Classifieds 9/15
BRING YOUR BIBLE and some friends when you visit Christ’s Chapel (Bearss/Livingston) this Sunday!COME THIS SUNDAY to Christ’s Chapel (Bearss/Livingston) and hear what God is saying today!
GRADUATE ASSISTANTS UNION MTG!09/17/2004 2:00-4:00pmDetails in 09/15 Oracle!All GA’s Welcome
Relax body & mind, improve Health well-being with Tai Chi. Class starting
WANTED: CHRISTIAN SOLO-ISTS for special Sunday services. Serve Jesus and receive a mone-tary gift! (977-3333)
Instruction, Schools
Make Big $$$Become a Poker DealerEarn $800-1200/week while getting a degree. 813-785-9956Events
HALLOWEEN GEAR – do you want the best deals? Go to Gray’s College Bookstore.Travel Opportunities
Spring Break 2005 with STS, America’s #1 Student Tour Opera-tor. Hiring campus reps. Call for group discounts. Info/reservations 1-800-648-4849 www.ststravel.comService Offered
A-Professional Private Tutoring Calculus, Algebra, Finite, Liberal-Arts Math, Statistics, Research Methods, CLAST, GRE, LSAT, GMAT, SAT Charlotte 987-2440Charisma Hair & Nail Studio, 7227 N Nebraska Ave, full service salon, now hiring. 237-4837
Eye Exams, Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, USF Discounts Walk-ins WelcomeFor Eyes Optical2201-E.Fowler Avenue813-972-1573
I sell junk, your junk on eBay. …or call 813-546-9625. Turn your junk into BEER money!
Laser Hair RemovalSummer Special$50 – Any AreaFor appointment call 997-0866
Need help with… statistics, re-search design, evaluation/experi-mental design, publication/thesis? DataBase ER, Inc. 8(A) approved by US Small Business Administra-tion. Phone: 813-831-1381 or Email:
PRECIOUS NAILS1908 E.Fletcher Ave Acrylic Nails Special Gel Nails-$28.00Free Airbrush Waxing/Spa Pedicure(813)972-9325
Resumes, Term Papers, Notary Services by appointment. 813-977-8954
TOTAL HAIR CARE SALONRelaxer-$45 w/trim & deep conditionerQuickWeave-$60 Wash&Roller Set-$25Fusion Air ExtensionUlanda/766-5764
Voice Lessons. Sing like a pro. All levels. All styles. Special USF rates. Call 813-774-4681.
WINDOW TINT $49.99 &up. Car Alarms $79.99 installed. Lowering Springs $100.00 set. Alarms, ETC. 813-971-5950
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.ACTIVIST JOBS MAKE A DIFFERENCE!Clean Water Action, one of the nations largest environmental or-ganizations is NOW HIRING! Join a progressive workplace to protect the environment and democracy. Learn grass roots organizing and fundraising. Work out-doors and make a difference. $370/week, PT/FT. (813)
Be your own boss, work your own hours. Low investment. (888)
Cell Phone Sales Rep’s Wanted!!! 10 Sales Positions Available Free Training High Commissions 727.399.3637
Childcare Workers Needed, work in private homes. All areas and hours available. References needed. 672-2232
COMMUNITY SUPPORT CENTERNetwork Area Worker (PT)–Transport clients on recreational outings, part-time, flexible evening hours, ideal for students who would like to get experience in the psychology field (Mental Health). High School diploma; Valid State of Florida Driver’s License. Hours are 4-10pm, Tuesdays & Thurs-days, hours may vary on Fridays. Salary is $7.70 per hour.Peer Assistant (PT)–Person with strong interest in Mental Health; able to drive clients to and from appointments and relate interac-tions via written documentation. Social outings and home visits are part of the duties. Valid Florida Driver’s License with a good driv-ing record. Flexible schedule, 20 hours a week, Monday thru Friday and possibly some weekends. Salary is $7.70 per hour. Please forward resume or apply in person to: Northside Mental Health Center, Human Resources Dept, 12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa, FL 33612. Fax (813)972-3886/ EOE
FALL OPENINGSGood pay. Ideal for students. No exp nec. Conditions apply.All ages 18+. Cust sales/svc.
Front Desk PT/FT, all shifts. Exp preferred. Apply in person, Rama-da Inn, Temple Terrace. 985-8525
Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!
Governess/Tutor/Mentor for 6th grade, home-schooled, LD/ADHD girl in NE St. Pete. Special ed ex-perience/education preferred. 10-30 hours/week. 727-822-7212
Leasing Agent. Must work week-ends & have flexible schedule. $8/hr. Apply at Windridge Apart-ments, 14301 Bruce B Downs Blvd. No calls please.
Loan Originators Needed$2,000-$3,000/mo potential PT. No exp needed. Full training pro-vided. No licenses required. Earn while you learn. 813-277-4363
Local Broadcast/Advertising Company seeks voice talent. Read scripted messages over the phone for our clients, $25/hr. Email for audition & instructions.
Looking for motivated Business major for commercial Real Estate Management company. Growth opportunity. FT preferred. Apply in person 9-4, Mon-Fri, 10931 North Dale Mabry.
Make $100,000 in 2 years. PT work, 10 hrs/week. 969-1839
Olive Garden now hiring Servers. Apply in person, 2801 E Busch Blvd, Mon-Thurs 2-4pm.
ORGANIZE ME!! Looking for super-organized, de-pendable person to help me get organized & stay organized with my paperwork & around the house. May include running er-rands. 813-300-3300
Part-Time Help/Flexible Hours. Service Company Call Center. Days, Nights & Weekend posi-tions available. 813-620-1666 x205.
PART-TIME WORKGreat pay. Resume builder. Work around classes.Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call now.
PHP Programmer for music web-site. Graphics, content, prototype complete. Ready to code. or 813-914-8696.
Political Campaign Work! Mobilize voters in massive voter education and Get-Out-The-Vote operation in the upcoming elections. $8/hr, Part-time jobs/internships available for largest grassroots organization working for Progressive Change. America Coming Together813-350-9007;
Preschool & After-school age Teachers, FT/PT. 985-0019
Pro Shop Attendant Afternoon shifts, $6.50/hr. Temple Terrace Country Club. Please call 988-2601.
Professional, fun office environ-ment. Friendly, outgoing CSR’s needed. $8.50/hr, 401K, medical benefits. Urgent Office 988-0308.
Property Attendant needed for apt comm. Must work 9pm-5am. $8/hr. Apply at Windridge Apts, 14301 Bruce B Downs Blvd. No calls please.
PT OPENINGS, car stereo instal-ler or office assistant. Employee Discounts. Flexible hours. Alarms, ETC. 813-971-5950
PT/FT Proof Operators needed for Tampa Operations Center. Must have 10 key proficiency. Call 727-524-4545.
Residence Inn by Marriott in the Westshore area is hiring for front desk, evening & weekend shifts. $7.75/hr. Call Terri @877-7988 ext-5160.
Sales Representatives, National Call Center. Sales exp a must. Flexible shifts. Email resume to
Self Defense Instructors needed PT evenings. Must have car. Call Melanie 964-8805.
Software Customer Support. MIS or CIS. Students preferred. Located on Harbour Island. $12.00/hr, PT/FT. Send resume to
South Pole Smoothies, Univ Mall hiring non-smoker. $7/hr+tips. Weekends, job exp required. P/U application @store.
Tutor Needed, 4th grade Ad-vanced Math & writing skills. Must be motivating & available Mon & Wed, 3-4pm. $25/hr. 979-7032
UPS Store, Tampa Palms needs pleasant & Happy personalities for 20-25 hrs. 632-7969
Vet Technician for Equine Hosp in Brandon. PT weekends. Horse exp required. Call Rosemary (813)643-7177.
Veterinary Clinic seeks Recep-tionist and/or Assistant to be avail-able mornings, evenings, Satur-days. Call 988-8880.
Child Care
Nanny wanted in New Tampa. 3yo & 6mo. Hrs flexible. 971-0581PT Help with picking up kids from school & light housekeeping. Must have car. 813-714-3692
PT Nanny Wanted. Exp/refs required. Patience, love of chil-dren and good attitude a must. 813-968-2449
Real Estate
*Refinance*Receive your cash fast! 7 busi-ness days to close! Perfect credit, Bad credit and bankruptcy. Call Eve 813-966-0735.New 3BR/2BA/1CG $152,900. Great room floor plan. Call Judy Hunter 813-493-8793, Casa Fina Realty.
Apts. & Houses for Rent
1 Bedroom in a 3/2 House, fur-nished. Pool, maid, everything in-cluded. 5miles/USF. No/deposit, $550/mo. 758-16682 Bedroom Condo, USF area. W/D, screened-in porch. $650/mo. 813-988-4179
2/2 Condo, Terrace Palms on 50th St. W/D, $650/mo, $300/dep. Avail 9/8. 813-230-4904
2Bed/2Bath Condo$695/month, no deposit! On USF Shuttle route, minutes from cam-pus. Call 1-813-404-6932.
3/2 Remodeled Condo $360/Room or $1,080/Condo per/mo. On 42nd St Shuttle route, 1/blk USF. 972-3916
Attention: Faculty2-story 3BR/2.5BA house for rent. New A/C, tile, fenced-in back yard. Temple Terrace. $1100/mo + deposit. Available Oct. 984-9164
Brand New House, rooms for rent. 3/2 plus W/D. 5 minutes from USF. 972-7717. $425.
Roommate needed, 2bd/2ba condo North Oaks, $450/mo includes everything. Call Sean 813-866-0380/407-446-5360.
Waterfront Townhouse Room/ Bathroom for rent thru April for 1 person. $450/mo includes utilities. 748-5919
Apts. & Houses to Share
2 Roommates Needed @ Hunt-ers Green 3BR-2BA condo, 1/3 Util, $400 Room. USF Parking Paid For. Call 235-3766.2 Rooms Available in 3BR/2BA house at Hunter’s Green, New Tampa. $499/mo, utilities+cable included. 813-505-9821
2 Rooms Available. $260 and $280 for XL and regular room. Shuttle to USF. 813-417-1625
Beautiful Lutz House, 3/2/2, Great neighborhood, $450, utils incl. Pool, pool table, W/D. (813)300-4210
Female Roommate to share 2BR/2BA @Preserve. Non-smok-er, no pets, prefer graduate, 15mins from USF. (831)631-9660
Female Roommate(s). Neat, fun, responsible. Large pool/jacuzzi home near 275 & Bearss, furn/un-furn. $400-$450+. 813-728-3578
Female to share new house 5 mi-nutes from campus. $450 includes utilities, DSL, W/D. 244-4303
Looking for female non-smoker to share 2BR/2BA apartment in Carlton Arms. Approx $400/mo. 813-978-6344
Lutz area. Room for rent in 4BR house, live w/elderly lady. $350-all incld. 20mins/USF. 813-300-3300
Mature/Personable Roommate, share spectacular, large 2BR Condo. Private bathroom inside bedroom!! Like new!! 2 minutes from campus, excellent neighbor-hood!! $439+1/2 electric, internet. Randy 813-989-9869
Roommate Needed, quiet 2BR Condo, Rainforest Manor near USF. Available now. $445/mo. Jean 546-9686, 831-9130.
Roommates needed to share 4BR/2.5BA house in New Tampa. Lots of amenities! $400/mo+utils. Call 813-728-5615.
Wanted: Female roommate to share apt in Lakeview Oaks. $420/mo+utilities. Available now. Furnished 2BR/2BA. Contact Nikki 813-748-6051. Sublease
Avalon Heights-1Br in 4Br/4Ba-Male sublease until 7/31/04. On shuttle route-free cable/phone/in-ternet. $495/mo-Sept paid. 727-458-7493(a.m.) 727-786-2826(p.m.)Breckenridge 1BR in 3BR. $435/mo includes rent + utilities + wireless internet. Great room-mates. 813-476-2792
Breckenridge Apartment. 3 bed-room apartment, one room availa-ble, female. Utilities included, $435. (727)868-6395
ROOM TO SUBLEASE! Jefferson Commons 1BR in furnished 4/2. Utilities, cable, internet. $380/mo. 813-731-2764
Tenant Needed-Collegiate Hall. 4BR/4BA, free cable, utilities, wireless internet. Only $365/mo. 380-2559
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Celtic TapestriesPerfect for Walls, Beds, Tables, Curtains, Etc. Many Designs, Sizes, Colors Available. www.mithrasshield.comPlaystations and Xbox! Police seized property from $10.00! For info call 1-800-747-9372 ext P217.
Bed $110, Queen plush top. Brand new in plastic. Can deliver. 813-870-0070Bed $85. Brand new full-size mat-tress set, still in plastic, w/warran-ty. 813-870-0070. Can deliver.
Bed $90, plush Queen mattress set. New in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. (813)380-6021
Bedroom Set, $499. Brand new, still in box. Sofa & Loveseat, $475. Brand new, must sell. Can deliver. 813-870-0070
Top Grain Italian leather Sofa & Loveseat. New, still in plastic. $895. Can deliver. 813-870-0070
Autos for Sale
’93 Ford Mercury Topaz. 4dr, au-tomatic, 188K. Runs without prob-lems. New battery. $500 OBO. 813-476-2792HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-747-9319 ext. 7453.