Dr. Drew gets intimate with students Wednesday

A discussion about sex, love and relationships Wednesday night turned out to be more educational than sensational.

University Lecture Series (ULS) hosted Dr. Drew Pinsky, an medical addiction specialist known for giving advice to people about sex, love and relationships. He is best known for his television show Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew and his radio show Loveline.

Within the first five minutes, the 700-seat Marshall Student Center Oval Theater was filled to capacity, said University Lecture Series student director Amy Bortzfield.

“We had to turn a pretty good crowd away,” she said. “I think we may have slightly underestimated how many people would be interested in coming.”

The crowd applauded and cheered as Pinsky stepped on stage, a reaction that was repeated throughout the event.

Pinsky’s lecture was mainly interactive, as students asked questions and he addressed the topics they proposed. Students, however, weren’t the only ones asking questions.

Pinsky asked students why they think hook-ups are normally associated with someone being intoxicated. He also asked the audience to tell him a man’s perspective and a woman’s perspective about why they hook up.

Students asked questions about drug abuse, sexual performance and the HPV vaccine. Pinsky said he thinks all women need to be vaccinated to better protect themselves from HPV.

“It’s going to save tens of thousands of women’s lives every year. There is no reason why you shouldn’t get vaccinated,” Pinsky said.

Many students found Pinsky’s lecture informative.

“I think it really helped everyone a lot. I learned a lot from it,” said Kacie Mitchell, a junior majoring in psychology. “He was really good.”

Maria Douaihy, a junior majoring in mass communications, said the lecture wasn’t what she expected.

“It wasn’t crude,” she said. “I left knowing more than I did when I went in.”

Students weren’t the only ones who came to see Pinsky.

“I had seen him and Adam Corolla a few years ago in Gainesville,” said 32-year-old Kevin Boyle. “It was an awesome show and I wanted to take the opportunity to see him again.”

Bortzfield said she was thrilled with the audience feedback and the lecture’s interactive nature.

“I was surprised,” she said. “I never actually listened to his radio show. I think it was very interesting, and I was impressed with how involved the audience got.”

The night ended with Pinsky telling students to trust their instincts when making decisions.

“If I can leave you with any thought, it would be that arousal and exciting things that are fun, are fun. They are not healthy necessarily and they may not help you get some of the richer experiences out of life,” Pinsky said. “Your instinct will bring you back into close relations with other people. I encourage you to listen to instinct and not try to drink it away or arouse it away. Learn to listen to that voice.”

For more information on ULS or to suggest a speaker, visit ctr.usf.edu/uls/.