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Abracadabra: Congress’ illusion of productivity

Stephen Colbert announced on The Late Show last week the U.S.’s “do-nothing Congress” might actually be about to vote on something.

So what exactly are our nation’s leaders focusing on? Our economy? Immigration? Perhaps ways to save our environment? No. Congress has decided to take the time that should be spent solving major issues in our country and dedicate it to a little bill called H.Res.642, which recognizes “magic as a rare and valuable art form and national treasure.”

Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, along with eight other Republican congressmen, proposed this resolution on magic under the belief it is crucial for our country to recognize the importance of the “art form.”

As Colbert so aptly put it, “it’s priorities like these which have made congressional approval ratings … disappear!”

As of March, Congress only had a 13 percent approval rating, with a whopping 84 percent of Americans disapproving of their actions and 3 percent with no opinion, according to a Gallup poll.

It’s baffling how Congress refuses to take a stance on any of the major issues facing our country while knowing 84 percent of Americans disapprove of their conduct in office.

The fact that such drastic numbers doesn’t faze our current politicians is deeply unsettling. They have become so detached from the will of the public that they don’t even care about what the public wants from them, unless, of course, it’s an election year.

Tackling important issues would make most representatives break a sweat, so it’s easier to pass bills such as H.Res.642 that are based on support of fluff issues that will never amount to any radical change in our government.

The bill on magic is filled to the brim with statements claiming magic “is timeless in appeal and requires only the capacity to dream” and “enables people to experience the impossible.”

OK, while that would be a nice opener to the fireworks show at Disney World, it is not something our Congress needs waste time on. Magic is already a staple of American entertainment.

Just turn on the television. Every talent show will have one magician make it to finals every year. Magicians come to schools and birthday parties on a regular basis. No one is threatening the appeal to watching a man in a cape perform a seemingly impossible task.

So why does the government need to so ardently protect it?

One could wager it is simply an easy way to kill a few sessions while frumpy congressmen retail the impressive feats they’ve seen at magic shows in Vegas.

Honestly, who doesn’t love a sleight of hand more than the men and women who have been tricking citizens into re-electing them year after year despite never accomplishing anything while in office?

Let’s be real, Congress. Spouting about the magnificence of disappearing acts isn’t going to make America’s deficit disappear. No magician can pull jobs out of a hat for the millions unemployed in our nation. However, if Congress were to do its job, it might be able to make meaningful changes more than an illusion.

Breanne Williams is a junior majoring in mass communications.