Student body president Harless to resign

Student body president Barclay Harless has announced his plans to resign.

Judicial Services was reviewing Harless for alcohol-related violations of the student code of conduct and misleading statements he allegedly made to administrators.

“Due to recent events, I believe it is in the best interests of Student Government that I resign as student body president,” he said. “Isolated internal issues have brought unnecessary negative attention to the organization as a whole and this does not accurately portray how hard we have been working for you, the students.”

News of the resignation comes hours after Harless’ chief and deputy chief of staff fired three senior members of the executive branch this morning.

According to sources within SG, the firings prompted a senior member within the senate to threaten Harless with impeachment proceedings.

“It’s in his own best interest and the best interest for his future,” student body vice president Garin Flowers said. “It looks bad when you are impeached.”

Flowers will replace Harless as president, once the resignation becomes effective.

“It’s hard to juggle, I’m losing my mind and at the same time I have to step up and restructure and rebuild the name of Student Government,” Flowers said

David Guidi can be reached at (813) 974-1888 or Joshua Neiderer can be reached at (813) 974-5190 or

Check for more updates and Monday’s Oracle for the complete story.