At least come up with a decent excuse, Harris
Katherine Harris just doesn’t get it. Or maybe she does, and she’s deluded into thinking everyone thinks the way she does about religion. Either way, her comments are enough to make all but the most evangelical Republicans vote for someone else.
Harris must not have learned her lesson after her previous comments about how voting for a non-Christian would be to “legislate sin.” Despite the fact that she issued a non-apology apology for those comments – essentially saying she was only posing for a group that appreciated it while not retracting the statement – she has furthered the controversy that surrounds her in another way.
It was reported in the Tampa Tribune on Monday that Harris “prayed in a telephone prayer service recently that God would ‘bring the hearts and minds of our Jewish brothers and sisters into alignment.'”
In another non-apology apology from Harris’s campaign, this has been explained with the excuse “that the Longboat Key Republican, who has advocated electing Christian officeholders, was talking about converting Jews to vote Republican, not to Christianity,” according to the Tribune.
One wonders what the Harris campaign wished to achieve with this statement. Given the benefit of the doubt, the Harris campaign is no better off with their explanation than it was with the original, potentially anti-Semitic comment.
For instance, Harris’s words assume all Democrats don’t have their minds “aligned,” which implies some sort of overall correctness in political thinking. In fact, both major parties desire many of the same things – they just propose different methods by which to achieve them. There are few devils in politics, much as there are few in real life – most people vote based on what they think best for themselves and their children, not on alignment with a political affiliation.
Besides that, if one goes by everyday experience, what American voters are looking for is bipartisanship. In the face of a deadly and genocidal enemy, what’s needed is solidarity, not divisiveness. Though many other candidates of both parties are potentially guilty of this, it is certain that with Harris there will be no possibility of consensus or bipartisanship if she is elected into office.
Furthermore, politicians are supposed to be statesmen. They are supposed to be cohesive and eloquent in their speeches. If Harris meant what her campaign said she meant, she should have added “with Republican ideals” to the end of her comment to rid herself of possible confusion. As harsh as it sounds, the fact that Harris didn’t add those words makes one wonder if she really didn’t mean to say what she said.