SG president applications available
General election season for the next student body president is soon to be underway, and now is the time for interested potential candidates to pick up an application packet from Student Government (SG).
“What people can do if they want to gather more information is … look over the application packet — it’s found both on Bull Sync and on our Student Government website,” SG Supervisor of Elections Carson Sadro said.
The packet is fairly extensive, with space allotted for campaign expense and candidate contribution statements. The application is due Feb. 5 at 5 p.m.
Presidential and vice presidential hopefuls with an undergraduate standing must be registered for at least 6 credit hours, be in good academic standing within his or her college and have a 2.5 GPA.
For those in graduate standing, the same academic standing and GPA requirements apply, but the credit hour requirement drops to 4.
Though largely unnoticeable outside of the Marshall Student Center, SG has made attempts to advertise the election application.
“This year, we’ve been trying a couple of different things. And we’ve been working with a lot of our different departments here in Student Government,” Sadro said. “(But) a lot of the time, we rely a lot on the people who work here in Student Government to get the word out, as well.”
So far, only one ticket has submitted the application. Current Senate President Kristen Truong and junior Mary Lumapas are running as the President and Vice President, respectively.
According to Director of Student Government Advising, Training and Operations Gary Manka, theirs is only an application so far.
“They are only candidates after they have been screened and their eligibility is confirmed based on statutory requirements,” he said in an email to the Oracle.
In the past 2 years, former members of SG have not only run for the presidency, but they’ve won.
Two years ago, former SG senator Jean Cocco won the election against opponent Brandi Arnold. Last year, former SG Senate President Andy Rodriguez defeated former SG Chief Justice Sammy Hamed.
Any interested candidates should note that, though the application is due Feb. 5, campaigning doesn’t begin until Feb. 15.
Once the candidates are selected and campaigning begins, Sadro said there will be a “Meet the Candidates” events on Feb. 24.