Typing Blues? Free pick-up, de-livery. Let us prep your paper. MLA/APA. Proofing, Graphics, Powerpoint available. Call Nerissa 983-0086.
University Car Rental. Good used GM’s/Ford’s from $15/day. Ins. required. No CC required. 977-4231
WWW.ECONWIZ.TKMicro & Macroeconomics tutor For your Principles classes Visit the site for info
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.$250-$500/week Will train to work at home Helping the U.S. Government file HUD/FHA mortgage refunds No experience necessary Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906
$7.00-$10.00/hourChoose Your ScheduleBanquets/CateringFree Server TrainingLittle Experience NeededEliteHospitalityProfessionals813-866-3830
2 PT Receptionists, Sat & Sun for busy real estate office. Email resume to
Advanced Environmental Labo-ratories. Growing lab seeks entry-level analyst. Flexible hours, full-time, benefits. $9.50/hr. Michael 813-630-9616.
Architectural/Engineering stu-dent preferred. Commercial/resi-dential window treatment & closet company looking for estimator. Some experience. Email resume
Artists to sketch caricatures in local theme park. Will train if quali-fied. Call (813) 980-6070.
Been There, IncLooking for dedicated and honest individuals to work with people with developmental disabilities. Flexible hours. $9.00-$12.00/hr. Call Scott at 349-3846.
Busy Ophthalmology practice looking for ophthalmic technician. Experience preferred/will train if you are right candidate. Great benefits. Apply in person at Flori-da Eye Center, 13602 N 46th St, across from USF Golf Course.
Camp Counselor/LifeguardM-F, FT. Call 988-2875 for appt or fax resume to 982-0086.
Circles Restaurant South Tampa location hiring for server. If you are customer-service oriented, self-motivated & well-mannered apply in person, 2500 W. Azeele St. 879-5228
Computer pos. avail. Must be good typist and have program-ming experience. Experience with DOS, Windows & database apps a plus. Fax resume to 988-8422.
Dish Network office now hiring for inside/outside FT/PT sales po-sitions. Excellent pay, minutes from campus. Flexible hours, no exp needed. Call AJ @615-2675.
Entry level CIVIL ENGINEER-ING/DESIGNER grads needed for fast growing Tampa firm. Email resume to or fax to Jack at 813-250-3636.
For Concession Stand. Hourly pay + tips. 10-5, flexible days. Must be friendly. Call 310-4157.
FT/PT-CURVES. World’s largest fitness organization accepting applications for employees. If you are energetic, self-motivated, have personality and love to work with people please call 813-968-1055.
Green Bandit – Landscape Main-tenance, Part Time/Full Time, Po-tential Benefits. (813)926-8103
Gymboree Play & Music Instruc-tor. PT position for fun-loving peo-ple person. Experience w/young children a must. 813-254-9626
Immediate FT Job Openings. Sales/Telemarketing, $10.00+/hr. Mon-Fri, no weekends or nights. 813-889-0578, ask for Richard.
Interviewers/Surveyors. Close to campus. Well-estab market re-search firm. Lots of hours possi-ble. No selling. 813-875-4005
Lifeguard for childcare center needed. Mornings only, pay nego-tiable. Please contact Julia at 988-5595.
Love Children? Need reliable, energetic & motivated sales asso-ciate for children’s shoe sales. Will train. Brandon, 813-654-3558.
Make a Difference–ACT!Full-, part-time and volunteer posi-tions. Hiring now for voter registra-tion drive. 407.595.3731
Make Money Today Excel Communications 1-800-481-0369
Musical Theater Coach, Fridays 4:30-6:30 for Plant City dance stu-dio. Working with children. Call 813-759-9446.
Need a Job? Great Pay! PT/FT positions. Call 813-417-4628, ask for Thomas. Great Pay!
Office Assistant for Real Estate Office. Hours 10-5 M-F and 2-Sat/Mnth. Pays $7.50/HR. Bay Area Real Estate and Rentals. 813-988-7355 x102.
Olde Interiors. Qualified soft treatments/window blinds installa-tion. Inquire within 16242 North Florida Ave.
Paralegal- Spanish Bilingual, M-F, 8:30-5:30. Computer & typ-ing skills. Fax resume 908-0688.
Parkway Animal Hospital is now hiring experienced veterinary assistants. Please call 985-6761.
Part-time Executive Asst. to PresidentFor busy entrepreneur. Flex hrs, Work from home, meet 1-2 times a week. Must be a Master’s stu-dent pref. MBA. Finance. Tactful inter-personal skills and maturity a must. Excellent pay. Pl. e-mail: Or fax to 813-354-4410
PART-TIME POSITIONEquestrian Marketing / Barn Man-ager. Equine care, product sales. or call 813-986-1702
PART-TIME WORKGreat pay. Resume builder. Work around classes.Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call now.
Psych Office PT position M-Th 10-4 $8/hr. Mental Health exp pref. Fax resume to 229-3586.
PT Leasing Consultant 1 day a week, Sat, Sun. Good pay. 813-996-2879
Publisher seeking PT Word Processors. Flexible day hours, casual attire. Good pay/must possess good English & gram-mar skills/must be proficient typ-ist. Call 968-8733, ask for Jeri.
Quizno’s Subs near Raymond James Stadium. PT. Fun atmos-phere. Up Sligh at 2537 N.Dale Mabry.
Secretarial Support Services needed to complete psychological assessments. PT. Flexible hours. Work from home. 813-977-3466
Serious wealth for serious peo-ple. Summer, Fall and Spring positions available. 866-275-3157
Small broadcast media co needs organized, computer literate indi-vidual for script writing/reading/ac-counts management. Great pay. Flexible hours. Contact Daniel @727-709-3399 or email resume to
SUMMER INTERNSHIP: New up and coming energy brokering company based in Ybor City seek-ing motivated inside sales reps. Flexible schedule. $7/hr plus com-mission. Potential for excellent career in energy industry. Call 813-242-6330.
TELEFUND NOW HIRINGenthusiastic students with great communication skills to raise funds for USF! We offer: monthly merit raises, flexible hours and a fun atmosphere! Apply today at room 1020 of the Alumni Center or online at! Call 974-1137 for information.
Tumbling Coach needed. Must spot layouts and fulls. Please call 813-967-2824.
Veterinary Clinic seeks Recep-tionist/Assistant to be available mornings, evenings, Saturdays in the summer. Call 988-8880. Start Immediately Make your own schedule. 10-15 hrs/week. Fun atmosphere. Phone work. Jen 813-621-3732
Child Care
Extra Cash for school. PT baby-sitting, 2 children in Brandon. Pet-friendly, non-smoker, references required. 813-571-0266Real Estate
1,2 & 3 BR CONDOMINIUMS & Townhomes in the USF, Temple Terrace, New Tampa area from $60,000. Call John V Simone at Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals 813-988-7355.Condos for Sale USF, Temple Terrace from $70,000. Call Paul Noto, Universi-ty Realty, 813-977-0079 x115.
Apts. & Houses for Rent
$199 Moves You in. 1 bedrooms only. Terrace Trace Apartments. 813-989-13921B/1B in 4B/4B apt sublease for summer. $439 incl furniture and utilities. Call (850)865-1323.
1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Reflec-tions Apartments. $300/mo in-cludes rent/utilities/cable/furniture and more! Call Dionne at 863-529-6622.
2 Bedrooms in a 3/2 House, fur-nished. Pool, maid, everything in-cluded. 5miles/USF. No/deposit, $450/$550/mo. 758-1668
2BR/2BA Condo for rent near USF on shuttle route. W/D+more. From $675. 985-8718
2BR/2BA Condo for rent. USF area. $820/mo + electricity. Call 727-224-9664.
2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA, Boardwalk Apts. Available July. Furnished, includes utilities. $480/mo. Call 691-1232.
2BR/2BA Renovated Condo, The Oaks-across from USF Golf Course, 1050sf. Quiet community. $750/mo-neg. No smokers/pets. Available 7/25. 239-229-8187
3/2.5ba+loft in 7 Oaks Comm, w/comm. Fac, brand new home. $1375.00. 972-3430
3/2.5ba+loft, golf cse lot in Herit-age Isles Golf & Cntry Club, incl lawn svc. 972-3430
Avalon Heights Sublease-Female. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. May paid. $200 off June. Call 813-453-3487, Immediately.
BOARDWALK SUBLEASE, Available Now, May Paid. 1BR/1BA, female, $465/mo, utilit-ies and furniture included. Call 727-204-1677.
Campus Lodge Sublease, Aug-Dec, extension possible. $494, 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA-includes all utilities. Don’t sign a new lease-sublet from me! Will take off $20/mo.
CHEAP REFLECTIONS SUB-LEASE available ASAP-July. 1BR/1BA all inclusive. $350/OBO. Call Brad 927-0235.
Condo Place One, 1BR/1BA, pool, tennis courts and fitness room. $550/mo, $600/deposit. 813-972-7711 or 352-238-6680.
Free Rent!! Studio & 1 bedroom. University Square Apartments. Limited availability. 813-977-0628
Large clean 1BR/1BA apartment located adjacent to University Community Hospital. $500/mo. Call 813-961-3339.
New Tampa, Hunters Green Con-do. 2BR/2BA 1201sf w/fireplace & sunroom. Gated community. $895/mo. Jimei 813-994-2525
Room for Rent, $285/mo. Within 1 mile of USF. 813-679-6678 (cell)
Studio Apt for rent. $300/mo. 977-4231
Apts. & Houses to Share
$290, Furnished Room Clean, quiet, non-smoker. 5 min to USF. Prefer mature male. Marian- 453-5749Christian female wanted to share 3BR/2.5BA Townhouse in fall. Walking distance to USF. $281/mo+1/3utilities. 984-8250
Large House to share at New Tampa. 5BR/3BA and swimming pool. $420/mo+ utilities. Call 813-505-9569.
Mature, responsible, friendly female student to share 3/2 apart-ment, N/D, N/S. 3/$367. Near Shuttle. 985-9077
Room for Rent in Temple Terrace home. Female only. Private bath-room. References needed. $400/mo. 988-1655
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Digital Cameras from $10.00! Police seized property! For info call 1-800-747-9372, ext P217.Furniture
Bed $120, Queen P/top. Brand new in plastic. Can deliver. 813-870-0070Bedroom Set, $499. Brand new, still in box. Sofa & loveseat, $475. Brand new, must sell. Can deliver. 813-870-0070
Sofa & Loveseat, 2 Queen-size beds, mattresses, coffee table, dining table and other misc! 931-5677
Top Grain Italian Leather sofa & loveseat. New, still in plastic. $950. Can deliver. 813-870-0070
Autos for Sale
2001 Audi A4, loaded, factory warranty, rare burnt orange color, 44K, Tiptonic transmission. Matt (813)417-2139/(813)432-8156GREAT BUY!! 1993 Honda Civic, low mileage, excellent condition. $3,200. Please call 910-8716.
HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-747-9319 ext. 7453.