Classifieds 11/27
Travel Opportunities
#1 Spring Break Vacations! 110% Best Prices! Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas, Florida, Texas. Book Now & Receive Free Parties & Meals. Campus Reps Wanted! 1-800-234-7007endlesssummertours.comBAHAMASPRINGBREAK$189.00 5-Days/4-Nights$239.00 7-Days/6-Nights
Prices include:Accommodations on the island at one of ten resorts(your choice). Round-trip luxury cruise with food.
Book Early For Best Selection!
Spring Break 2003 with STS Americas #1 Student Tour Operator Sell Trips earn cash Travel Free Information/Reservations1-800-648-4849 or
SPRING BREAK 2003! 150% Lowest Price Guarantee! REPS WANTED! Earn 2 FREE TRIPS, VIP treatment and cash! Call 1-800-293-1445 or e-mail!
Spring Break! Bahamas Party Cruise $299, Cancun & Jamaica From $429, Florida $159! 1-800-678-6386
Service Offered
CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS HELP HAS ARRIVED. LOG ON TO: WWW.SHOPGIFTSETC.NETEditing/Proofreading. Ph.D. will assist with papers – other work. $3.00/page. Variable rates for more extensive assistance. (813)269-5611
MOBILE DETAILINGWe come to you! Quick, thorough service starting at $50.00. Detailers wanted. 956-3308
NEW FIGHT SCHOOLOffering Thai Boxing, Grappling & Kali. Serious students wanted. 813-245-5918
Term Papers, Thesis, Dissertations, Transcribing, Editing, Manuscripts, APA/MLA formats, $4/DS page. HSS Inc. 282-0011
Help Wanted
$250/day potential/ Bartending Training provided 1-800-293-3985, ext. 535$8-10/hrBanquets/CateringFT/PT Little Experience NeededFree Training Begin Holiday Work Now! EliteHospitalityProfessionals 813-866-3830
42nd Street Bistro how hiring all positions, servers & kitchen for both locations. Apply in person between 2-4pm. 508 W. Fletcher Ave, just west of Florida.
Bartenders needed, no experience required. Earn up to $250/ day. Call 866-291-1884, ext U6.
Computer Support Staff & Administrator: F/T or P/T. Next door to USF Tampa Campus. Monday through Friday, Saturdays when needed. Experience with Microsoft Operating Systems, Microsoft Software Suites and fundamental knowledge of networking required. If qualified, benefits include 401(K), medical, dental and two weeks vacation. Email resume to Terrace Bank – EOE.
Direct TV Sales Reps. PT 5pm-9pm, M-F. Hourly+commission. Will train-great opportunity. Call after 2pm, 986-9500.
Get Paid For Your Opinions!Earn $15-$125 and more per survey!
Growing Financial Invest-ment firm needs part-time administrative help. Grow with us. Call RJ 813-962-3335.
Gymboree Play & Music Instructor PT for fun loving people person. Experience w/young children a must. 254-9626
Gymnastics Coaches Needed!Temple Terrace Gymnastics is currently seeking enthusiastic individuals to coach competitive teams, recreational classes and birthday parties. Great schedules, benefits and excellent pay. Please call 989-7180 for more information.
National Company seeking graduating senior for buyer position. Salary + commission. Call 628-9096.
Now hiring fun, energetic sales associates to sell cell phone accessories. Sales or cust svc exp pref. Brandon or CitrusPark Mall. FT/PT. Hourly+commission. Call Heather 376-9048.
Office Assistant/Reader for Sr. Partner at prominent downtown law firm. Unique opportunity, looks great on resume, pre-law student preferred, possible intern credits. 20hrs/wk, $7/hr+parking, 3.3GPA. 224-9000, x3401.
Optometrist Office, no experience necessary, PT. 920-3712
Preschool needs school-age teacher, 2-6, M-F. 988-5595, ask for Miss Rhonda or Miss Julia.
Property Attendant. Must work from 9:00PM until 5:00AM. Apply at: Windridge Apartments, 14301 Bruce B Downs Blvd. No calls please.
Receptionist needed for veterinary clinic PT/FT through the holidays. Experience a plus. Call 988-8880.
RESEARCH/ADMIN ASST F/T with benefits for N. Tampa medical research center. College degree and excellent computer and communication skills required. Fax resume 975-8761 EOE/DFWP.
Short term opportunity. Promote local website. Must be outgoing.
Small but busy doctors office seeking PT/FT Receptionist, will train. Fax resume 813-654-9545.
Urgent Office needs CSR @ our Busch & 56th St. location. $8.50/hr plus benefits. Call (813)988-0308 or apply in person.
Valet Parking Attendants needed. Looking for responsible, athletic people, FT/PT. Earn $8-$12/hr. Clearwater, Palm Harbor. Call 727-726-2004.
Veterinary Assistant/Receptionist with wonderful people skills, bilingual (Eng-Span) for friendly team-oriented veterinary hospital. If interested visit us at, where you can apply online or pick-up application at Murphy Animal Hospital, 6845 N. Dale Mabry.
Child Care – Your Community Network connecting parents to babysitters and babysitters to jobs. Registration is FREE!Real Estate
2BR/2.5BA large Condo near USF; on Bull Run route; completely renovated, owner financed; $85,000 or Rent with 2-year lease minimum, $1200/mo. Another option available for investors. Fax:813-979-2665, Ph:979-9685.Foreclosure 4BR/2BA, $23,000. For listings 800-319-3323, ext F341.
Why Rent? Duplex Condo for sale on shuttle route. 2BR/2.5BA, all new appliances. 352-650-9006
Apts. & Houses for Rent
1BR in Big/Nice 2/2 near USF. Fully Furnished/Equipped w/25in-TV/cable/RR, W/D-Everything included except phone. $498-Jan1st(neg). (813)866-8316Boardwalk Apartment for rent. $460/monthly, everything included. All female. Starting ASAP. Call Nancy 813-781-9244.
Boardwalk Apts Sublease, female needed in 4BR/4BA. Move-in now, no fees, no rent till Dec. $460/mo, everything included. (813)503-4987
Breckenridge Sublease Female, 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. Extensive utilities, furnished, shuttle, reduced app fee, $440/mo. 760-3046
Breckenridge Sublease1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, fully furnished, includes utilities, ethernet, cable. $420/mo. 361-0374
Campus Lodge Sublease. Female, 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, furnished, $479/mo + receive additional $300 cash. 727-542-0361
J.C. Sublease – 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, male, $404/mo, own parking spot. Mike 727-641-7617 or 813-971-9916.
J.C. Sublease ASAP, female, 4br/2ba, furnished fully. $354/mo, utilities included. 863-293-7526-Trena. Now until August 2003.
Move In Free! Boardwalk Apt. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Female, furnished, utilities/phone/internet included. $460/mo. (813)431-5219
Move-in Special $200. Spacious 2/1.5 Townhome. W/D, garage, close to USF, one left. Haughawout 760-4077.
Near USF-Luxurious condo, new tile & paint, W/D, fireplace, pool. Available immediately. Deposit req’d. 205-8981/335-0090
One Month Free-Jefferson Commons Sublease. $389/mo, everything included, largest bedroom in 4BR/4BA. Call Mike 813-250-4978.
Reflections Sublease Dec-Aug. 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA, furnished, cable, W/D, utilities included. $350/mo, price negotiable. 679-4567
Room for Rent. Quiet 2BR/2BA Condo. Close to campus. $300/mo+ 1/2 utilities. Call Jared 615-2267.
Subleasing Fontana Hall: Single room, unlimited meal plan, non-smoker, cable, internet, close to USF. Usually-$2875, Asking-$1800, Spring semester. 239-641-3997
Tampa Palms 2BR/2.5BA townhome. Gated community, tile, new carpet, freshly painted or sell, $900/$89,000. 376-3363
Apts. & Houses to Share
Collegiate Hall Sublease 4BR/4BA, fully furnished, utilities included, W/D, cable, $420/mo. Call Angel 801-913-8250.I Need A Room by end of Nov, preferably on shuttle route. I’m a quiet, working, non-smoking male student. 975-9774,
Roommate needed for 2BR/2BA in 4BR home. Meadow Point area. $575/mo + 1/2 utilities. 784-2537
Roommate Wanted to share 2BR/3BA Townhome on lake, furnished with all life’s luxuries. 1/2 miles from USF. $425+1/2utilities. Female pref. 813-765-0229
Share large Temple Terrace house. No pets. $275/mo + utilities. 810-5149
Spacious 2BR/2BA to share, semi-furnished, access to B&C shuttle, excellent neighborhood, non-smoker, $365/mo, ASAP. 813-598-5793
USF student looking for roommate to share 3BR/2BA new house. $575 includes all. Bearss/Livingston. 977-0618
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Earn Christmas Cash. Clean out your closet. Find great bargains. www.auctiontampabay.comLion King Tickets, 2-VIP seating for Thurs Jan 2nd, 2003. $125/each(at cost), includes free gift & program. 813-988-3491
Wedding Dress w/Veil. Size 6. $300. Needs to be cleaned. Call for more info. 971-1988
Must Sell: Full Queen Bed Set, mint condition. Originally $2100, ask only $850 obo. 813-598-5793Autos for Sale
1990 Geo Prizm, 150K, well maintained, great condition, $1200, must sell. Call 974-0442 or 866-8281.’97 Gold Probe, 75K, well maintained, great condition inside/out. $4,500. H/227-9576, C/748-7943.
FOR SALE-1993 Saturn. AC, runs well; $1,500. Ph: 914-8408.
HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.