A list of movies to enjoy this Valentines Day based on moods and romantic situations
With movie prices at an all-time high, not everyone can afford to take a date to see recent films like “Dear John” or the unoriginally...
Canadian military official charged with murder
TORONTO – The commander of Canada’s largest Air Force base, who once flew dignitaries around the country, has been charged with first-degree murder in the...
Celebrities should not exploit Haiti disaster
After a scandal or a tragedy, many people come to defend or speak out against the particular situation. Then, there are those who come only...
Grothe, agent wait out process
Even though former USF quarterback Matt Grothe’s senior season was cut short because of an ACL tear in 2009, he’s not stopping his effort to...
Kings of Leon and the Zac Brown Band will headline at Bonnaroo 2010
The line up for the 2010 Bonnaroo Music & Art Festival was leaked online Tuesday and the final list is looking to be a mix...