Letters to the Editor
Oracle biased, purposelycast fraternity in bad light
Re: “Greek Tragedy,” Jan. 25
This is intended as a response to the overwhelming bias and multiple inconsistencies apparent in the article. As a member of the Kappa Delta chapter of this fraternity, I feel it is my duty to address these issues for the purposes of clarification and exoneration.
Though much time was spent detailing the surmounting debt facing our chapter, the true reasons for the vacancy of the house were either glossed over or simply dismissed. In fact, during the first two semesters occupying the house, the fraternity was nearly able to reach maximum occupancy, with few exceptions. Unfortunately, with the summer approaching, it became clear that Greek Village would no longer be an appropriate location to house brothers due to the growing number of restrictions placed upon both the community itself as well as its residents. A request was made to return the house to the university, but a failure of appropriate communication between the Residence Services and our housing board caused yet more confusion in an already complicated situation. Resulting from this failure, nearly all of the current residents made the decision to sign leases at various apartments in the area or made other housing arrangements. It was after these leases had been signed that the chapter was notified that the aforementioned request had been denied, and the rent was still ours to pay. This burden could never be lifted as the former tenants had already found sufficient housing. Even though great efforts were made by our chapter to fill the house in the past semester with our recently initiated brothers, the debt continued to grow. Despite their validity, these facts were suspiciously absent from the article, providing for a heavily biased report filled with half-truths.
Also absent from O’Donnell’s article was the fact that Kappa Sigma is currently engaged in the process of acquiring a new house, off campus, away from the innumerable constraints of campus living. This information presents itself as worthy of coverage in an article discussing the housing of this fraternity, but unfortunately it does not appear. Though this is particularly infuriating, I find the timing of the article’s publication to be even more disturbing. It appears to be no accident that the report found its way onto the front page during the middle of rush week. Such questionable journalism is, without a doubt, an insult to every member of our organization. Furthermore, these practices tarnish the integrity of your otherwise reputable, though in many cases intellectually unchallenging, publication and reduces the Oracle to a mere campus scandal sheet.
Kyle Burke is a junior majoring in history and political science.