USF Oracle writers are finalists for state journalism awards

Oracle staff during the newspaper’s spring 2024 senior sendoff celebration. ORACLE PHOTO/JUSTIN SEECHARAN

The Oracle’s Editor in Chief Camila Gomez and former Managing Editor Marcelene Pilcher are finalists for the 2024 Society of Professional Journalists’ Sunshine State Awards college contest.

The competition “honors the best 2023 Florida journalism” and “recognizes the best writing, photography and design for both pros and students,” according to its website. It is the state’s largest and oldest journalism contest. 

Gomez is nominated in the General News Story category for her article titled “Some faculty, students consider leaving state due to DEI legislation” published in April 2023. She is a junior double majoring in political science and mass communications with a concentration in broadcast news.

Related: Some faculty, students consider leaving state due to DEI legislation

Pilcher, who also worked as opinion editor during her time at The Oracle, is a finalist in the Best Opinion Column category for her October piece called “OPINION: ‘Don’t Say Gay’: Do say fascist.” The column criticized Gov. Ron DeSantis’ anti-LGBTQ+ policies. 

Pilcher graduated from USF in fall 2023 with a degree in public relations, advertising and applied communication. She now works as a content writer at Douglas Machines Corp., a commercial and industrial washer manufacturer based in Florida.

Related: OPINION: ‘Don’t Say Gay’: Do say fascist. 

Winners for each category will be announced at a live event on Aug. 17 at 5 p.m. at the Hollywood Central Performing Arts Center in Hollywood, Florida. Finalist certificates will also be presented. 

Related: The Oracle needs your help

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