Letters to the Editor
Unnecessary sexual innuendos in headline
Since I’ve started college at USF, I have always thought that The Oracle was a good newspaper and a great way to inform students — especially when it comes to sex. All of the “Campus BedPost” articles that I have read have been very interesting and informative.
One thing that I just can’t get past, however, is all of the sexual innuendos that are made, especially in the titles of the articles. I understand what the writer is trying to get across, and maybe it is a tactic used to get the reader’s attention, but is it really necessary to use lines such as, “Anal Sex: proceed with Caution” or “Get ready for the big O?”
It’s really unnecessary and a bit uncomfortable. It’s like going to your grandmother and asking her to tell you about her first sexual experience: You just don’t do it.
Heather Walker is a freshman majoring in criminology.
Column oversimplified taxation models
Re: “Don’t quote the Book unless you stick by it” April 1
This column partly discussed the “philosophical difference between (President George W. Bush and John Kerry) on how to help people.”
Adam Fowler, the author, implied that Kerry is a contemporary Robin Hood (taxing as much as he wants and giving the money away), whereas President Bush would rather not have any kind of social improvement programs funded by tax dollars because that would be forced charity. Apparently, Bush believes that all social programs such as unemployment benefits are charitable handouts.
Fowler was trying to say that Kerry shouldn’t force charity by overtaxing. This view is incredibly naive as I am sure that Fowler is aware (he was only simplifying to make a point).
Taxing is not as simple as taking from the rich and giving to the poor. The government was put in place to protect our society — that requires funding.
People usually don’t take government funding, as Fowler implied, as just a free give out supported by good citizens’ tax dollars. Tax dollars give us public schools (albeit under-funded), roads, Home Land Security and the like.
In a capitalistic society, it is the richest people (entrepreneurs, business people, etc) who benefit the most from our society, so they should pay the most — it is not a charitable contribution.
Imagine what would happen to our economy if the government stopped funding transportation, education, courtrooms and law enforcement. The poor people would still be poor, but the businesses, which were once successful, would suffer.
So don’t be fooled into thinking that tax dollars being appropriated and spent by our government is a handout — funding is used to support our society and it is those people who are well off now who will continue to benefit in the future.
Debbie King is a senior majoring in education.
Use caution when switching ‘lanes’
Re: “Anal sex: proceed with caution” March 31
I wanted to comment to Stephanie Oliveira about a small but significant omission from her column pertaining to anal sex. In the second to the last paragraph when she states, “A word of advice … and keep in mind you can always stop. Or switch places,” I am assuming that she meant switching from the anal area to the vaginal area.
I wanted to point out that this practice is absolutely not advised because of the risk of developing a urinary tract infection. The urinary meatus (opening to the urinary tract) is very close and sometimes just inside of the vaginal opening. Direct contact to this area following anal penetration would almost certainly result in the transfer of E. Coli bacteria from the anus to the urinary meatus and into the urethra.
E.Coli bacterial contamination is the most common cause of UTI’s in females and contributes to a high cost in discomfort, treatment and possibly more serious renal complications.
I would hope that Oliveira might add this information to one of her upcoming articles.
I would like to applaud her well-researched efforts. Her articles seem to be promoting healthy sexual practices as well as healthy attitudes. I appreciate her frequent mentions of prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
Patricia Gilliam is a consultant and trainer for the Florida Center for HIV Education and Research, and the Florida/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center for USF.