Back-to-back Florida fundraisers for Obama
ORLANDO – President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the question for next year’s presidential race isn’t whether the country has been going through a difficult...
Bright young stars prepare to cut ‘Footloose’
Cut loose, students, because a new version of the 1984 dance flick “Footloose” is being released Friday in theaters nationwide. Paramount Pictures, along with “Hustle...
INTO exceeds goals
INTO USF announced Tuesday its enrollment has exceeded its strategic plan for the 2011-12 school year by 16 percent. INTO Director Glen Besterfield said the...
Longevity technology will transform mankind
Recent technological advances in biology, chemistry and computer sciences are making the dream of living a longer and healthier life a reality. According to The...
PRIDE Alliance celebrates National Coming Out Day
Hoisting their rainbow-colored flag on Crescent Hill by the Marshall Student Center, PRIDE Alliance – USF’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) alliance –...