Wake me up for the ball game
The Romans had to wait until the 10th hour of the day for their entertainment, but today mine came at 5 a.m. I don’t consider...
A hidden function makes watch more than meets the eye
USB Memory Watch Keeping track of files can now be easily accomplished with a watch that allows for its wearer to always keep them within...
Choice in cable lineup may be option
Facing an increasing number of angry constituents, a group of senators said they are considering new regulations that would allow consumers to have more control...
Photo of the Day 3/30
Oracle/VICTOR GRILEYRandy Johnston plays guitar with the USF Faculty Jazz Ensemble members Mark Neuenschwander, bass, and Danny Gottlieb, drums, in the Musical Recital Hall on...
Getting lucky in Tampa
Billboards posted up all over the Tampa Bay area, radio advertisements played on all the local stations and even television commercials have been donning the...