Soltero elected student body president

Cheers and stomps echoed throughout the Marshall Student Center Ballroom as running mates Juan Soltero and Bruno Portigliatti embraced each other in victory.
With 58 percent of the vote, Soltero and Portgliatti won the student body presidential race Wednesday. Of 3,130 votes, the Soltero-Portigliatti ticket received 1,819. Christopher Leddy and running mate Kayla Richmond received 1,311.
Soltero said that though he knew he was ahead in the runoff because his ticket received 43 percent of the votes in the original race, he did not think he was guaranteed the win.
“We knew the Leddy campaign was pushing hard,” he said.
The first thing the new presidential duo will do is create a transition team, Soltero said.
“We are going to get people together and start working on a cabinet and structure,” he said. “So once we are inaugurated in May, we can begin all the work that needs to be done.”
Portigliatti and Soltero agree that though Student Government has taken strides this school year, they hope to “take it to the next level.”
Soltero said one of the ways to take SG to the next level is to bring professionalism to the organazation.
Leddy said he is happy for Soltero and Portgliatti and he was thankful for his supporters.
“We had guys and girls out there chalking till 5 in the morning, handing out flyers. We did the best we could,” he said. “I’m happy with as far as we came.”
The results were announced during the annual People Respecting Individual Diversity and Equality (P.R.I.D.E) Alliance’s Drag Show.
Before and after the announcement, students shimmied with drag queens and kings on the dance floor to music by Britney Spears and Katy Perry.
P.R.I.D.E. president Kristen Shalosky said there were about 300 to 400 people in attendance, which was double the amount of last year.
Supervisor of Elections Michael van Hoek said he was pleased with the number of people in attendance.
“One of the reasons we were so excited about the invitation (from P.R.I.D.E.) was because we knew a lot of people would come out,” he said.
She said the reason P.R.I.D.E. asked SG to join the event was that it had a long intermission and she happened to have talked to van Hoek.
“He said he had an announcement and he didn’t have a room and so it happened to work out,” she said. “Since we had two high profile events going on, we decided to combine them instead of competing.”