“The Wolf of Wall Street”
“The Wolf of Wall Street” is a non-stop series of laughs documenting the rise of an unemployed stockbroker, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. As he quickly becomes head of one of the most successful companies on Wall Street, his greed becomes his downfall as the story tells his struggle with the law and drug addiction. With an outrageous performance by DiCaprio and excellent directing by Martin Scorsese, this is a must-see movie for everyone – except for your parents, since the movie is packed with naked hookers, record-breaking profanity and other debauchery. Though it is three hours long, you will leave the movie wanting more.
Grade: A
–Alex Rosenthal, Managing Editor
“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”
If you are looking to escape from the greedy wolves of Wall Street or perhaps Hobbits chugging along Middle Earth, then Bill Stiller’s latest film, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” is just the film for you. Ben Stiller plays Walter, an employee at Life Magazine during its transition from print to digital, and he is put in charge of retrieving the last cover photo taken by Sean O’Connell (Sean Pean). “Mitty” is the kind of film that won’t win any awards, but a film that knows its limitations and is not afraid to make us cry, laugh, and at times, yawn along the way. It is a “Forrest Gump” for hipsters that makes us appreciate Stiller more as a director instead of the comedian we know and love him for.
Grade: B-
–Rene Thomas Rodriguez, Correspondent
“Anchorman 2:The Legend Continues”
Sequels usually shouldn’t be compared to originals, but when the original is as wildly popular as it is in this case, comparing is a must. “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues” proved to be just as good, if not better, than its 2004 predecessor.
Complete with an immense amount of cameos, the nearly two-hour film clearly had a bigger budget this time around. “Anchorman 2” showcases a more complex plot, taking the audience through the evolution of media, an in-depth look at Ron Burgundy and even highlights characters like Brick Tamland (Steve Carell) more.
With just as many one-liners and a few hilarious twists, the sequel almost 10 years in the making more than delivers and far from disappoints. Milk may have been a bad choice, but “Anchorman 2” was not.
Grade: A
–Adam Fenster, Sports Editor
“Saving Mr. Banks”
With the focus more on P.L. Travers (Emma Thompson) and her childhood struggles that led to the creation of Mary Poppins, “Saving Mr. Banks” is a heart-wrenching, yet comedic tale of Travers’ fight with Walt Disney (Tom Hanks) to keep her beloved character from becoming an animated Disney production.
Thompson and Hanks do not disappoint as they give outstanding performances in their lead roles, as does Bradley Whitford and Paul Giamati in their supporting roles.
Though the writing, directing and acting shine throughout the film, with the vast amount of great movies currently out, this film can wait to be enjoyed from home rather than in the theater.
Grade: B+
–Shaunda Wickham, Montage and Scene and Heard Editor
“American Hustle”
With Jennifer Lawrence’s cleavage, Amy Adams’ thighs and Bradley Cooper’s luscious perm, “American Hustle” is one of the sexiest movies of the year, but a sensual viewing experience that hustles and seduces the audience out of a well-thought out storyline.
The movie, which centers around a pair of hustlers roped in by an FBI agent to help catch corrupt politicians, has several gaping plot holes, and while it’s nice to see Adams out of her usual “good girl” element, the acting from both leading ladies felt uncomfortably forced and empty.
Many critics have drawn parallels between “American Hustle” and Martin Scorsese’s 1990 “Goodfellas” for many of its stylistic choices from the opening scene to the multiple narrators. But if “Goodfellas” is the significant other you bring home for the holidays, “American Hustle” is the one-night stand you’re a little embarrassed to admit you may have enjoyed.
If nothing else, this is worth seeing just for the hair styles.
Grade: B-
–Divya Kumar, Editor in Chief