Inquiry against Victor ends

The Student Government senate’s look into accusations of unethical conduct made against student body President Maxon Victor will hit a dead end with the senator performing the preliminary investigation. SG senator Randy Holm, who was tasked with investigating the claims made by Former SG Attorney General Daniel Miller, said he feels Victor did nothing wrong and he will not request that the senate form an impeachment committee.

Miller claimed there was a serious conflict of interest with Victor’s band Classified performing at Wednesday night’s Less Than Jake concert, which was co-sponsored with approximately $24,500 of Activity and Service fee monies that went through the executive branch of SG, which is headed by Victor. The Greek Week Committee, which was able to put on the concert because of the money, chose Classified as an opening act.

A&S monies come from a per-credit-hour fee paid by students.

Holm said after investigating Miller’s claims he felt there was no conflict of interest because he determined Victor’s band was asked by the GWC to play after the money for the concert was given rather than Victor ever requesting to play.

“I basically came to the conclusion that there’s a lot of ‘he said, she said’ going on,” Holm said. “But according to Maxon and the director of the (GWC), basically they came to him.”

Victor said he was not surprised that Holm’s investigation cleared him of wrongdoing.

“I didn’t feel worried because I didn’t feel I did anything wrong,” Victor said.

Miller, though, said he was not happy with how Holm conducted his investigation, which according to Holm, consisted mainly of interviewing Miller, Victor and members of the Greek Week Committee.

Holm said the GWC convinced him that they were fair in their selection of Classified as an opening act.

He said according to the GWC, Classified was chosen to play at the concert by committee members who listened to several demos without knowing each band’s name.

He also said that in his opinion, it would not be fair to Classified to not allow them the chance to play at the concert merely because Victor was a member.

Miller also accused Victor of using his position as student body president to promote Classified when he touted a new album in front of the senate during the time designated for the student body president to update the senate on progress made by the executive branch.

Holm said that while he found Victor hocking his album in front of the senate unprofessional, he did not think it was an impeachable act.

Holm declined to comment on the fact that Classified was listed as a band the GWC might pursue as an opening act in documents presented to the senate by the GWC when they were asking the senate to approve the executive branch’s request for the concert money.