Future legislators should follow in Sen. John McCain’s footsteps

Sen. John McCain has set a standard of putting the American people before partisian politics and should act as the measuring stick for all current and future politicians. SPECIAL TO THE ORACLE

Sen. John McCain (R) has been serving the American people in politics since 1987 and has done so with a level of poise and professionalism that his peers and successors should look up to and aspire to resemble.

Despite his brain cancer diagnoses and treatment McCain is carrying himself with dignity as he remains an active member of the American political process.

In taking a look at the life of McCain, it would be safe to say that there are few legislators in American history that have endured and overcome more than he has. While serving his country in the U.S. Navy, McCain was captured and held as a prisoner of war for nearly six years in North Vietnam. McCain did not use this as an excuse, but rather turned this into developing an admirable outlook on foreign policy and experience.

In today’s political climate, elections, especially those for the office of President of the United States, can become beyond tumultuous and downright ugly. Not to say that McCain conducted the “perfect” campaign in his 2008 bid for the office of the presidency, but he certainly had a level of respect for his opponent, now former President Barack Obama.

In an infamous encounter with one of his supporters at a town hall during his 2008 campaign, McCain came to the aid of his then political foe, while the individual asking a question made outlandish remarks about Obama being an “Arab” and not American.

“No, ma’am,” McCain said at the town hall. “He’s a decent family man (and) citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that’s what this campaign’s all about. He’s not (an Arab).”

This is just one example of McCain habitually putting decency before partisanship, something that he has been in the headlines for recently as well.

Last July, McCain went against the right-winged mold and voted against repealing portions of the affordable care act, something that President Donald Trump was in major support of and used as a cornerstone for his campaign.

John McCain is a man of dignity and is an example of what all future American politicians should be — certainly not perfect, but always striving to do what they feel is best for the American people as a servant not of oneself, but one of their constituents.


Jesse Stokes is a junior majoring in political science