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Threats lead to arrest

A 20-year-old male who wanted to join the USF soccer team was arrested Feb. 6 after threatening an unidentified staff member in the Athletic Department.

According to a report from University Police, Moroccan native and illegal alien Nahil Mouad made “verbal threats of immediate harm” to a USF employee.

The report said Mouad chased after the victim saying he is “from Morocco,” is Muslim and is going to “blow up” the unidentified staff member.

“The victim left that office where I guess the encounter occurred and went down the hall to tell someone to call the police,” UP spokesman Sgt. Michael Klingebiel said.

According to the report, Mouad was arrested the morning of Feb. 6 for threatening to discharge a destructive device.

Mouad also signed the guestbook in the Athletics Facility on Jan. 11 and Feb. 3 to visit with the men’s soccer team.

On Jan. 11, Mouad tried to join the men’s soccer team but was “advised he did not have a position,” however he was not arrested according to a UP departmental alert. Mouad was also reported to have made “generalized threatening statements against athletics staff members,” according to a UP report.

Both coach George Kiefer and assistant coach Ryan Anatol declined to comment Wednesday.

According to Ravi Zaouif. Mouad’s roommate at Greenwich Commons Apartment Homes, Mouad had a psychological condition.

“He’s a sick guy, you know,” Zaouif said, but added, “He can’t hurt anybody.” Zaouif said Mouad spent most of his time playing soccer.

Zaouif said he met Maoud about three weeks ago through his manager at the BP located at 30th Street and Fowler Avenue. At the time, Zaouif had no knowledge of his illness but agreed to house him because “he had no money – no job – nowhere to go.”

Zaouif also said Maoud had been hospitalized in the past for his condition and knew he was incarcerated, but claimed he did not have a temper problem.

“He just loved soccer,” Zaouif said.

According to an official at Orient Road Jail, Mouad is in a normal populated holding cell and is not under psychiatric watch.

Due to an immigration hold, another official at the jail said Mouad will be at the jail “a long time.”

Mouad has been denied bail for each charge, as the assault on the employee is a misdemeanor offense, and the threat with the destructive device is a felony.

According to the State Attorney’s Office, no date has been set for Mouad’s arraignment.