Kill Bill DVD can’t hack it
The Movie: Kill Bill: Volume 1 is the perfect half of a stylistic epic complete with drama, zingers and more guts than any other pictures...
Comic flick goes to Hell
Tired of all the masculine heroes such as X-Men, Spiderman and Batman? Here comes a hero with seemingly dark origins and a less than manly...
Prince & Me rides on the coattails of others
Romantic comedies are easy sells and may come with a built-in target audience, but The Prince & Me might be below the standards of its...
Taking Lives from other scripts
First there was the Tomb Raider franchise then Beyond Borders and now Angelina Jolie adds Taking Lives as another dud to a rather unflattering career...
New Dawn breaks
Now that the sawdust has finally cleared from last year’s dull Texas Chainsaw Massacre, here comes a horror remake that, while not up to par...