Classifieds 2/20
Travel Opportunities
Spring Break 2004! Travel w/STS, America’s #1 Student Tour Operator to Cancun, Acapul-co, and Jamaica! Group dis-counts. 1-800-648-4849 or www.ststravel.comService Offered
Editing / Typing Dissertations / Thesis Resumes graduate special $99 Certified Writers 282-0011Eye Exams, Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, USF Discounts Walk-ins WelcomeFor Eyes Optical2201-E.Fowler Avenue813-972-1573
Learning Tree Preschool 7 themed rooms where education is fun. New students 1 week free, ages 2-5. 7818 North Armenia. 933-0345
Private Tutoring for LSAT/GMAT. Internationally trained w/exp teaching prep courses. Reasona-ble rates. 813-310-2017
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.!Easy clerical work near USF. 10-15 hrs/week, flexible. $7-8/hr. E-mail for more info!
!Public Relations Internship with small publishing company near USF. Email for more info!
$15/hrStart ImmediatelyFlexible/Students HoursNo Experience RequiredNo Sales Involved1-800-763-8959 Ext. 3
$7.00-$10.00/hourChoose Your ScheduleBanquets/Fine DiningSpecial EventsSet-up/ServingLittle Experience NeededFree TrainingEliteHospitalityProfessionals813-866-3830
Accounting Clerk Strong organizational skills, atten-tion to details. Email resume to
Bartender Trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local posi-tions. 1-800-293-3985, ext. 535.
Bartenders Needed! Make $150-$250/day. No experi-ence necessary. Will train. Call now! 800-704-9775
Childcare Workers Needed, work in private homes. All areas and hours available. References needed. 672-2232
Employment Opportunity, Great Pay. Ideal for college students. Flexible hours. Call today. 813-971-1880
Enjoy Golf Kids? Spend the summer as a counselor for YMCA Urban Junior Golf. Call 813-984-8655 for more informa-tion.
Entrepreneur seeking motivated ambitious people for financial op-portunity. 1-877-290-1847
EVENT STAFF & SERVERS FOR OUR BANQUET & EVENT CEN-TER. Seeking exceptional people to provide exceptional service. PT positions avail. $8-12/hr. Apply in person. Grande Occasions at the Town Center, 11778 North Dale Mabry. 813-769-5543
FT/PT Preschool Teachers needed. Great hours/pay/benefits. USF area. Experience preferred but not necessary. Call 988-1999.
Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!
Get paid when the phone rings. 1-866-275-3157
GREAT PAY!ATTENTION: STUDENTSFlex sched. Work around classes. Must be friendly. Internships avail-able. Sales/Service. Will train. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call immediately. 936-1122
Lifeguards for 2004 Summer in North Myrtle Beach. No exp. Apply
Make Money taking online surveys, work from home.
Medical Receptionist, PT flexible hours. Excellent salary. Fax to 813-971-3960.
Mobility Technologies. Technol-ogy minded PT operations per-sonnel needed. Excellent pay, flex hours. (813)637-0180 Ext. 3
Needed: Servers, Hosti. Apply in person, Mon-Thurs, 2-4pm, 18+.J. Alexanders Restaurant913 Dale Mabry, 813-354-9006
Optometric Assistant-PT for busy office near USF. Experi-ence preferred, willing to train right individual. For Eyes Optical, 2201-B E.Fowler Ave.
OUTBOUND Representatives Wanted!!!!Thompson Cigars Linensource Casual Living Are you ready to work and make MONEY? Give Us A Call!!! Absolutely NO Cold Calling. Let us work with you to create hours that will benefit your life-style. Training wages guaran-teed at $9.50/hr. Our current reps are making $13.00-$16.00/hr. Accepting walk-ins. FT/PT positions available. FLEXIBLE HRS Avail./SALES EXP. A MUST.5401 Hangar CT Tampa, Florida 813-884-6344, EOE
Paid Finance Internships involv-ing sales & profit analysis, projec-tion statistics generation & assist-ing the company’s preparations for going public. Email resume to
Paid Marketing Internship with online retailer, writing, advertising and cust svc. Email resume to
PART TIMEOPENINGSImmediate Openings!Great Pay! PT schedules. Resume builder. Fun work environment. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Tampa/202-8016Pinellas/
PEER LEADERS WANTEDUniversity Experience Program seeking successful upper-level students. Great mentoring exp. E-mail:
PHOTO SALES/PHOTOGRA-PHERS/SUPERVISORSWork at local theme park. Above avg. hrly. pay + bonus. Full and part-time positions available. Yearly admission passes to the park. Health, dental and 401k for full-time employees. Pre-employ-ment drug tests will be performed. CALL 800-695-5303. DFWP
Preschool Kitchen Cook need-ed. Responsible, dependable per-son. M-F, 6.5 hrs/day, AM hours, good pay. 988-1999
PT Marketing Asst-Insurance. Flexible Hours. Developing new clients. Good communication skills. Fax resume: (813)979-4857
PT Social Service/Admission Assist. Carrollwood Care Center. Fax resume to 960-8510, Attn: Social Services.
Runner/Researcher at downtown real estate firm. 20-25 hrs/wk. Fax resume & availability to 254-0193.
STARTING PAY $10.50Southeastern Freight Lines 12315 CR 579Thonotosassa (813) 986-2900P/T Freight Handlers6AM to 10AM or 6PM to 9PM
The UPS Store, Tampa Palms/ Wesley Chapel needs pleasant & happy associates for approx 20/hrs. Preferably afternoons & Saturdays. Apply @The UPS Store, 1936 Bruce B Downs Blvd. 994-1777
Tumbling and Cheerleading Coaches needed. Talented staff. Talented individuals please call 813-967-2824.
Valet Parking Attendants. FT/PT, daytime hours. Friendly customer service skills required. Excellent pay, tips daily. Call Bill 1-800-381-5911.
Veterinary Technician/Assistant or Receptionist for animal hos-pital close to campus. FT/PT. Experience a plus but will train. Call 995-0358 & fax resumes to 995-9568.
Apts. & Houses for Rent
1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA, Campus Lodge Sublease, $534/mo, in-cludes utilities, furnished. Availa-ble ASAP. (805)895-6208 skatezoo@aol.com1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA, Jefferson Commons Sublease, furnished, top floor. $481/mo includes paid utilities/internet/carport/WD, cable TV. February paid. Available now. 813-786-7574
2BR/2BA Townhouse for rent near USF on shuttle route. W/D+more. Price $725. 985-8718
Avalon Heights Sublease now through July. Furnished 1/1 with common area. $450/mo. Call 941-276-9118.
Avalon Heights Sublease, Male. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $515/mo-includes utilities, W/D. Available immediately. 941-737-2163 or 941-727-1227.
Breckenridge, free until April. Internet, cable, utilities included. Free shuttle. $420/mo. Female sublease. Jodi, 813-765-2801.
Collegiate Hall, Male subleaser needed ASAP. All inclusive. Call Ted 813-784-9614.
DISCOUNT RENT. Terrace Palms 50th St-walking distance to USF-2BR/2BA, W/D, water incld, new appliances. Starting @$650/mo. 813-268-5300
Lease House or Room. Unfur-nished, quiet dead-end road, close to campus. Call for info. 431-7467
New Tampa, Hunters Green. 2BR/2BA Condo with fireplace & sunroom. Gated community. $950/mo. Jimei 813-817-8882
SUBLEASE 1B/1B in ANY 4B/4B available in Campus Lodge. $419/mo, negotiable. Contact Lindsey 813-610-6194.
SUBLEASE AVALON HEIGHTS Female, 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. All utilities included. $520/mo. Available immediately. Contact Kelly@727-741-1206.
Apts. & Houses to Share
AVALON HEIGHTS, female sub-leaser needed ASAP! All inclu-sive. Special Offer! Call Kirsten (352)636-9663.Boardwalk Sublease available immediately. All males. $465/mo, utilities included. 1/2 off March rent. Bruce 813-758-5489.
Condo near USF 2BR/2BA, $460/mo includes water, trash, electric, cable. Available March 1st. 813-977-9268, 321-246-3422
Female Roommate Needed2BR/2BA, TampaPalms gated community, very clean, pool, $400/mo+ 1/2 electricity. Non-smoking. 903-0986
Jefferson Commons Sublease Female, 1BR/1BA. All utilities, fully furnished. Cable TV/Internet, covered carport. $414/month. 813-453-9292
Jefferson Commons Sublease. 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA, includes W/D, all utilities, cableTV/high speed internet in bedroom, cov-ered carport, furnished. $300/mo. 727-459-9014
Male USF student seeking room-mate for new 2BR/2.5BA Town-house, NewTampa, 15-mins from USF. Furnished w/huge master bedroom w/private bath. Club-house, pool, weight room, W/D. $500/mo. 404-8319.
Room Available, Campus Lodge Apts, $489/mo sublease. Private bath, utils included. 813-886-8561
Roommate to share 3BR house. Close to campus. $550/mo includ-ing utilities & high speed-internet. 850-321-6474
USF area, roommate needed. Large house, no pets. $309/mo + 1/4 utilities. 382-3732
Autos for Sale
’97 Red Ford Escort $1900 OBO. Contact Daniel @(813)240-3537.HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.