Shopping for back to school?
Pencils? Check. Pencil box? Check. Ruler? Check. Crayons? Check. Folders? Check. For some, shopping for school supplies is simple. Each year, parents receive the annual...
Art and poetry festival highlights women’s, woman-centered art
According to Elizabeth Dedrick, a USF graduate student, the mainstream media has historically overlooked “women-friendly” artwork and women artists. To give these artists an outlet,...
HIV and AIDS: no laughing matter
New York is the state with the most adults infected with HIV in the United States. California is the third most-populated state. So what state...
No womb for disease
When someone contracts a sexually transmitted disease, they put others they have sexual contact with at risk of getting the disease as well. When a...
The sordid tales of a ‘phone actress’
I’m sitting on my bed, wearing a telephone headset. I wait anxiously for about two minutes, adjusting the mouthpiece, until I hear the tag line:“Female...