SG senator clears Abbasi
There will be no Student Government senate committee to investigate accusations of unethical conduct made against student body Vice President-elect senator Faran Abbasi.
SG senator Jason Cardillo announced at Tuesday night’s senate meeting that he had finished his investigation into the accusations made against Abbasi and found no evidence of wrongdoing and thus was not requesting an impeachment committee be formed.
On March 21, former Attorney General Daniel Miller accused Abbasi of providing misinformation to the SG Supreme Court, which was used to request that Justice Misbahuddin Syed recuse himself from the recent hearing. The hearing was in regards to the validity of the results of the recent student body elections.
Abbasi gave the Court information regarding Syed’s level of participation in the Muslim Student Association and the Pakistani Student Association. Miller questioned the accuracy of Abbasi’s information.
Cardillo said the information from Abbasi that was submitted was merely Abbasi’s opinions on Syed’s level of involvement in the organizations and that Abbasi is entitled to his own opinion.
Cardillo added that he found Syed had at least some level of participation in both the MSA and the PSA.
Cardillo also said he did not find that Abbasi was in any way trying to mislead the Court.
“He did everything with what I believe was honest intent,” Cardillo said.
Abbasi was relieved to have the accusations officially found groundless.
“I’m happy that my name has been cleared and the truth has come out,” Abbasi said.