Fraternity temporarily suspended for antisemitic acts

The president of Pi Kappa Phi will meet Tuesday to discuss whether the suspension will be modified, unchanged or lifted entirely. ORACLE FILE PHOTO

Pi Kappa Phi was suspended until further notice Thursday as a result of recent antisemitic acts performed by members of the fraternity. 

The fraternity was charged with two conduct violations, including USF Student Code of Conduct/Alcohol/Alcohol 4 and USF Student Code of Conduct/Hazing/Hazing 1, according to an email sent Thursday by Director of Student Conduct and Ethical Development Melissa Graham.

The incidents that were categorized under these charges involved underage students drinking and drawing swastikas on others at a Feb. 11 off-campus Bid Party, according to Graham.

“Guests were given sharpies and told to engage with the associate members and then write on their shirts,” she said. “Associate members had inappropriate objects (penises and a swastika) drawn on their shirts and/or body parts. Alcohol was present at the event and consumed by associate members.”

In an effort to address these occurrences and reach a consensus on the status of the suspension, Graham said an informational meeting will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. with the president of Pi Kappa Phi over Microsoft Teams.

“An informational meeting is an opportunity to explain the Student Conduct Process, the student organization’s due process rights, the allegations and charges, and review all available information supporting the charges,” Graham said.

“The Hearing Officer will review available information to determine if the interim suspension will remain, be modified or be lifted.” 

Before a final decision is reached on the level of suspension the fraternity will face, no discussions or meetings are permitted to take place by anyone associated with Pi Kappa Phi, internally or externally, according to Graham.

All events and pledging activities are also banned until further notice, as Graham said in the email the fraternity presents an unhealthy disturbance to the community.

“Based on the information received, the continual operations of the organization at USF likely pose an ongoing threat, disruption or interference to the health and safety and continued functions of the USF community,” Graham said.