Palins speech proves she isunfit to lead
More than a year after she single handedly obliterated a beloved war hero’s bid for presidency, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is still being considered as a viable candidate for the 2012 presidential election.
Palin, who has received $5 million for her memoir, “Going Rogue,” since its publication in November, has exploited her confused ideals for financial and political gain.
The former beauty queen’s folksy jargon and clichs proved her to be a walking contradiction during her address at the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville on Feb. 6, for which she was paid $100,000, according to Fox News.
The speech’s entirety could be summed up in four phrases: “Proud Americans. Love your freedom. Blame Obama. Ronald Reagan!”
She criticized the current administration but offered zero solutions. “I am rather simple-minded and my plan is very simple in nature: let America do what it’s always done,” Palin said in a question-and-answer session following her speech.
During the lecture, in which she read from a script, according to the Washington Post, Palin slammed Obama for being a “charismatic guy with a teleprompter.”
Moments later, Palin read “energy,” “tax cuts” and “lift American spirit” from crib notes in the palm of her hand. Such simple principles should not be difficult to remember.
Palin demanded that leaders’ children be left out of politics. Nine sentences later, she thanked the good patriots in the audience for welcoming and embracing kids with special needs like her son, Trig.
She referred to the Tea Party movement as “another revolution.”
In a speech 10 days later, however, she said to independent Tea Party members to “pick a party and run one or the other: ‘R’ or ‘D.'” She also said the Republican Party meshed best with the Tea Party movement.
But if it fits within the existing two-party system, then it is far from revolutionary.
After the 45-minute speech, Palin answered pre-selected questions from a crowd of Republican Party activists in Arkansas.
She has maintained her spot as a conservative icon despite the fact that she is oblivious to reality.
“I can think of two words right now that scares liberals: President Palin,” said convention organizer Judson Phillips after Palin’s Tea Party speech.
No thought is more frightening than living in a country with a president as uninformed as Palin. Her speech proves she is not the figurehead the Republican Party needs.
Lydia Harvey is a junior majoring in mass communications.