Troubleshooting our relationship with nature
The subtropical wilderness of the Everglades – so quintessentially Florida – couldn’t be farther removed from the concrete jungles of New York and Philadelphia that...
Bank foreclosing on O.J. Simpsons Florida house
MIAMI – Like tens of thousands of other Florida homeowners, imprisonedformer football star O.J. Simpson is in danger of losing his house to foreclosure. Miami-Dade...
Missing raised to 29 in Italian cruise disaster
ROME – Italy’s cruise liner tragedy turned into anenvironmental crisis Monday, as rough seas battering the stricken mega-ship raised fears that fuel might leak into...
Republicans point toward first of two SC debates
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. – The Republican presidential contenders on Mondaycampaigned their way into the first of two debates before a pivotal weekend primary in South...
Polytechnic committee moves forward with independence
After the initial sting from a flurry of angry letterssubsided, USF and Board of Governors (BOG) leadersdiscussed the steps necessaryto move forward with creatingan independent...