Classifieds 1/16

Travel Opportunities

BAHAMASPRINGBREAK$189.00 5-Days/4-Nights$239.00 7-Days/6-Nights

Prices include:Accommodations on the island at one of ten resorts(your choice). Round-trip luxury cruise with food.


Book Early For Best Selection!

Florida’s ONLY 4 & 5 Night SPRING BREAK packages. Stu-dent Express #1 parties in Cancun with exclusive appearances by DJ SKRIBBLE and SHAGGY!! Spring Break on another level!! Reliable Air and Hotel. From $439! or 800-787-3787 for details.

SPRING BREAK CANCUN with STS Americas #1 Student Tour Operator. Groups save up to $120 per room. On-campus contact Jennifer Provenzano @ 813-966-4481 STS @ 1-800-648-4849

SPRING BREAK! Bahamas Party Cruise $279 5 Days, Includes 10 Free Meals, Free Parties & Drink Specials! Incl. Port, Departure, Hotel Tax! 1.800.678.6386

SPRING BREAK! Panama City BeachBoardwalk Beach Resort $199Includes 7 Nights Hotel, 6 Free Parties! 24 Hours Free Drinks! Cancun & Jamaica! From $ 1.800.678.6386

Service Offered

Eye Exams, Eyeglasses,Contact lenses, USF discounts. Walk-ins welcome. For-Eyes Optical 2201 E. Fowler Avenue 813-972-1573

Finite Experiment. Need 5 people. Free tutoring. Contact Rebecca 985-4241.

MOBILE DETAILINGWe come to you! Quick, thorough service starting at $50.00. Detailers wanted. 956-3308

Private Tutoring All mathematics Contact Rebecca 985-4241

Term Papers, Thesis, Dissertations, Transcribing, Editing, Manuscripts, APA/MLA formats, $4/DS page. HSS Inc. 282-0011

Help Wanted

!Bartenders Wanted! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.
2003 EXPANSION 23 Bulls needed to fill openings in customer service/sales. Scholarships/Internships. Flexible schedule. 813-936-1122

Accounting Assistant for downtown law firm. 10/hrs/wk. Accounting majors preferred. Quickbooks a plus. Call Aline 224-9000.

ACCOUNTING/CLERICAL for CPA firm-4418 W. Kennedy. PT/FT, flexible. Westshore area. Fax 636-8484
Advertising Publisher needs telesales reps. Average commission $2200 per sale. Call 813-639-1900.

All Sports after-school program seeking recreation specialists for kids 5-12, 2-6pm, M-F. Team Thomas 610-2220.

Bartender Trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local positions. 1-800-293-3985, ext. 535.

BARTENDERS NEEDED!! No experience necessary!! Earn up to $300/Day!! 1-866-291-1884xU968

BEEN THERE, INC.Looking for a dependable and honest individual to work with a graduate student with a physical disability. 8-20/hrs/week. $10/hr. Call Scott: 349-3846

Construction Receptionist. Work with school schedule. Computer, phones, filing. $8.00 per hour. (813)626-4052, fax resume.

Counter Help. FT & PT flexible hours for dry cleaner. 977-5500

Darkroom Printer $7.00/hr. Black & White photos. PT, 20 hrs/week. Experience preferred. 839-3939

Equine Hospital in Brandon. Horse-experienced person to work midnight-8am, Sun-Thurs. Must be dependable, references required. 813-643-7177

Females who smoke socially needed for national telephone interview. Selected callers earn $50. Leave name & number, your call will be returned ASAP. 1-888-355-0322 Toll Free.

Fox’s Pizza Den in Brandon hiring all positions. (Coming soon to Valrico). Call 571-7992.

Immediate Job Openings. Sales, $10/hr+, Mon-Fri, no weekends or nights. 813-889-0578, ask for Richard.

Junior or Senior Marketing major needed PT. Outgoing personality a must for developing and implementing inter/business relationships. Florida Home Care Inc. 813-222-2273

Law Office Runner. PT, flexible hours. South Tampa office. No experience necessary. Please call 813-251-6666.

Marketing/Promotions Promotional staff needed, no sales required. Perfect for energetic, cheerful college students, cheerleading or modeling experience helpful. Up to $12/hr. Call (727)772-7580.

MOVIE EXTRAS/ACTORS NEEDED. No experience necessary!! Earn up to $150-450/Day!! Call Now for immediate exposure 1-800-814-0277×968.

N. Tampa medical research center-2 positions. Research/admin ass’t F/T with benefits-college degree and excellent computer and communication skills required. Clerical P/T-must have good computer skills. Potential for full-time. Fax resume 975-8761. EOE/DFWP

Now hiring fun, energetic sales associates to sell cell phone accessories. Sales or cust svc exp pref. Brandon, CitrusPark, Lakeland Malls. FT/PT. Hourly+com-mission. Call Heather 376-9048.

Office Assistant/Reader for Sr. Partner at prominent downtown law firm. Unique opportunity, looks great on resume, pre-law student preferred, possible intern credits. 20hrs/wk, $7/hr+parking, 3.3GPA. 224-9000, x3401.

Optometric Assistant-PT for busy office near USF. Experience preferred, willing to train right individual. 972-1573

Property Attendant. Must work from 9:00PM until 5:00AM. Apply at: Windridge Apartments, 14301 Bruce B Downs Blvd. No calls please.

PT Front Desk/Receptionist Tues/Thurs, 8:30am-5:30pm. Fast paced, high volume office. Fax resume to 676-1980.

PT Marketing/Bus. Dev. Visit local businesses to leave information & enter data into computer. Tampa Print Services, 875-7083 x302 (24hrs).

PT OFFICE STAFF-Phones, Typing, Filing. Casual Environment. Flexible Hours Approx. 20/wk. $8/hr. Call (813)884-5793.

Sales Consultants-Flexible Hours, Residual Commissions Up To $50k 1st year. Fax Resume 813-991-4973

Sales. Quick, easy sale. Immediate compensation. Make your own schedule. Great residual income. 5207 Wilcox Rd, Tampa, 33624, Friday 12-5. 908-0005

Tampa Prep seeking Track Coach. Call Carol at 251-8481 Ext. 4075.

Valet Parking Attendants needed. Looking for responsible, athletic people, FT/PT. Earn $8-$12/hr. Clearwater. 727-726-2004

Veterinary Clinic seeks Assistant/Receptionist for FT/PT position. Will train. Call 988-8880.

WRITERS: National automotive magazine wants you! Creativity a must! Call 813-673-8855, Fax 813-673-8875,

Child Care

Babysitter needed for South Tampa family-4 children, ages 6-13. Mostly weekends, references needed. Call 839-3198.
Childcare Provider w/homework assistance, 2 children, Lutz area. M-F, 9-10/hrs/wk, $80/wk. Reliable transportation required. 949-6435

Mother’s Helper needed two afternoons per week. $8.00/hr. 963-1100

Responsible childcare giver to transport three school-age children & assist with homework 2-3 hours per afternoon. South Tampa area. Car & references required. $10/hr. 813-760-7623

Real Estate

Condo-on 50th Street near USF. 2BR/2BA, pool side view. $49,000. 983-0738

USF Area-2/2.5 Condo. End unit in excellent condition. Lots of upgrades, extras. $82,500. 980-6109

Apts. & Houses for Rent

1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $420/mo includes all utilities except phone. Need sublease ASAP! 476-2981

20 minutes from USF. 2BR Duplex $425, 1BR $350. 813-855-3690

Apartment Sublease Available at Jefferson Commons, $374 a month. (727)480-9122

Breckenridge Sublease.1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $385/mo-very cheap, all utilities except phone. Need sublease ASAP. 813-431-3999

Campus Lodge Sublease-$469/mo. 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA, fully furnished, includes utilities, internet, cable. (Starting 05/03). 813-857-7389

Campus Lodge Sublease-1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, $470/mo utilities included. Lease thru Aug. Available ASAP. 813-215-1223, 301-932-0208

Carrollwood Gables Condo-2BR/2BA. Quiet, pool, gym, hot tub, water, security system. $850/mo+deposit or buy @$76K-493-1700.

Collegiate Hall Sublease. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, fully furnished, includes utilities, internet service, cable. $430, price negotiable. Nancy, 941-488-7219 or 813-971-9369.

Fontana Hall Sublease. $400/mo, all utilities, phone, unlimited meals, free X-Box & games. Ashley 813-245-8782.

Jefferson Commons 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Females only. $384/mo, utilities & cable included. Call 813-967-1511.

Jefferson Commons 1BR/1BA of 4BR/4BA. Paid utilities, with kitchen. 6 months lease, $400/mo. Call 941-727-7599.

Lutz Executive glass house. 3BR/2BA, 2800sf, pool/spa, wterfront, nice, private, quiet, no pets. $1900/mo. 813-949-3228

Professional/Grad Raintree Condo. 2BR/2BA, dishwasher, W/D, cable. No pets. 988-0546, call after 6:00pm.

Seminole Heights, 2/1 upstairs apt. Recently remodeled w/roof garden, CHA. $650/mo, 1st, last security. 813-204-9229

Temple Terrace 3/2, 1380sf, CHA, W/D. $875. Blue Sky Management 237-1854, 857-5324.

Apts. & Houses to Share

$100 Cash for J.C. Sublease. $430/mo, everything inc. Females only. 813-886-4032, cell 382-1744

$300/mo + 1/3phone. Female roommate needed ASAP. Townhome in Excellence Apts. Call Regine 980-3678.

Breckenridge Sublease1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $415/mo includes all utilities except phone. Available immediately! 975-0851

Carrollwood Village house. 1BR, share BA in 4BR/2BA. 20min from USF. Quiet, spacious, furnished, pool, overlooking pond. $450/mo. Includes phone, cable, all utilities. No pets. 758-6884

Female Roommate to share 3/2 house, nice T.T. area. $375/mo + 1/3 utilities. 988-4818

Female Roommate wanted. 3BR/2BA House. Minutes from Brandon Mall. $350/mo + 1/3 utilities. Clean, washer/dryer. No pets. Call (813)657-5871.

Female Roommate, Collegiate Hall sublease Jan-July. 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA, cable, W/D, utilities included. $473/mo. 813-831-0324

Female USF student seeks same for 2/2.5 Townhouse close to USF. Non-smoker. $460/mo-includes all. 727-798-8775

Girl Roommate wanted for nice fully furnished apt, 2BR/2BA. Contact Salma 972-9410.

Professional/Grad to share historic home with female. Pets OK. 10 minutes from USF. Call 833-2406.

Roommate Needed IMMEDIATELY. 6 month lease. $360/mo + util. Overlooking pool. Call Lindsay (813)731-7663.

aRoommate wanted for house in Temple Terrace. Graduate student preferred. $400/mo includes utilities. 914-8606

Roommate wanted to share 2BR/2BA ASAP! $336 + 1/2 util. 431-9250

Share large Temple Terrace house. No pets. $275/mo + utilities. 230-3296

Two Months Free. Jefferson Commons sublet 4/4. 1BR/1BA, overlooks pool. $394. (727)514-0894.

USF AREA, 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA apt. 37″ TV, cable, clean, furnished, A/C, W/D. $409/mo. 813-905-8232

Autos for Sale

HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.

Mazda 1994 Miata MX5. Convert, 5 Spd, A/C, exc cond, 71Kmi, $4500. Call 813-546-6129.

Greek Announcement

Lavalieres for Less! That’s a promise!! From? Greek Unique, of course!!