Classifieds 10/11
$450 Group Fundraiser Scheduling Bonus 4 hours of your group’s time PLUS our free (yes, free) fundraising sol-utions EQUALS $1,000-$2,000 in earnings for your group. Call TODAY for a $450 bonus when you schedule your non-sales fundraiser with CampusFundrais-er. Contact CampusFundraiser, (888)923-3238 or visit www.campusfundraiser.comFree social get-together for any-one with intuition, spiritual sensi-tivity or ESP. For more info:
Travel Opportunities
!Spring Break Bahamas Celebrity Party Cruise! 5 Days $299! Includes Meals, Parties! Cancun, Acapulco, Nassau, Jamaica From $459! Panama City & Daytona $159! 1-800-678-6386Spring Break 2005 with STS, America’s #1 Student Tour Opera-tor. Hiring campus reps. Call for group discounts. Info/reservations 1-800-648-4849
Spring Break Brazil. 2005 pack-ages to Rio from $969. Earn a free trip. Call 1-877-456-WILD.
Service Offered
Editor/Proofreader available.Essays, Reports, Grad Thesis, Dissertation, etc. $5/pg. Min $25. Call Krista 727-375-0523.Eye Exams, Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, USF Discounts Walk-ins WelcomeFor Eyes Optical2201-E.Fowler Avenue813-972-1573
LASER HAIR REMOVALOctober SpecialChin/lip/underarm/neck-$50 perBikini/full face/arm/back-$100 perFree Consultation 813-385-1919
Nationwide Dental, Prescription, Vision & Chiropractic Save up to 80% $11.95/mo Individual$19.95/mo Household(813)969-1839
With a new laser technology, acne treatment & skin rejuvena-tion. $100 per treatment guaran-teed. 813-997-0866
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.2005 Mustang GT. Let me show you how to get one. Small investment.
Are You Prelaw? Secretary/Re-ceptionist needed for south Tampa law firm. Call 250-2900.
Attention Cigarette Smokers! Earn $10 in 1hr by participating in a research study at USF. You will fill out a few questionnaires and do a short computer task. Please call 813-745-1751 and ask for Andrea or the Word Study.
CLERICAL P/T 10-20 hrs/wk for north Tampa medical research co. Must have good computer skills. Email resume: EOE/DFWP.
Computer Science Major, PT flexible hours, Microsoft SQL, Web development (HTML, ASP), Windows 2000 server, IIS mainte-nance, Web maintenance. Visit: and email application to:
GET PAID CASH to Answer Text Messages on Your Cell Phone! It’s FREE. It’s Easy. Opt-In @
Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!
Great Student Job!! Starting $7/hr + Great Bonuses. Work Part-time: 12-20/hrs a week. Flexible to your schedule. Large independent telephone system company in Carrollwood (Not sales). Generate leads for sales reps by calling FL Businesses. Have fun working in a low pres-sure, casual environment! Looking for great speaking voices! Will train! Leave Msg. (813)349-2110
Hiring Cheerleading/Karate Coaches to teach children’s classes near USF! $30.00/hr, guaranteed! Call 813-817-KICK.
Know Microsoft Access and Excel? I got contract work. Good rates. Contact Mark at
Kumon Math & Reading Center of New Tampa. Math/Reading Assistants. Competent, reliable, self-motivated, multi-task person. Starting $8/hr. Some tests. Week-day afternoons. (813)907-8645
Looking for a babysitting job? Register at and have access to hundreds of jobs.
Make $100,000 in 2 years. PT work, 10 hrs/week. 969-1839
Marketing Rep-On Call. Place Movie Posters in Stores. $10/hr+Gas+Bonus. Need Car/ Camera. (800) 852-6250
Needed: PT girls basketball coach for after-school sports. Fax resume to: Hillel School of Tampa, 813-264-0544 or call 963-2242.
P/T Administrative Services. Perfect for college student! Gener-al office tasks. Flexible hours. Harbour Island. Apply online
P/T Office Asst. Professional atti-tude, casual workplace. Filing, phones, data entry, M-F flex hours, East Tampa, 664-1786.
Paradise Lakes Resort now hir-ing servers, cocktail servers, bar-tenders, front desk clerk, massage therapist & maintenance person-nel. Apply within, 2001 Brinson Rd Lutz, Mon-Fri 10-4.
Personal Trainers needed for rapidly expanding fitness studio. Must be fit, energetic, experi-enced. Great opportunity! Call Dan @ 813-960-9200.
PT Technology Business Devel-opment job opportunity. 10-20 flex hours per/week. $8/hr+bonus. Call Peter @813-936-3200 x225.
Realtor Assistant, flexible PT 15-20/hrs weekdays, $9.50/hr. Need excellent computer skills: Outlook, Photoshop, Word, Pub-lisher, etc. Detail oriented person able to learn quickly. Call Beverly Jordan @962-0631.
Sales Help Wanted. Apply in per-son at the International Mall, Artisans, Suite 213. 937-304-9558
The next TECH REVOLUTION is HERE..DON’T MISS OUT!! VOIP Global Phone Service (Internet Phone Communications). Own your own GLOBAL INTERNET PHONE COMPANY called HYPERFONE. The PERFECT College Business. FREE Business Briefing at
The UPS Store P/T, keyboard skills, customer service required. Afternoons, 20+hrs, training provided. E-mail resume to:
Valet Attendants. Excellent cust svc skills required. Daytime hours, excellent pay+ tips daily. Call Mike 1-888-463-1954, x110.
Valet Positions. Looking for PT athletic, responsible, outgoing people for Clearwater, St. Pete. $8-12/hr. 727-726-2004
Veterinary Clinic seeks Recep-tionist and/or Assistant to be avail-able mornings, evenings, Satur-days. Call 988-8880.
Child Care
Babysitter Part-Time for infant Tuesday & Thursday 9-4. Nursing or Education major preferred. Ref-erences. Contact Shelley 813-972-2550.Babysitter PT, Citrus Park area. Mon, Tues 3-7:15pm, Thurs 1:30-6:30pm. References required. Call 221-5796.
Babysitter/Nanny PT, nights/ weekends, possible days. South Tampa near Bayshore, exp and references required. 831-7794
Childcare/Homework helper for 9yo girl. Lake Mag area. Flexible after-school hours. References needed. 813-508-5303
Real Estate
New Homes $149,900, 3/2/2 1500sf, maintenance free. Off Livingston 3 miles from USF. 866-7166, 727-804-3132Apts. & Houses for Rent
1 Bedroom in a 3/2 House, fur-nished. Pool, maid, everything in-cluded. 5miles/USF. No/deposit, $550/mo. 758-16682 Bedroom Condo, USF area. W/D, screened-in patio. $650/mo. 813-988-4179
2 Rooms Available, 3BR/2BA house, Temple Terrace, pool. $300-$375 w/bath & utilities. DSL included. 980-2276
Brand New House, rooms for rent. 3/2 plus W/D. 5 minutes from USF. 972-7717. $425.
Condos for Rent. 1/1 & 2/2 from $600/mo. Near USF on shuttle route. W/D+more. 985-8718
MOVE-IN SPECIAL $200-off 1st month for USF stu-dents. 2BR/1BA-quiet neighbor-hood, from $525 & $585+deposit. 813-985-3478
Pack Your Bags, move to Para-dise. 1/2 off 1st full months rent. Roommate style housing. 813-632-3765
River Oaks Condos, 1BR in 2BR/2BA. $500/mo everything incld. 3 miles/USF. Gated/guarded community. Call 813-469-1802.
Room for Rent, Sweetwater Oaks subdivision. $425/mo, utilities in-cluded, furnished. 220-7513
Apts. & Houses to Share
1BD/1BA $415. Female non-smoking. Includes all utils + cable. Please call Fay 813-495-2176.2 Roommates Needed @ Hunt-ers Green 3BR-2BA condo, 1/3Util, $400 Room. First Month free. Call 235-3766.
2BR/2BA Townhomes Roommates Wanted 813-972-2507
Female roommate needed. Apt available Nov 1st. 2BR/2BA, $340/mo includes free water, ca-ble, W/D. On shuttle route. (Sub-lease for 8 mos). (813)843-9974
Female Roommate to share house in Hunter’s Green, New Tampa. Utilities included, $500/mo. Call 813-505-9821.
Large Bedroom Available. $280/mo. Shuttle to USF. W/D. 813-417-1625 Sublease
Collegiate Hall Female sublease. 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA. $499/mo, new lease $525. Available ASAP! 813-558-8160, Robyn.Jefferson Commons Male Sub-lease. 1BR in 3BR/3BA, upgraded hardwood flrs, cathedral ceilings. $430/mo. Adam (708)653-1637.
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Celtic TapestriesPerfect for Walls, Beds, Tables, Curtains, Etc. Many Designs, Sizes, Colors Available. www.mithrasshield.comDigital Cameras, TV’s & more! Police seized property from $10! For info call 1-800-747-9372 ext-P217.
Bed $110, Queen plush top. Brand new in plastic. Can deliver. 813-870-0070Bed $85. Brand new full-size mat-tress set, still in plastic, w/warran-ty. 813-870-0070. Can deliver.
Bedroom Set, $499. Brand new, still in box. Sofa & Loveseat, $475. Brand new, must sell. Can deliver. 813-870-0070
Top Grain Italian leather Sofa & Loveseat. New, still in plastic. $895. Can deliver. 813-870-0070
Autos for Sale
’93 Toyota Camry, 150,000miles, cold A/C, new tires, fair condition. $2,300 OBO. 813-389-987294 Saturn SL2 $1400 OBO. Auto-matic, exterior: red, interior: grey. A/C, Kenwood CD player, good condition. Call: (813) 503-9015.
HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-747-9319 ext. 7453.