Kim Davis, it is time to resign
The controversy surrounding Kentucky clerk Kim Davis has apparently reached an end with her release from jail Tuesday. Davis was incarcerated for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in her district. Davis broke the law and is now seeking a loophole for her actions based on her religious beliefs.
Judge David Bunning lifted Davis’ sentence Tuesday and ordered her to not interfere with the issuing of marriage licenses to all eligible couples.
Despite the lenient ruling by the judge, Davis’ lawyer stated she is still not satisfied with the arrangement, according to The Atlantic. In fact, Davis would prefer she not be forced to witness the issuing of licenses to any same-sex couple at her facility. According to Fox news, Davis claimed issuing the licenses “irreparably and irreversibly violates her conscience.”
The Huffington Post said when Davis’ lawyer was asked whether she would comply with the order to not interfere in the work of her clerks, and he replied Davis “cannot and will not violate her conscience.”
Davis and her lawyer are seeking “accommodation and exemption from the Governor,” according to the Washington Post.
Davis will be returning to work this week with every intention to continue running her establishment the way she had prior to her confinement. While five of her six clerks have agreed to issue the marriage licenses- her son being the only nonconforming clerk- Davis was not forced to agree due to her religious objections, according to CNN.
However, Davis voluntarily ran for her position. She chose to pursue that career and swore to uphold the law. The law recently changed and finally offers equal rights to same-sex couples. Instead of stepping down, Davis decided to continue her government role.
U.S. Attorney Kerry B. Harvey told CNN, “Government officials are free to disagree with the law, but not disobey it. It is time for the Clerk and the County to follow the law.”
According to the Huffington Post, at her release, GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee vocally offered his support and praise of Davis. He went so far as to say, “If somebody needs to go to jail, I am willing to go in her place.”
Huckabee was not the only candidate to jump on the Davis bandwagon. Sen. Ted Cruz also attended the event and offered his encouragement. Supporters flocked to the rally bearing an assortment of flags and signs, one of which read “Supreme Court = the new ISIS of America.” Upon reaching the podium, Davis smiled and thanked both God and her supporters, according to the Huffington Post.
A government official should not be allowed to impress their own personal beliefs on their community. By restricting marriage licenses, Davis imposes her own theocracy, acting as both judge and jury.
With Davis refusing to leave her personal opinions at home, there is a very good chance she will once again be imprisoned. If Davis cannot comply with the new rulings of the U.S. government, she simply needs to resign.
Breanne Williams is a junior majoring in mass communications.