Foreigners shouldnt have role in U.S. elections
Earlier this month, News Corporation, which runs Fox News, donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association (RGA), raising questions about its obligation to be...
Off campus offers freedom, better deal
If given a choice, students should live off campus, as renting an apartment is cheaper and less restrictive than on-campus housing. Sometimes it can feel...
Glenn Beck should run for president in 2012
It’s easy to understand why so many young people are apathetic about politics. It can be loud and obnoxious, and often, the only people who...
BP does not deserve an apology
Republican congressman Joe Barton of Texas made headlines around the world June 17 when he apologized to BP for the way the American government has...
Mosque should be allowed near ground zero
I was in middle school when 9/11 happened. I remember our teacher stopping class to turn on the T.V. to see the Twin Towers crumbling....