Classifieds 11/8
NEED GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS? Go to or call 1-800-428-3479 for info.Travel Opportunities
BAHAMASPRINGBREAK$189.00 5-Days/4-Nights$239.00 7-Days/6-NightsPrices include:Accommodations on the island at one of ten resorts(your choice). Round-trip luxury cruise with food.
Book Early For Best Selection!
June ’03 Europe-10/days. Amsterdam, Brussels, Cologne, London and Paris. All meals, transportation and tour guides-813-655-4391.
Spring Break 2003 with STS Americas #1 Student Tour Operator Sell Trips earn cash Travel Free Information/Reservations1-800-648-4849 or
Spring Break! Bahamas Party Cruise $299, Cancun & Jamaica From $429, Florida $159! 1-800-678-6386
Help Wanted
$250/day potential/ Bartending Training provided 1-800-293-3985, ext. 535$8-10/hrFlexible HoursFT/PT Little Experience NeededFree Training Begin Holiday Work Now! EliteHospitalityProfessionals 813-866-3830
$800/Weekly Guaranteed, stuffing envelopes. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Oakdale Enterprises, 1151 North State St, Suite 231, Chicago IL 60610.
Above ground pool/billiard installers. $100/day. Truck, tools helpful. 977-8970
After-School Care Counselor. Local elementary school. PT 2-5 M-F. $8/hr. Sean/David 975-7627, M-F 3-6.
Applicants Wanted to study Part IV of The Urantia Book EARN $25,000. For details Visit
ATTN: STUDENTS$11.25 base/apptScholarships/Internships, PT/FT, conditions apply, ASAP.813-936-1122www.workforstudents.comnp
Bartenders needed, no experience required. Earn up to $250/ day. Call 866-291-1884, ext U6.
Cheerleading Coach Needed. Strong spotting ability. Great motion & jump technique necessary. $8/hr. PT evening hours. Please call (813)382-8885.
Chinese Language Tutor. Native Mandarin speaker with patience to watch over and teach Chinese to 3-1/2yo, PT in Carrollwood area. Must have references. Send to: Mr. Hamilton, 8910 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, #10, 33614.
Doctor’s office help needed PT, Mon-Fri. Must have car. Fax resume to 813-985-3045.
Earn Extra $$ over the holidays! Childcare center E. Tampa seeks PT teachers & substitutes; exp working w/young children req’d; EOE; Call 627-4242;
ENERGETIC-PEOPLE WANTEDHighly motivated, dependable, high-energy, people oriented type. Flexible hours. Earn $400-$600/weekly. Kyle 997-9999.
Esthetician for busy medical office, immediate openings. Call for details, 933-6060.
Front & back office w/computer knowledge. Excellent English. PT/FT in busy doctor’s office. Fax resume to 875-9520 w/salary requirements.
Get Paid For Your Opinions!Earn $15-$125 and more per survey!
IMAC 700, 10.2 operating system. Tutoring needed. Exchange for body work by professional massage therapist, Lic #2922. 961-0559
Law firm looking for part-time file clerk/runner. Flexible hours. Call 228-0095.
Optometric Assistant-PT for busy office near USF. Experience preferred, willing to train right individual. 972-1573
Preschool needs school-age teacher, 2-6, M-F. 988-5595, ask for Miss Rhonda or Miss Julia.
PT File Clerk for Engineering firm on Fowler Ave. $8/hr. Call 813-971-3882, ext 233.
PT Front Office, Dermatology S. Tampa. Flexible hours. Please fax resume to 813-251-6415.
ReceptionistBusy medical practice has immediate openings for FT/PT. Call for details, 933-6060.
Serious Wealth for someone serious about making money. 1-888-292-5765
SLP-CCC/CFY-Pediatric Focus. PT w/FT possible. Flexible Schedule. Fax resume to 813-657-7972.
Wanted-excellent computer skills, marketing and/or real estate experience a plus. Fax resume to (813)884-5005 or email
Child Care
Babysitter needed weekend of Nov 22-Nov 24. Would prefer Ed or Psych major. 1 child, special needs/autistic. 813-335-0149Babysitter Needed. Grace Lutheran Church hiring reliable, loving caregivers for occasional AM/PM bible study nurseries. $7.50/hr-cash. Call Shelly 238-3969.
Preschool positions available-3yo Teacher FT M-F 9-6 & PT position M-F 2:30-6. Experience necessary. 232-8231
Responsible person for 19/mo/boy, Thursday afternoons 2-5pm. $10/hr+driving. Valrico home. Exp preferred, references required. 651-9064
Real Estate
Foreclosure 3BR/2BA, $20,000. For listings 800-319-3323, ext F341.Lake Morley Estates 3/2, new kitchen, custom cabinets, CHA, new carpet, minutes to USF. 842-2218
Temple Terrace Condo. $500/down-$650/mo. You own it. Gated community on Hillsborough River. Remodeled 2BR/2BA, 56th & Puritan. W/D, covered parking-water/sewer/trash/cable-included. 813-972-3222
Apts. & Houses for Rent
1BR in Big/Nice 2/2 near USF. Fully Furnished/Equipped w/25in-TV/cable/RR-Everything included except phone. <$500. Sublease-Jan1st(neg). (813)866-8316Beautiful 1BR, new carpet/ceramic, CHA, 1/2 mile USF/VA Hospital, $435/mo. 971-3909
Breckenridge Sublease Female, 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. Extensive utilities, furnished, shuttle, reduced app fee, $440/mo. 760-3046
Breckenridge Sublease1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, fully furnished, includes utilities, ethernet, cable. $420/mo. 361-0374
Breckenridge SubleaseFemale, 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA, furnished, includes utilities, cable, Ethernet, USF shuttle. $400/mo. 866-5097
Campus Lodge Sublease, 9-months. Fully furnished, highspeed internet, olympic-size pool, $449/mo-includes everything. Incredible amenities! 678-300-0955
Furnished room close to USF. Meals, laundry, utilities included. Must see! Female. $375/mo. 988-1737
Move into Enclave Village Apt #16527, 2BR/2BA, 1270sf, 11/16-12/01 & receive an additional $200 cash besides current month off from apartment complex. Call 910-1734 for additional info.
Move-in now for free! No rent due until Dec 1st. Sublease Boardwalk. All female-all inclusive. Call 813-956-7203, lv msg.
Spacious 2/1.5 Townhome. W/D, garage, close to USF, housekeeping. $515/per room, utilities included. Haughawout 760-4077.
Sub-lease Boardwalk Apts. Move-in only $35. Female, fully furnished, in gated community, $450/mo. (813)691-1537
The Oaks Condo, 2BR/2BA, W/D, fireplace, pool, tennis courts. $625/mo. Avail Jan 1st. 973-3771
USF, students, huge furnished 8BR home, co-ed, single or shared room. Includes; utilities, cable, phone, maid, supplies. $295-$395/mo. 813-814-2164