Classifieds 11/4
Fraternities – SororitiesClubs – Student GroupsEarn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with a proven CampusFundraiser 3 hour fundraising event. Our programs make fundraising easy with no risks. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so get with the program! It works. Contact CampusFundraiser at (888)923-3238, or visit www.campusfundraiser.comNEED GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS? Go to or call 1-800-428-3479 for info.
Free Reggae Skipper’s Smokehouse. Ladies 18+ this Wednesday Verizon Festival. Reggae Cowboy’s, Impulse & Democracy.Travel Opportunities
#1 Spring Break Vacations! 110% Best Prices! Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas, Florida, Texas. Book Now & Receive Free Parties & Meals. Campus Reps Wanted! 1-800-234-7007endlesssummertours.comBAHAMASPRINGBREAK$189.00 5-Days/4-Nights$239.00 7-Days/6-Nights
Prices include:Accommodations on the island at one of ten resorts(your choice). Round-trip luxury cruise with food.
Book Early For Best Selection!
June ’03 Europe-10/days. Amsterdam, Brussels, Cologne, London and Paris. All meals, transportation and tour guides-813-655-4391.
Spring Break 2003 with STS Americas #1 Student Tour Operator Sell Trips earn cash Travel Free Information/Reservations1-800-648-4849 or
SPRING BREAK INSANITY! Or Call 1-800-327-6013Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Free Drinks / Meals /Trips. Our Seventeenth Year! Reps Wanted!
Spring Break! Bahamas Party Cruise $299, Cancun & Jamaica From $429, Florida $159! 1-800-678-6386
Help Wanted
$250/day potential/ Bartending Training provided 1-800-293-3985, ext. 535$800/Weekly Guaranteed, stuffing envelopes. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Oakdale Enterprises, 1151 North State St, Suite 231, Chicago IL 60610.
2 Reps needed for investigative firm, not telemarketing. Located near USF. Excellent communication skills required and be reliable. Flexible hours, casual attire. 20+/hrs, $8/hr+ bonus. 868-0708
23 OPENINGS in service/sales, PT/FT, great pay Scholarships/Internships available Must fill ASAP 813-936-1122
After-School Care Counselor. Local elementary school. PT 2-5 M-F. $8/hr. Sean/David 975-7627, M-F 3-6.
Applicants Wanted to study Part IV of The Urantia Book EARN $25,000. For details Visit
Architectural Software Sales. FT/PT, base+commission. Autocad exp required, 3D a plus. Odmat, LLC 727-515-1985, 727-644-5452.
ATTN: STUDENTS$11.25 base/apptScholarships/Internships, PT/FT, conditions apply, ASAP.813-936-1122www.workforstudents.comnp
Bartenders needed, no experience required. Earn up to $250/ day. Call 866-291-1884, ext U6.
Cheerleading Coach Needed. Strong spotting ability. Great motion & jump technique necessary. $8/hr. PT evening hours. Please call (813)382-8885.
Data Entry PT, M-F, $6.50/hr. 963-5353
Doctor’s office help needed PT, Mon-Fri. Must have car. Fax resume to 813-985-3045.
ENERGETIC-PEOPLE WANTEDHighly motivated, dependable, high-energy, people oriented type. Flexible hours. Earn $400-$600/weekly. Kyle 997-9999.
Front & back office w/computer knowledge. Excellent English. PT/FT in busy doctor’s office. Fax resume to 875-9520 w/salary requirements.
Get Paid For Your Opinions!Earn $15-$125 and more per survey!
Gymnastics Instructors needed. Must like kids & be enthusiastic. For LaFleur’s Gym. Call Lori 264-5000.
HATE YOUR JOB???PT/FT, flexible schedules Excellent starting pay! FUN ENVIRONMENT! Scholarships/Internships available 813-936-1122
Ideal Student Job! Work Part Time 9-20 hrs/wk M-F 8:30-12, or 1-5 (flexible to your schedule) for independent telephone system company in Carrollwood. Generate leads for sales reps by calling FL businesses (NO SALES). Low pressure, casual environment. Looking for great speaking voices. Starts at $7/hr + Bonuses! Leave Msg. (813)349-2120.
Optometric Assistant-PT for busy office near USF. Experience preferred, willing to train right individual. 972-1573
Out of Work? Not anymore. Your hired today. Clear speaking voice, bilingual GREAT. Top dollar paid. 813-265-4065
Part Time Help assisting real estate agent. Computer & writing skills required. Flexible hours. Call Gerry 962-0631.
Part time positions open at MOSI. Do you have a terrific customer service attitude and some sales and computer exp? Come apply at MOSI, M-F, 9am-5pm at 4801 E. Fowler Ave. EOE
Psych, E.Ed, SpecialEd majors wanted-tutor 3-1/2/yr/boy. Will train on our applied behavior program. 10/hrs/week-minimum. 813-926-2255
Serious Wealth for someone serious about making money. 1-888-292-5765
Temporary PT Position, 9-12 months, 20/hrs/wk, flexible hours. Phones, filing, general office assistance. $8/hr. Fax or email letter of interest to 971-8761,
Veterinary Assistant and Receptionist wanted for a friendly team-oriented veterinary hospital. PT/FT available. For more info call 855-7562 or visit us at, where you can also apply online.
Wanted-excellent computer skills, marketing and/or real estate experience a plus. Fax resume to (813)884-5005 or email
Zephyrhills Natural Spring WaterPart-time warehouse personnel needed for our Clearwater facility. Hours 2:00PM-7:00PM, Mon-Fri. Forklift skills preferred, but will train. $8.50/per/hour. Call 813-620-6829.
Child Care
Mother’s Helper, Chinese baby. Laundry & housekeeping, teach Chinese. $7/hr, 20 hrs/wk. 960-7050Preschool positions available-3yo Teacher FT M-F 9-6 & PT position M-F 2:30-6. Experience necessary. 232-8231
Responsible person for 19/mo/boy, Thursday afternoons 2-5pm. $10/hr+driving. Valrico home. Exp preferred, references required. 651-9064
Seeking Babysitter for Tues & Thurs 9-3 for 3 children, 9, 6 & 1. Must be dependable, have reliable transportation & strong references. Call 903-0207.
Real Estate
Lake Morley Estates 3/2, new kitchen, custom cabinets, CHA, new carpet, minutes to USF. 842-2218Raintree Manor Townhouse 2BR/1.5BA. New carpet & wood floor, garage, outdoor patio, pool & tennis courts. $85,000. 813-985-2111
Temple Terrace Condo. $500/down-$650/mo. You own it. Gated community on Hillsborough River. Remodeled 2BR/2BA, 56th & Puritan. W/D, covered parking-water/sewer/trash/cable-included. 813-972-3222
Apts. & Houses for Rent
1 Condo for rent near USF on Bull Run route. 2BR/1.5BA Townhome-$695, W/D+more. 985-8718Beautiful 1BR, new carpet/ceramic, CHA, 1/2 mile USF/VA Hospital, $435/mo. 971-3909
Breckenridge SubleaseFemale, 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA, furnished, includes utilities, cable, Ethernet, USF shuttle. $400/mo. 866-5097
Campus Lodge Sublease, 9-months. Fully furnished, high-speed internet, olympic-size pool, $449/mo-includes everything. Incredible amenities! 678-300-0955
Collegiate Hall Sublease-1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA-includes utilities, cable, electric, W/D. Unfurnished bedroom, 1st floor. $498/mo. 813-205-7591
Emergency-Need HelpSublease room in 4BR/2BA Jefferson Commons. Utilities included. Furnished. Great roommates. Call 615-2945.
Reflections Sublease 1BR/1BA, furnished, cable, Roadrunner, utilities included. Move-in ASAP! $430. 727-946-3013
Sub-lease Boardwalk Apts. Move-in only $35. Female, fully furnished, in gated community, $450/mo. (813)691-1537
Tampa Palms Faircrest 2BR/2.5BA Townhome. Gated community, furn, pool, sauna, workout room. $1100+$1000/dep. 813-997-1958, 813-973-8054
The Oaks Condo, 2BR/2BA, pool, tennis courts, 5 minutes from USF. $675/mo. 985-6620
Apts. & Houses to Share
2 Roommates Needed. Sublease 4BR/2BA furnished apt at Jefferson Commons. No deposit, $369/mo, utilities included. 3rd flr, lakeside view. 971-5380Breckenridge Sublease-Male roommate. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, furnished, HBO, utilities included, Ethernet, USF shuttle. $420/mo. 866-0303
Room In Home-close to USF. Furnished, clean, quiet. No lease, no deposit. $275/mo+utilities. Call (813)935-0311.
Roommate needed, new 2-story 3BR/3BA-townhouse in New Tampa area. No pets. Call 907-1482 or 727-207-9488.
For Sale/Miscellaneous
GOLF CLUBS Cleveland Irons (TA-3). Regular steel shafts, 3 iron to pitching wedge. Includes bag & 2 new boxes of Titleist golf balls. $480, non-negotiable. 813-545-1844Hydroponic Light Fixture. Barely used. Worth $300. Asking for $150 O.B.O. 975-9029
Autos for Sale
’99 Accura Integra, all base options included + spoiler alarm, tint. Must sell by Dec. Asking $13,000. 390-9269CARS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.