Classifieds 11/20
Fraternities – SororitiesClubs – Student GroupsEarn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with a proven CampusFundraiser 3 hour fundraising event. Our free programs make fundraising easy with no risks. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so get with the program! It works. Contact Cam-pusFundraiser at (888)923-3238, or visit www.campusfundraiser.comI will pay you cash for name brand clothing. Looking for Male M/L, Girls XS/S. 368-8118
Travel Opportunities
Spring Break 2004. Travel with STS, America’s #1 Student Tour Operator to Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco, Bahamas and Florida. Now hiring campus reps. Call for group discounts. Information/Res-ervations 1-800-648-4849 or Offered
3D Animation Training in Visual Effects. Register today. Seating is limited. 813-221-6705. Discount w/student ID.Editing / Typing Dissertations / Thesis Resumes graduate special $99 Certified Writers 282-0011
FLORIDA INVENTORS NETWORKProtect Your Ideas! Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Raise $ Business Plans. (813)972-3815
Professional Star Consultation Uncertain goals, relationship direction?ASTROLOGY CAN HELP$25 Close to CampusEXPERIENCED DELINEATOR731-1722
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.* Software AssistantExcellent opportunity for computer & internet savvy student with strong verbal & written communi-cation skills. Minimum 25hrs/wk.!
Appointment Setters. Great pay, flexible hours. Call 909-2046.
Bartender Trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local posi-tions. 1-800-293-3985, ext. 535.
Coaches needed for middle school competitive basketball team. Looking for strong, energet-ic leaders with general knowledge of basketball skills. Coaching ex-perience preferred. References required. Call Dr. Joyce Burick Swarzman at Independent Day School, 961-3087.
CSR’sCall today, start today. Average $10/hr. 6-10pm, Mon-Thurs. Call now. 969-2991
Experienced Cook/Chef to pre-pare meals for individual family weekly near campus. 971-1970, leave message.
Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!
Gymnastic Instructor needed-Gym in the Brandon area looking for energetic individuals. Some experience required. 672-7636
Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream/Nestle Cookies-PT/FT, flex hours. Apply in person Westshore Mall location or call 813-202-8242.
Holiday Work, Nov 26th-30th Orlando Convention Center. Need athletic, bright students. Working with children & sports. Other opportunities possible. 813-254-6226
Housekeeper wanted for clean-ing & household tasks for family near campus. 971-1970, leave message.
Needed: Servers, Hosti, Kitchen Staff. Apply in person, Mon-Thurs, 2-4pm, 18+.J. Alexanders Restaurant913 Dale Mabry, 813-354-9006
Now hiring energetic, motivated sales associates to sell cell phone accessories. PT/FT. Flex sched-ules. Hourly + commission. Citrus and Brandon Malls. Contact 813-376-9048.
PRODUCT SELECTOR, M-F, 4AM-Noon. Bilingual a +. Heavy lifting. $7/hr. DFWP. Email re-sumes to:
Property Attendant, nights 9pm-5am for northwest Tampa apart-ment communities. Experience. $7.50/hr. Apply 8730 N Himes Ave or 14301 Bruce B Downs Blvd. No calls please.
PT Experienced Receptionist for downtown law firm. Parking provided. Please fax resume to 813-223-5204.
PT Medical Assistant. Health Science major preferred. 13124 N. Florida Ave. $8.50/hr. 932-5389
PT Office Help, 10am-7pm on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Optometrist office. Citrus Park Mall. 813-920-3712
RESEARCH/ADMIN ASST F/T with benefits for N. Tampa medical research center. College degree preferred; excellent com-puter and communication skills required. Email resume to EOE/DFWP.
Scoopers Needed PT. Evenings & weekends. Also need local stu-dents to fill-in between semesters with possible permanent position during Spring semester. Apply in person Maggie Moo’s, located be-hind Red Lobster & Olive Garden on BruceBDowns, NewTampa.
Server & Host. Asian Chef Buffet Restaurant, located in Clearwater. PT/FT. Experience preferred. 813-230-1374, ask for Kathy.
Spokesmodels $30+ hourly. Up-scale fashion shows/promotional work, 18 and up. Transportation a must. 941-761-3365
Tutor Wanted: for 8th grader in our home in Carrollwood area. $20/hr-Algebra I. 264-9252,
Valets Needed. Looking for ath-letic, responsible people. PT/FT positions. $8-12/hr. Clearwater, St. Pete locations. 727-726-2004
We train you to deal Blackjack. Great PT pay for the holidays. Candy
Child Care
Babysitter for 2, ages 3 and 1, 4days/week or PT as needed nights/weekend. South Tampa near Bayshore, experience and references required. 839-0485Childcare needed on Thursday nights for 2 yr/old. South Tampa, 6:30-11pm. Please e-mail to:
Childcare Needed. Prefer Mon/Wed but flexible. 8:30-4. Non-smoking education major preferred. References. Tampa Palms. 971-1830
Live-in Nanny FT for 2 children, 5&3. Trinity area. Must have transportation, references. Call 727-743-9557.
Mothers Assistant/Babysitter for 3 kids. Mon-Fri 3-6pm, some weekends. Must drive. Prefers ages 18-35. 250-0177
Nanny 10-15 hours per week for 5yo after school. References required. Some exp preferred. 813-417-3792
Personal Assistant-working Mom with special needs child. Great ex-perience for Speech, Special Ed or Psychology major. After-school & weekend hours. Fax 908-0688.
Personal care for special needs child. Mon-Fri 7-9am or 4-7pm. $10/hr. Dedicated applicants only. 985-1434
Real Estate
Available Immediately! 1, 2 & 3 bedroom Condos & Townhomes in USF, New Tampa & Temple Terrace area. 813-988-SELL Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals.For Sale- Well maintained 3 Bed-room home near USF, $124,900. Denise Almand, 684-9500, KW Realty.
Apts. & Houses for Rent
$150 Signing Bonus. Collegiate Hall Sublease. Avail now. Includes private bath, W/D, utilities, extras. $365/mo. Call 813-956-5911.$419-CAMPUS LODGE ROOM AVAILABLE. Includes rent/utilities/ cable/internet. Contact Susan at (813)843-2168 or Jamie at (813)843-4937.
Ashford Green 2/2, all app+W/D. Water/cable incld, $675-$700/mo, on shuttle route. University Realty, 977-0079 ext-117.
Avalon Heights Sublease 1BR in 4BR/4BA. $495/mo, $200 deposit. Includes all utilities, fully furnished. 948-1516
Boardwalk Sublease 1BR/1BA in furnished 4BR/4BA. $450 in-cludes everything. Available Dec. 1st month free. 813-545-7752
Boardwalk Sublease-Females 2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA. Utilities/ca-ble/ethernet included, clean/quiet apt. $465/$480/monthly. Begin-ning of Jan. No move-in fee! (813)390-8479/(727)421-0699
Bordeaux Village, east side USF, 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor, cathedral ceiling, W/D. $680/mo. 985-1011
Collegiate Hall Furnished 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA. Utilities, W/D, cable included. $499/mo. Available in December. 813-866-9998
Collegiate Hall; sublease avail Dec 10, M/F. Incl private bath, W/D, all util. Neat/clean M/F room-mates. $399/mo. 813-679-8573
Condo-42nd & Fletcher, close to USF. Beautiful 2BR/1.5BA, $690/mo. No deposit. No pets. 716-1584, 689-4100
Condos for rent-Ashford Green & Bavarian Village near USF on Bull Run route. 2BR/2BA, from $675. W/D+more. 985-8718
DISCOUNT RENT. The Oaks-on 46th St-walking distance from USF. 2BR/2BA, W/D, water/cable incld, new appliances. $675/mo. 813-268-5300
Jefferson Commons Sublease 1BR in 4BR/2BA, Male/Female. Only $384/mo, everything includ-ed, fully furnished. 201-978-6540
Jefferson Commons Sublease 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Avail Now! Sign-on BONUS ($400). Only $399/mo! 866-4514
Large 1BR, $505/mo. Available now. Call 842-5695. 2 miles from USF.
MOVE IN SPECIAL!!! Sublease in Breckenridge for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. $445/mo. Furnished, utilities. (813)361-3015
ROOM FOR RENT-Palm Lakes Apts. $300/mo-includes all bills. Available Now. 205-4422 or 679-7291. No chumps or thieves!
Sublease Available ASAP-2BR/2BA, Females, W/D, utilities/ internet included, fully furnished. Breckenridge Apts. $440/mo. Call 813-979-9192.
Sublease Avalon Heights Apts. Female for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. $510/mo. Fully furnished, utilities included. (813)691-2239
Sublease Dec 1st, Park Terrace, 2BR/2.5BA, $930/mo includes wa-ter, cable. Walking distance USF, W/D. 983-8154
Sublease-lease good through Aug 1st. $333/mo. Located in the Excellence. Close to campus. Call (813)340-1405.
TEMPLE TERRACE. New Villa, 3BR, 2BA, 2CG, exterior maint pool. Lease w/purchase option. $1200/mo. 813-985-2406
Terrace Palms-50th St-across from campus, 2/2’s with&w/out W/D. Starting @$550/mo-water incld. University Realty 977-0079, ext-117.
The Oaks/North Oaks-1,2&3BR. All appliances+W/D, fireplaces. water/basic cable incld, from $600/mo. University Realty, 977-0079, ext-117.
Apts. & Houses to Share
2BR House to share (I am rarely there) near USF (with grad stu-dent). $250-$350. 813-787-8869BRECKENRIDGE SUBLEASE-Female, $430/mo, 1BR/1BA, all utilities, W/D, furnished, bullrun-ner, cable. Available: 12/10. (239)849-1932
Excellence Sublease. Female, 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA. $425/mo includes utilities, W/D, cable. Call 904-537-7871
Female Roommate Wanted New Tampa House with swimming pool. $400/mo + utilities. Call 335-6296.
Female Roommate Wanted. Non-smoker. Near USF. 2BR/2BA Condo. (561)245-1298
Female USF Student seeks same for 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Close to USF. Available Jan 1st. 727-798-8775
Female, non-smoking room-mate, 2BR/2BA, furnished, W/D, basic cable, internet, 2miles/USF, $400/mo. Call 813-300-0457.
Jefferson Commons 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA, $466/mo includes ev-erything. 917-318-4088
Jefferson Commons Sublease $409/mo, 3/3, Male roommate. Internet, gym, cable, electricity included. Edward (813)966-0172
Roommate Needed to share 2BR/1BA in Fairway Oaks apt complex. Rent-$325/mo+1/2 utilit-ies. Call Katie 813-615-9316.
Roommate wanted to share beautiful home in New Tampa. $350/mo plus monthly utilities. (813)789-7538
Sublease Breckenridge Apts. Male for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, $440/mo. Furnished, utilities in-cluded. 941-628-0280
USF area, roommate needed. Large house, no pets. $309/mo + 1/4 utilities. 382-3732
USF student seeking roommate. Best Deal in Tampa! Beautifully furnished Townhouse in New Tampa community. 2BR/2.5BA, pool, master bedroom w/private bathroom. $600/mo. Available for immediate occupancy. For more information call 813-404-8319.
Autos for Sale
1991 Honda Civic-Dx-4D. Only 65,500 miles, Automatic, 4Cyl, 1.5Liter, A/C, Power-steering, Good condition. $3,400. Sarah 813-905-40521993 Honda Accord SE, all pow-er, leather, moon roof. Great con-dition. $4,900 OBO. 813-985-3511
HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.
Toyota for Sale. ’89 Celica ST, AC, new tires, good condition. $1300 OBO. Call 813-978-3849.
TOYOTA TERCEL 1996 79K miles, very good condition, $2800. For more information call (813)748-1032, (727)784-3712.